Tuesday, November 08, 2005

See Karen the Zouk girl again

Yesterday, Karen the girl I meet from Zouk call me to go out again. She fucking chiong queen man. When we fuck off from Zouk that night, she promise to show me her other earring.

We go her place and she tear off all my clothes. Drink so much can still so hiong. Must be she can drink a lot one. She saw my horse and shout like very happy puppy.

I think I am going to like you very much, Rocky dear, she said, you really are a Rock!

Then she also take off her clothes and she said now you can see where my other earring is.

KNNBCCB it is in her cheebye!!!!

Where got woman put earring in cheebye one!!!

It is for sex pleasure she said.

Your pleasure or my one? I ask.

Mine, she laugh, but I got one more pierce place for you to enjoy too.

She stick out her tongue and show me got one earring inside.

That one lagi shiok for me. I no need to tell you why. Shiok for many time that night.

She is study science one, she told me. Got those what life science degree from oversea. I said what lan cheow thing is life science? I ask is it the cut frog that subject, she said something like that.

She say like Singapore want to be medicine centre of the world, so those make medicine company will come here and make their medicine like viagra and invent new super-viagra (I no need this kind of thing, my horse can sedia long long hard hard hahahahaha!!!!).

So she thought study this cut frog subject can do this life science line. But she now jobless and looking new job.

I said how come you got degree in this science but no job?

She told me fuck lah, life science is only those want to do phd (I think is those even more high degree) then got job one. Normal degree people got no job in this line one because the KNN medicine company only want the can study germs those kind of phd degree people.

And the other type of job in this line is check the science machine one, this kind diploma also can do, no need degree. So she and her normal life science degree friends lan lan lor.

Now she doing some part time job for her friend, she said. Her life science give back to her school liao.

But I told her never mind, she can be phd of studying how to play my horse and she laugh.

So she call me again yesterday, ask me want to go out? Go and eat, club and fuck.

Wah. This degree girl very straight. Just come out and say.

Rockson like, hahahahahaha!!!!

Talk about kena fuck, I think the Opposition in Singapore should just join PAP. PAP have their golden horse award show can use free Police. Opposition have their own show must apply and pay Cisco.

Raymond say of course lah. If you is the 99.999999% gahmen, you sure must get free police for your show. Wait terrorist bomb all the come from backside door minister liao Singapore then we have to vote for new gahmen how? Like this is very inconvenient for Singaporean one.

If you are Opposition, and terrorist come and bomb your show, only Hougang and Potong Pasir will got no MP. Hahahahahaha!!!

I heard Singapore going to have no poor people anymore. Gahmen giving out one-fuck bonus. Give you feel good one time then you will forget the last four year you no job and everyfuckthing get more and more expensive.

Lao Lee plant his every year tree time, he say our economy very promising. I also say. Promise this promise that, promise promise promise. Cheebye.

Never mind, last time election they very promising good economy also, in the end we four years kena the most puacheeybye jobless time of the Singapore history. BUT! It is Sars kena make the economy bad, ok? Sars fault hor. Not gahmen fault.

This time they also very promising good economy, so Singaporean all must be happy like fuck. Ah Seng look at me when I told him Lao Lee say his promising, and he said wah yay and spit on the floor.

Tell me when the promising come true hor, he say.

Newspaper say life is become good what, so must be true. Singapore newspaper is number one in Singapore, number 140 in the world. But Lao Goh (so is he plant the peanut tree?) got say, Singapore is very special one. People say we freedom of newspaper is last of the world we fuck care them! We don't need have freedom of newspaper. Got one good virgin cheebye clean gahmen can already.

Newspaper in Singapore no need to report those not happy things one. Like this is not help country. Just need to be guai guai can already. Don't say those make Singapore people angry things. Left hand look like write about the real thing, right hand carry the gahmen lampa.

Must help no job no money Singapore worker be happy and sing song. This call the help country newspaper.

Lan cheow ok?

Anyway after Karen call me I meet her in town. She bring me to this shop, outside got many design. I ask her what kind of shop is this? She said don't worry, it won't pain one.

I said pain? What pain? You bring me come here do what thing?

She laugh and tell me, I think your horse will look very nice if got earring.



Anonymous said...


J O H N N Y said...

ouch on ya horse. sheesh

moomooman said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

A 'Prince Albert' on the dick is a dangerous thing...

Anonymous said...

pro..pro..from sex become politics...

Anonymous said...

OEI KNN ...blog more often leh .. why you take so long to write one blog. You are only one of 2 person's blog i read u know .. u better feel honoured

Anonymous said...


DiDa said...

Wah Rockson! You blog liao sibei funny leh. I can jio you come out one time lim kopi boh?

On a more serious note, you sound like an ex colleague of mine who's a tech geek and who's name starts with A. Are you?

Da Froggie said...

Rockson, maybe can use ur DNA to create some really super horse...

Anonymous said...

WOO HOO - within top 20!!!!!!

Rockson Rocks v14gra

Anonymous said...

ROFL!! im top 11!! yay

Anonymous said...

must tell us ur earring experience ok! why u always talk halfway nowadays aiyo!

Anonymous said...

WOOT I'm 16th!
Wah Rockson why u can handle all topics ah? Sex and politics all same one. Either you fuck girl of Gahmen fuck your backside hahaha!!!
Keep it up man!

Anonymous said...

LOL wah karen like earring a lot sia.. later infected den ur horse retire how.

Anonymous said...

eh so got earring ur horse or not.. haha.. surely shiok sia... and i am top 20.. haha...

Anonymous said...

hahaha.. steady arh rockson, newspaper say singaporeans fuck only 73 times a year.. second lowest in the world. WE NEED MORE PEOPLE LIKE YOU!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Yi wei is GAY!!! TOP 30... YEAH!!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

This mingyao must be a damn bo liao person. Cut this rubbsih out. U ain't a kid no more....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Earring got diamond or not?

Anonymous said...

actually, i kinda disagree to the fact u said, life science is indeed becoming more and more important in this plagued world, and also Biomedical Engineering is not something that can be joke about, plz donot mix this with ur "come to singapore and make viagra " shit thinking together, i have no other objections to the other things you said but that part really pissed me off.

Rhythmzlogy said...

Ouch! This really looks like soft porn yeah? No.28

God... i dare not read this with my parents beside..

but i really want looking forward to rockson's post..

Anonymous said...

I waited so long for ur new posting - and this is rather dissapointing~

it is poorly wirtten ( like in a hurry ) - i cann tell - cause i did not even laugh once.

vulgarity doesnt not gurantee humor. wat happen? u need a blogging insparation - like tragedy in life

Wicked said...

yeah i'm the 31st

Anonymous said...

my horse biggest

John YS said...

go put one ring on your horse and let women play with it...

Anonymous said...

woot top 50

Cherub said...

this blog going more n more political liao....

Anonymous said...

later ur horse kena deflated lol

Tee Hedge Bee said...

So did u do it????!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Yeah i'm in top 40!

- Guy desperate to be in Top 10

Anonymous said...

The horse is back!!!

Anonymous said...

U watch too much porn le. But i agree tat u do hve a good imagination as u can come up w such a Zouk-Karen Story Which poly u from? i can vaguely guess yr backgrd le. This is interesting

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

finally got the aftermath of the previous time!

and you actually deleted a comment? hmmm

kev said...

Kool!! Keep blogging k!! Dun spend too much time with Karen and pan se us k? wahaha

Anonymous said...

Hee...Rockson got pierced dick!! Way to go, man!!! Show us photo of your pierced horsie, ok? Hope you choosed diamond...

Anonymous said...

Rockson arh,blog oni half way nia... Read also not funny,i everytime sian,i go and read ur blog wan leh... but then hor that karen like to pierce sia,but hor pierce ur horse a bit dangerous sia... I number 45 arh...

Anonymous said...

Goh Chok Tong said this.
Taken from a mag, "A free press by Western standards does not always lead to a clean and efficient government."
Tell him to go to hell , no wonder Singaporeans can't voice out their discontent and people dare not to actually criticise the government for fear of being caught for creating trouble. So in other words, people have a lot of frustrations bottled inside of them. Like Rockson said, government cheebye must be clean, or we will be shot. Singaporeans are stupid.

Anonymous said...

I have left Singapore for a long time. Trust me... a free press does not equal to clean government. Singapore government is not perfect but it is almost there.

Anonymous said...

Thrust your backside, u want?

Anonymous said...

good one, no.49 =P

Anonymous said...

good one, no.49 =P

Anonymous said...

hey rockson can i see your lengendary horse. Lov to play with it haha

Anonymous said...

To anon Tuesday, November 08, 2005 11:21:10 PM

Perfect only bcos no one is there to report bad things leh...

U think other places F up bcos gt press report alot of bad things.

But if press onli report all good thing, then got bad things you also dunno ok...

Preception is not equal to reality can.

Anonymous said...

That must've hurt?

Anonymous said...

spot on man, rockson...so true.

first day in uni, the lec tell us - change ur major! dun do lifescience! if dun get at least masters sure waste time one! my prof tell me, if grad with just bachelors i better look for other avenues of work outside of lifesciences?

puaaaahhhh sian...basic bachelor's cannot get a job in the lifescience industry lah. at the most work in sales and sell DNA to labs etc. study so long, waste so much time in the labs pippette pippette sai den come out be salesman?!?

confirm no research work or anything else thatwould require my 3yrs of slogging memorizing and vomiting out shit bout dunno what bloody kok protein...wanna ask ur kids to take up lifescience? CAN, but make sure can get pHD then it'll be good money. If not sure can get pHD but still wanna be involved in lifesciences, then, what people don't know is that chemistry is a major component of the lifescience industry, and now it's in short supply because number of lifescience undergrads outnumber chem undergrads. what the drug companies need is not basic lifescience degree holders, but chem degree holders!

and to anon:
"actually, i kinda disagree to the fact u said, life science is indeed becoming more and more important in this plagued world, and also Biomedical Engineering is not something that can be joke about, plz donot mix this with ur "come to singapore and make viagra " shit thinking together, i have no other objections to the other things you said but that part really pissed me off."

u must be a bioengine student. pls lah, which hole u hiding in? i guess u must be one of those pHDs to be so can be so arrogant lah? look, i know your memory very good, but pls use the rest of your brain can? pple are not happy with being unable to find a job after graduation with a basic degree becuz of all the lab hours needed to be put in, all the stress, all the school fees and misc charges, and the opportunity cost of being a fulltime student!

wah lao, if i knew bout this when i was in first year, i would've joined arts and enjoy and eternal 3 day week dun have to spend so much time in labs and churning out lab reports....

so if u think about it, u dun really make use of what u learn in school if u dun go into the industry u studied for - sad fact of life. but yah. but the pt is the media keep promoting lifescience like dman hohsay like that. it's true!

ITE poly uni all got lifescience.

if only pHD can be researcher, poly wash testtubes, ite maintain lab....then bachelors zuo-simi-sai? blow dry the test tubes ah?

don't talk so high and mighty (disease plague world means need to look for new drugs what woot? dun be so uptight and anal over the word viagra can? everyone get the gist of it you cannot?) what rockson has to say is really on the money - what matters to the everyday man is making a living. pple like you that plague our country just pisses me off.

- testtube sparkler

Anonymous said...

can i know how old r u.. wat u working as now?

Anonymous said...

Aper Ini. Ur sayang not bad ar. Play with ur horse! My sayang always say she tired!

Anonymous said...


Mr Lee said...

Just be careful dude. There's no such thing as a free lunch. Whether it's frictional or not, I hope you didn't really weld in a horseshoe down there.

F¡яєвџяN said...

Ring on ur horse..fucking pain but fucking shiok for the CB haha

Anonymous said...

he was just joking.

Lalalalala said...

WAHAHHAHAA yr horse will look cool with a earring indeed especially when u pee and other guys look over LOL!

Anonymous said...

very true..just wit basic degreein life science is useless. i got many friends work more than 5-7 years liao still earn less than 3k. The most is sales in lifescience, maybe starts to sell some lab ware but work longer and go to mnc and become managers, sales directors. But this is very slim chance esp in sin.
Very true on the previous writer about must do at least phD and chemistry grad is more in more demand in pharmaceuticals. Very very agree and i believe many life science degree holder would node their head thru out....
Many of my friends who grad from science are 70% out science envir and those still in labs like nus or a*star still some lab tech and hantataki there except if u go on to do a phD.

Anonymous said...

put metal ball la
more shokie

Anonymous said...

"plz donot mix this with ur "come to singapore and make viagra " shit thinking together"

wow, "act so smart", you think rockson blog is straits times is it? I am one of those very educated, I suggest you go read some 'PhD' blog. Rockson's blog is for killing time and heartfelt barrage of thoughts, not meant for your educated logic. I'm sure Rockson like everyone understands how important life science is la! But this is his blog and he deserves to just give off a barrage of illogical thoughts, like saying pple come to sg, make viagra. If you want logic on how important life science is - go read newspaper la, everyday, they will worship lifescience w everything logically written! don't come here and say Rockson what shit thinking (i get very pissed off!~). And since "shit thinking" sounds educated, I don't need to tell you how important viagra is (jokes aside). It affects thousands of marriages, pple self-confidence etc. Wow lau eh! Rockson, talk viagra only - also complaint!

Anonymous said...

Hey you make my day brighter

Anonymous said...

kaoz.... i stunned lorh.. this kind of degree girl, lao eh!

孺子牛 said...

no horse run!!!

Anonymous said...

"Got those what life science degree from oversea". Many a parent have sent their children overseas to study, know why? Because they got rejected by local univ for poor Mandarin grades! And the bloody joke is that while the MIW continues to ram Mandarin down our throats, the mainland Chinese are busy learning English! Just ask anyone who travels to China for business!

JackFrost said...

I smell an election coming.

Anonymous said...

nice one, testtube sparkler.

Anonymous said...

Fancy a Life sciences graduate, drifting for a bimbo life as getting a relevant job is difficult. And Rockson having an animal organ change from a horse to an Ox !

Anonymous said...

You bloody comedian! You really should do podcast, man :)

Anonymous said...

Great stuff. Right on the money again.

Anonymous said...

Hi dear...phew...you've finally written..i was about to turn moldy sitting here anticipating your next blog :)

That "peanut tree" caption was cute. Next time if you need to verify if someone is a Sporean, just have to mention pricey peanut and see his reaction.

wah...your horse merlion so many times....are your legs still wobbly?? :p

Glad you kept your horse in its original state. More yummy! Haha....

missy ya...
write more often..
don't let me get moldy eh ;)

Anonymous said...

Hi Rockson,

I think what you said abt the jobless situation in Singapore is very true. I got my Masters from NUS and for 6 months, I can't find a job in Singapore. With many manufacturing industries moving out of Singapore, I think the future of Singapore looks bleak. I think I got to look into China mkt for jobs liao. Stay in Singapore think sell backside hole lar!

Anonymous said...

Your blog is hilarious! You obviously have very expressive language. Your appropriate punctuation marks reveal that you probably have a good command of the language and the way you told your stories is very indicative of your critical perspective about life and stuff.

: )

But keep it that way, its funny!

Anonymous said...

woot. #80

Anonymous said...

rockson confirm he bluff a lot of things in his blog...fictional stuff he's blogging

Bertrand Lim said...

Haha... how come you dont tell us what happened after she ripped off the clothes. Next Episode? Hee hee

Anonymous said...

wahahahhaaaa,,the last part damn funny man
more updates !!

Anonymous said...

I am very worried about his horse at the rate it's going. From strong horse to glamour horse with earring. What's next? Dead horse?

Anonymous said...

yay!! top 100!!!

Anonymous said...

wei.. day dream again huh.. hahaha.. got time drink kopi leh..

Anonymous said...

haha... you are damn funny. keep it up and rock on bro!

Anonymous said...

bro.. well done, i like ur speech !! but dun get urself into trouble ok?

Anonymous said...

Im the brother of ROckson !


Anonymous said...

Ouch.. the piercing must be painful..


Anonymous said...

eh rockson. u not scared pple report u to mata meh?

Anonymous said...

aiyo so u got poke poke horse not?

=) said...

I have a hard time believing that he's really gonna pierce his member..

Anonymous said...

hey sarongpartygirl puts another picture up with nipples go check it out!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey sarongpartygirl puts another picture up with nipples go check it out!!!!

Anonymous said...

hey sarongpartygirl puts another picture up with nipples go check it out!!!!

Joseph said...

i read your blog.
this time i must leave a comment.

the post is Fanta-Bulous!

Anonymous said...

NIce post..POst often leh..-.-

ruz~* said...

*is dissapointed with her life science degree now. Free toilet paper, who want?

Anonymous said...

XL here woohoo! 100th

Anonymous said...

umm.. u do know that oral sex is illegal rite...?

Anonymous said...

When, in a kampong of 100,000, only a stoopid man is zuo bo-ing, that is his own problem, and we tell him to go f**kin wake up his own idea. But when in a nation of 5 million people, 20000 people cannot find job, that is an BIG issue hoh, and u wanna settle by poking 20000 people's arse?! siao!!

Anonymous said...

I really like you alot. Will you be my bf? I promise to treat your horse nice nice. :)

Anonymous said...

oral sex is illegal meh? Who told u one? When ppl have sex sure close door wad who the hell know what they doing in the room.

Sexual Innuendo said...

Sounds like you having some kinky fun with karen. Hope to hear more about you and her.

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

i saw his horse, i'm damn high and happy. Girl would defintely like this shioking feeling. Dear Rockson, love ur horse very much. Well he didt pierce his horsey lor, chicken it out. say what scare the people shoot his balls. then that it. become men like the recent gigaloo movie. he is so gentle with me. do finish still ask pain or not. i'm beginning to love him. Horny girl like me would like more. any takers?

Anonymous said...

OMG,this fu**** have juz make this page big big... Oei,stop that lah,read until si beh kan pain... Put ur name lah,or else stop typing http://rockson.blogspot.com lah... Wah lan eh,wat the duuuu.... Support the government can already wat,no nid to be like that... I know government good but then no nid to be like that wan mah... Karen,got ur own blog or not???

Anonymous said...

bradder rockson, you are very right. lim pei in bioscience chuay bo kang. b.sc become toliet paper and go sell citibank credit card.

Newspaper too much, lie to everyone in the country. Wonder when are the people going to see emperor lee not wearing clothes.

sÞ¡ηηєє said...

hahaahh sounds good leh ur sessions ;)

it's gonna hurt a lot to pierce anything around those areas O_O

Anonymous said...

Nah Bei, Rockson @!!! You Got put the earring on your lan cheow or not ??!!! Basket, i put small marble on my hose even more pain than put earring one !! Anihow put kena genggreen than you noe !!! Hahahaha !!! If you kena, sure your horse becum pony one !!! Haahhahaahhaha.....

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Rockson, you're seriously hilarious. I enjoyed reading every single entry, but the last 2 were tops!!

Keep it up! ;)

Anonymous said...

lol. wtf. careful guy since your horse so damn thick the earring might not be able to pierce through and get stuck there instead (:

Rhythmzlogy said...

LOL! The freaking spammer strikes back. Next time can write about him? Perhaps which one of us can track him down the system so we all can go say 'hello' to him.

Anonymous said...

Rocks, phd is not =high degree its Permament Head Damage!

Anonymous said...

PHD = Pierced Horse Dick

Anonymous said...

rockson! can update more iften or not? me at home sin leh.. den always check your blog everyday... den this post not nice to read one.. like do in a rush like dat.. wah lau eh... KNS!

Anonymous said...

Man i seriously don't mind to have my horse pierced for a PHD siol..

Anonymous said...

very funny meh the blog?

last time one more funny oo

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

are you serious?
ohmygod i don't believe i've ever had the misfortune of reading something like this

Anonymous said...


ignore those negative comments, u are doing fine. if they don't like it they can read somebody else's blog.

Jasper Chen said...

Ouchie. Nice twist at the end.

Anonymous said...

Fantastic ! how to do it with an earring obstructing there, Oh Rockson ! how to achieve firing when the piston travelling half way all the times ? About life science, Singaporeans are funny when Garmenh talk good about life science, many people just go and study not with their own interest, now you blame garmenh. In insurance also the same, garmenh say something about it everybodies go and buy, after that you come to claims and you realised you are a fool, then you jump again. However, we always think we are mature, maybe we are still sleeping. We need to wake up, think and decide properly to behold your own future.

Anonymous said...

I think you are cool and humorous.. but just relaz on the X rated stuff .. Luv your pieces on the stuff about the politics and NKF... .. :>

Anonymous said...

farking retard .

Anonymous said...

u are such a freak

Anonymous said...


Rockson Go Go Go !!

Anonymous said...


You're losing it.

Anonymous said...

hey rockson!

but i hope you'd update faster! heh.
please? (:

Anonymous said...

erection coming leh! wait gahmen break your horse then u know ah!

Anonymous said...

Rockson, do us a favor ok? Do make time to post more funny blogs of urs.

Anonymous said...

because there's people who spits, it comes about sars!
We can only blame ourselves I guess.
But i agree on the freedom issue.

Anonymous said...

well.. i believe that even inside your own bedroom, oral sex is illegal. just as poking backside is..

jyh said...

from horse can talk till science.
nt bad.

Anonymous said...

aiyah. as long as u dun get caught it's okay. i dun think people are gonna stop having oral sex at all.

I guess if u go and do it at east coast or sth and get caught, sure kena charge for indecent behaviour and having oral sex/poknig backside.

keep it in the bedroom lah! no police man is gonna come charging thru the door.

Anonymous said...

I think Youre gross, that's all. Bloody hell. Stop spoiling Singaporeans reputation la ASSHOLE.

INVS 2.0 said...

Please watch what you said about PAP government!

Vulgarity I don't care but please please show some respect to Mr.Lee and Mr.Goh.

Anonymous said...

Rockson Tan, I peirce one of my c**ks before...it's very painful. although my wife likes. - Decorated Willy

Anonymous said...

pierecdtonue lecih lah.eat kangkong and the veg gets wound up round the stud.fucked up.my bitch said eating her pussy with the added tongue stud no diff lah. body piercings for sexual enhancement is over rated. only people to gain out of it are the pierce shops owners in far east plaza. don't fucking believe te fucking hype. bez sex enhancement is still a kark that doesn't cum before the pussy does. trust me i bought the t-shirt too

Elvina aka LaoNiang said...

Disappointing post I agree...

But I do concur with the observation that the media in Singapore are merely propaganda tools. There will never be controversy. There will never be challenges to govt policies. There will never be unhappy sentiments.

Just good news, good news and more good news.

We are one big happy deluded family.

Anonymous said...

hot damn!!! you got such a willing girl.. gratz you sob=)

Anonymous said...

keep it up ..... more gahmen .... sex .... peanuts ..... old man li .....

josefyn said...

damn hiong leh that girl ;)suits you!

Ann Marie C said...

used to really enjoy rockson's blog entries, but seems that this entry is quite a disappointment. your 'horse' is old topic redi, not funny anymore. where's the depth u used to have? =( i want funnier entries! ;P

Anonymous said...

your horse now got 3 outlets!! wear condom maybe also will have stressful children already!!! you were warned........

Anonymous said...

GROSS GROSS GROSS. Just stop it alright? You're just like some disgusting pervert, You know? You have nothing better to do ah? Stop polluting everyone's mind la bloody hell.

Anonymous said...

You're too funny.

Anonymous said...

wah liao .. got ppl so boliao go count the number wat in the post wan ah ?

socute333 said...

so in the end you got pierce your horse or not???

Anonymous said...

boriaos +1 close ban

Anonymous said...

wah you lagi best, from sex to politics then back to your horse again, damn zhai

Yun Lei said...

hmmm....not very funny blog anymore...yup...stop tokin so much abt ur horse...so did u go pierce ur horse ant?/haha

Anonymous said...

Hahaha, I enjoy reading ur entries v much.

Anonymous said...

Rockson > Singapore

'Nuff said.

Anonymous said...

wei,wei....u on holiday ahh???why such a long break huh???losing your touch isssit???or still recuperating from your last encounter??? hope u will come back with something reallly humourous coz the last one wasn't funnneeee at all!!!

Anonymous said...

rockson!KNNCB!your blog is the fucking best la.lan ciao,i show urs to all my friends,they all say you damn lan funny weih.GET FRIENDSTER LA CHIBAI,THEN CAN WRITE YOU SOME TESTIMONIAL.THERE OSO GOT BLOG WAN

Anonymous said...

people who say their horse big, most prob very small.
thot that say they like rock, most prob soft as sponge

Anonymous said...

Rockson arh,faster blog new entry this entry until old already,blog more regular lah... Dying of boredom sia......... Faster gin put new entry !!!!

Anonymous said...

So u got pierce or not???u pierce ur horse stil can steam or not?he..he..he...rockson.mind comin over to me blog s'mtime??

Anonymous said...

Rockson,after "See Karen the Zouk girl" in 8th Nov, I guessed you must have gone for checkup that's why you have been silent for so long. Hey! not being macho like before man ! Don't tell me you have got your horse in to trouble, your readers sure to have concerns, not wanting to see you down but up.

boyorange said...

interesting er... vocabulary?
hahhah. it's a nice breakaway from the "pristine" environment we have :)

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Go stick that metal in your little bro, then show us the pics man ;)

Anonymous said...

rockson...type a new entry alady lah!so borin eh c ur tiz old post e'eday...n ur horsy iz such a ol topic alady lor!

Anonymous said...

blog more ofte leh on something interesting and hilarious!!

Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

Dear Rockson,

Hey, good guess! Election is coming..but when? Soon very soon..

Interested to noe what's the up-coming move from the Oppositions. Election is just like playing chess. Good brains, good strategy, good foresight - you will win.


ps: Dick head with ball-bearing? Ouch!

socute333 said...

faster leh write new post...

- JK - said...

No updates??

Anonymous said...

kana sai so late one ah. what r u waiting? waiting for your horse to heal first after the ring issue?

Candyfeehily said...

casual sex? eww eww ewww!

Anonymous said...

Horse is in ICU now....

Anonymous said...

oi my fav blogger die liao issit from the cock ring infection? tio gangrene drop off? why no update one!? come on man! cannot let ur fans down!

Anonymous said...

when is ur next blog?

Anonymous said...

did u get a piercing down there? ouch ouch ouch.

Anonymous said...

ya lor no update.. like the horse need some time to recover.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Anonymous said...

So what if hes a liar? At least hes not an attention seeker like you.

Why do u have to spam like a lame ass every time rockson post? Are you mentally sick? Are you one of those serial online pysco? I guess my questions are not important as your actions speak for itself.

Oh ya by spamming lame idiotic comments on other peoples webpage its also counted as a form of vandalism. And if we get your IP from your ISP and luanch a complain they could easily G line you too.

Better not test rocksons patient.

Anonymous said...

walao!! chao lamer, dun spam leh!! rockson!! blog pls!! 12 days already leh!!! Ur horse injured is it? or u too shagged to blog liao?

Anonymous said...

Wah lan KNNCCB,keep on spamming,c until head big big,headache leh... Keep on spamming how wait the comment get longer how?? NB, attention seeker,dun type rockson.blogspot.com in ur address bar lah...

Anonymous said...

You write ONE blog every 2 weeks??? I have been waiting for a long long time now!! Get off your butt!!

Evangion said...

And I never ever got laid by a girl in Zouk before, damn! LOL...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

rockson has his hands full with zouk girl, i think.

Anonymous said...

Rockson.. coming to month end leow.. I still din see you post anything yet.. what's happen?? Win 4D got to Las Vagas again???

Anonymous said...

poor horsey!!! i wish i can ride on ur horse but i heard IT is in ICU...is he ok? i wana buy some flowers n go visit him... or shall i buy some new earrings?! hahahaha

Anonymous said...

cb kia.. boh update meh? knnbccb!!

Anonymous said...

oh...i'm no. 200....

u know what...i think rockson's blog are all bullshits...

Anonymous said...

Even if its abit distorted, i still feel that he is the voice of singaporeans.

Anonymous said...

You writting a erotic story eh?

Anonymous said...

We the shitizens of Singapoor
Plagued, ourselves the benighted people

Anonymous said...

you are such a goddamn disgusting person. dont even know why people read your blog. go to hell.

Anonymous said...

go ahead squeal about his blog. u ppl are nothing. he has the freedom of speech and some of us are enjoying his escapades, whether it be fake or real. so to those who dislike reading his blog, fuck off.

Anonymous said...

Rockson, can you put the photographs of Durai, Matilda, Richard +++ on web, and write a program for users to throw darts at them. May be also the peanut woman.

Anonymous said...

Throw darts? They deserve MORE. Should throw 'sai' (shit) , rotten eggs at them. Since we can't do it in real life, do it in the cyberworld...