Diu! Who is this fucking chio ger?
Lawrence just send me this photo. Her name is Tin Pei Ling! He say it is new PAP candidate who is youngest to run in this year election! 27 years old only! Fucking chio man!
I don't know why she holding this paper bag from a brand call kate spade. Maybe she like gardening! I want to show her my spade also! My spade is call Horse!!! Hahahahahahahaha!
Just seeing her doing the kawaii sign I already steam. Then Lawrence send me this photo of her wearing her official PAP uniform!
knn! Even more sexy! I can tell she like her man to be fast, because she got the lightning badge on her chest! When I drive my baobei car, I am also fast as lightning!
And she even wear the white shirt with one button on top never button, lancheow tease or not! Hahahahahahahaha!!!!!
I find out she is in charge of the PAP internet department, and Lawrence say she intend to use "social media to reach out to the younger generation" in this coming election, "to build friendship online"!
This make me very excited because Lawrence show me her Twitter page. Wah! Her profile is got beach photo! Maybe even bikini kind!
But when I look for her Twitter name call @tinrina it is GONE!!! Fucking GONE! And her new Twitter account is LOCKED kind!
I see that lock I damn sian! Cheebye! How to build fucking friendship online like this?
But I am not scared. I already apply to be her friend on Twitter. I waiting for her to open her lock to let me come inside.
Come inside. Hahahahahahahahaha!
Temasick Review, the Wanbao of Internet Politics Blog, got publish these photo of her and some fat fuck. Nabei! Leave my Pei Ling alone! This cannot be her boyfriend! This kind of standard will never be able to be her man!
Lawrence tell me her husband is the private secretary of PM Mini-Lee and he is a 40 years old man. I don't know why she want to marry a man so fucking old and at the same time, got a girl job as a secretary.
Leave your old secretary husband and choose me, Pei Ling! My name is Rockson! And my Horse and me will vote for you! That is TWO VOTES! Hahahahahahahahahaha!
Lawrence just made this cute moving icon of idol for me. The pundek is so fucking solid with his puki computer when he is not watching his Japanese AV.
Right-click this link for the smaller version.
Nabei, I can fucking watch this for hours.
woot woot ask her stick her PAP badge on her head then she can become Harry Potter lor! Lagi zhun.
Rocksonnnn is back!!!
Aiyah. 3rd place. I think she is hawt too. I heard she is also very smart and very hawt. But I dun think she realise how jialat running for the PAP is going to be on her social life siah.
look like slim female version of William Hung only leh.. like that chio ah??????
yay! fucking waiting for your post for this!
wow... u rocks man. I'm not in any way related to Tin PL; i'm just a TR fan.
with your smelly mouth and words that comes out like shit; i wonder how you will feels if Tin PL is your family member and u get to read shit like this.
I hope u get to experience it too.
Wow... u really rock man...
I think the comments written here are quite unfair to Ms. Pei Ling. I was acquainted with her when I was still in JC and helping out in one of the projects at Ulu Pandan YEC, she is quite a nice person.
Perhaps you don't like the way her husband looks but it is her choice to marry whoever she wants to and some people are not so superficial and may choose to go for personality instead.
Just my two cents worth.
freedom of speech in the internet please. if you don't like what he's saying, don't read it. even after you've read it and you don't like it, suck it up like a man and keep protective comments to yourself.
Simply cannot understand why PAP is taking our country to be one big joke. Field this useless PLP girl.
Haven even been elected already talking bird. Say all the things that people dun want to hear. All the issues that we care about, she pretend it doesn't exist.
And when she finally acknowledges one problem, which is the ridiculously widening income gap, she says it is NOT THE RESPONSIBILITY of the government.
Knn Jiao wei. She just flash cb at clown prince's secretary then expect to earn million dollar salary. KNN PUI! Die also won't vote her.
Jerrie, she has proven herself completely incompetent and irrelevant as a politician.
And now she is looking to draw our taxpayers' money by the millions and blight our country with her incompetence and bird talk while doing so.
Doesn't seem very 'nice' of her.
U are a very cool and good writer, bro !!
Rockson, you is back!!! Mr Rockson I is a big fan of yours (your writing not horse). Since the General Erection is coming, I is hopes see you writing more often!
"the comments written here are quite unfair to Ms. Pei Ling" - huh?
Is it fair she will be riding into parliament even if she is not fit for office?
Is it fair for tax payers to "subsidize" her education in politics?
Is it fair that she is making a mockery of the electoral process?
If she is so "nice" she would not be hanging out with the mafia.
Exactly. Not 'nice' of her at all.
Jerrie, there are bigger bigs here than to mindlessly defend an acquaintance
Heard that she is pregrant, not sure how true?
Rockson!!!! RazorTv got an interview of her and the press asked her bout her comments on your posting of her.
nabei why your standard so low?
nabei you say standard low? nabei i say fat body go fat (but short) dick! nabei i say power hungry slut!
ha ha ha, wait anciously to meet you weekly at meet the people session. hope you
wahhh~! RocksooonnN! miss you and your horse la!! blog more often!!
Majulah PAP! Majulah TPL!
SSP supports you ALL THE WAY! You made us proud! You are the true daughter of Singapore. You will have my vote! You can count on me!!!
Count on me TPL,
Count on me TPL,
Count on me to give my best and more,
Together Singapore Singapore!
Together Singapore Singapore!
Together Singapore Singaporrrrreeeeeee!!!!
SSP aka TPL hardcore supporter
Crazy, What the fcuk are they doing. You think She can do anything for the people meh? Go and drink twenty more year milk. I will never support her. Luckily she is in Singapore PAP. Everything go liao jiao cover. You let her go to other countries election and try, one single mistake, you are gone. 27 years old still act like children. you need to have some peanut. She, even peanut also dont have. PAP, want some changes for the next generation, please lower down the all fcuking pricing, we are too tired living here. You think asking pretty girl to brain wash us, i dont buy this.
Crazy, What the fcuk are they doing. You think She can do anything for the people meh? Go and drink twenty more year milk. I will never support her. Luckily she is in Singapore PAP. Everything go liao jiao cover. You let her go to other countries election and try, one single mistake, you are gone. 27 years old still act like children. you need to have some peanut. She, even peanut also dont have. PAP, want some changes for the next generation, please lower down the all fcuking pricing, we are too tired living here. You think asking pretty girl to brain wash us, i dont buy this.
Rockson, you fucking cheebye lah. People like her you steam liao?
You must live overseas like me . I am in Europe where I got pretty ang moh cher bao to mast for me.(1st time when we meet)
You really desperate huh?
Rockson, you fucking cheebye lah. People like her you steam liao?
You must live overseas like me . I am in Europe where I got pretty ang moh cher bao to mast for me.(1st time when we meet)
You really desperate huh?
Be careful while you bonk her. She is a blood sucker and will suck all the money out of you. You need to have a job in top civil service to make sure you have enough $$$ to let her suck.
I also think her husband likes young girls, the younger the better.That's why she still have to act very young. I just wonder if she will try out the Xiao Tian Tian trick, with 2 pony tails and wear school uniform for her husband.....
In charge of the social media..internet dept? and use "social media to reach out to the younger generation" in this coming election, "to build friendship online"!
After the onslaught, she locks herself out? Typical PAP style, cower back behind the oldies for protection. As usual, talk only. Her actions conflicts with her talk.
The internet, social media is a free for all place, and looks like she is unable to take the heat or even manage such simple interactions online, and has to resort to the MSM for protection? to state her positions?
You can wait until "ti kern" for her to open her lock to let your "horse" in..... hahahhahaa
We should give her the benefit of doubt. This is an obvious plan to get the youth vote from younger voters bored with the older PAPers, and generate some buzz for the PAP Obama-style or SarahPalin-style. LHL has learnt from overseas n also his last election against the Hobbits in Mordor, that a youth element in his team can help and TPL is it.
If you all whack her too much you will actually help her get the SYMPATHY VOTE also, which used to be reserved solely for ChaimSeeTong.
The older voters will find her irrelevent, whether she is there or not, they'll still vote for PAP or opposition, but the younger ones(21-30YO), even the gals, may just give her a few more votes, either out of sympathy or because she is young like them, n this is obviously why she is there.
Don't you opposition-lovers jack off so much that you start to underestimate her and fall into the PAP's nice little trap.
Your blog is really funny n I will keep on reading it(even tho I m a PAP voter), pls keep up the goodwork.
i think your blog post on TPL transcends targetting her on a personal scale. you have terribly belittled women on the whole, so to say.
keep the perverted thoughts to yourself. and, respect women. you have no reason to, you came to this world from a w____'s birth canal.
fill in the blank.
those people come here scold rockson really one kind, they enjoy reading his dirty posts and after that pretend to be morally upright/uptight and curse him. hahahha, such losers!!!!! these men and women should just arrange to fuck themselves up and don't act so pretend!!!!
hahaha, if this tin let me fuck her then i will vote her and her grc team in, hahahhahaha. down 1 button not enough for me to vote her lah, tell her to get real!!!!! in geylang i get tons of cb 100 times prettier than her!!!!! hahaha, 1 button down with that kind of face and act cute think can win votes, hahahhahaha!!!!
this blog is absolutely majestic. beautiful. these people are really sending the lamb to the slaughter man.
Rockson try offer heron tweeter $1500/1/1 =DD LOL!!!
ROCKSON you are the man. You are soooo fcuking funny ... I almost died reading your blog. You NEED to blogmore bro!!! I look forward to reading more of your post!
Knn, these people coming in here trying to whack Rockson for trying to bonk Tin Tin obviously are virgin readers and never heard of him.
You come in here you expect nothing except hardcore comments with hidden wisdom.
In fact, Rockson's essay on Tin Tin is already very mild, I am surprise by how much milder than those he wrote in the past.
I wonder if Ms Tin can sure the author for sexual harassment.
sure there is freedom of speech on the net but you have to pay the consequences of what you said too.
KNN...if she is last CB left on earth, i also won't vote for her.
Rockson you ARE good!
TPL looks like one China gal ive f**ked b4...........Damn chio like her..
I never know PAP garment so good to we all, give us erection before the election!!!
This is PAP's idea of a good candydate ;-)
i found one chio gal, maybe rockson like it..
Please tell me I'm not the only one laughing like mad! Hahahahahaha!
Rockson, hope she falls for you and on your horse! FTW!
All talks on TPL, she is innocent victim of politic scene, if she knows before hand, I don't think she agreed to stand out. Her introduction clearly shows PAP no longer used to be righteous and fair, they became too arrogant and ignore peoples opinion and expectation, LHL will need to know TPL is his greatest failure towards PAP and his father; his strict and high standards as perceived was a big let off
I don't care whether you are a friend or an acquaintance to this airhead. But honestly, I ALSO heard she isn't a person who has manners. Using people and disposing them after is more like it. No way she's getting my vote, such a letdown.
TPL, stop embarrassing yourself and please "shyly" resign from your position. A person like you who may lay new laws for Singapore is a major disaster waiting to happen.
At their wedding, Tin Pei Ling and her husband, Ng How Yue, reenacted how she forced him to propose to her, thinking it’s a romantic episode.
They claim that they were looking through his old photos, and they came across a picture of his ex girl friend. Tin Pei Ling promptly flew into a rage and locked herself up in the room, threatening to break up with Ng How Yue.
Feeling desperate, Ng How Yue went out and came back within 2 hours with a ring to propose to her.
This was before Tin Pei Ling had turned 25, and while Ng How Yue was in his late 30s. How pathetic can these 2 leaders-to-be of Singapore be? How pathetic is Singapore to vote for someone like Tin Pei Ling?
Remember that this pathetic and spineless Ng How Yue drafts public policies which affect all our lives, while making $300k per year.
So if 20 Plus can be as a PAP member !...
I wanna to join the opposition Party !...
hee hee :D
dude your post is freaking awesome, i laughed throughout the whole post. im sure Tin PL and her PAP would appreciate the vote from you and your Horse.
I am better than her!
You come find me!
Click on my name!
And as for the rest of you: 该骂! 犯贱!
"freedom of speech in the internet please. if you don't like what he's saying, don't read it. even after you've read it and you don't like it, suck it up like a man and keep protective comments to yourself."
You ridiculous moron. Freedom of speech works both ways.
Rockson, fuck you la, your cheebye brains full of rubbish and sex. You are such a fucking loser, tin pei ling will never even look such a pathetic little worthless piece of shit like you. Go fuck your own hand la, cheebyekia..
tin pei ling very chio ??? ur eyes got problem ? she only looks "good" cause she is competing wit all the aunties !its akin to saying that she is the prettiest woman in the world if only her and an old grandmother left on the planet. oh gosh den all the movie stars r goddesses muz b goddesses in ur eyes liao.
"Nice"? Did someone say she was nice working on a project together at JC? Beware! Apparently nice people have high EQ; manipulative, subtle, ungrateful and would make you think they're loyal, intelligent, genuine while you're their total opposite! Well, if Tin were sincere, she would wait another decade to be in the limelight. She would stay at grassroots, doing humble tasks quietly and not expecting any monetary reward or praise. But I dare say she's the sort who wants publicity, good or bad. She posed with such sensual stunt with a big man.....giggled like a tickled toddler....memorised phrases with such apparent pretention during interview.....absolute absurdity that the PAP is fielding her!
After hearing all the top Opposition parties & their online supporters air their manifesto, the following song (sung to the tune of “We are Singapore”) seems apt:
There was a time when people said
That Singapore is about PAP, but they’re wrong
There was a time when our Parliament is only
Third class, but now we’re First
We gonna win the Election, by all means, by attacking PAP
And also Tin Pei Ling
Chorus 1:
We are Opposition, We put Singapore First
We cut GST, We ask Foreigners to leave
We offer free HDB, We don’t need GDP
We are Singapore, Opposition ye..
Singapore our homeland, we don’t need Malaysians
All of us united, lets use up our reserves
We’ve come so far together, our common destiny
Singapore Opposition, will offer free medical
( Repeat Chorus 1 )
( Sung )
We the Opposition of Singapore
Pledge ourselves as anti-PAP grouping
Regardless of global competition, lack of natural resources
Lets ask foreigners to accept second class status
Based on Singapore first principle
So as to raise our median income
Provide social welfare for our nation
Chorus 2:
We are Opposition, We put Singapore First
We will stand together, tap our reserves
We are Singapore, we don’t need MNCs
We’re a nation strong and free forevermore
( Repeat Chorus 1 & 2 )
We are Singapore, Singaporeans ( X 2 )
Vote wisely countrymen.
Wa... u not scared ur blog hijacked ar... temasekreview alr kena shut down by mafiahs .. be very worried urs cld be next..
The Greatest regret of PAP... KNN like that i also can be MP draw $19k? a month lor... please take her off from MArine Parade! How to vote like that!!!!!
I really think Pei Ling should have owned her own brain and not to be herded like a cow. Pei Ling, your speech has disappointed everyone in Singapore who owns a brain.
In NAZI Germany, Imperial Japan, and the fascist Italy their parliaments were all rubber stamps, stooges, puppets, parrots, etc. You are telling the whole world you are one of them. What a shame ! You have chosen the wrong path; the path of evil and infamy.
It's a joke they field this brainless chick. What do they think our country is, some fucking fascist Disneyland?
These jokes award themselves salaries benchmarked to U.S. CEOs and talk complete rot. They have no idea what the issues are!
I hope enough of us have the guts to give these clowns a good lesson on Election Day.
Cum in you TPL,
Cum in you TPL,
Cum in you to give my best and more,
Together Singapore Singapore!
Together Singapore Singapore!
Together Singapore Singaporrrrreeeeeee!!!!
LOL...cant stop laughing...Rockson u reali rocksssssssssss....muahahaha
what a joke.
Give her a break.... At least she dares to stand out in public. Those be a jealous pig. If you want to challenge her, compete openly with her. Mocking at her isn't gentleman way. She might not be perfect, be good. Do give her a chance to prove herself.
Give her a break.... At least she dares to stand out in public. Don't be a jealous pig. If you want to challenge her, compete openly with her. Mocking at her isn't gentleman way. She might not be perfect, be good. Do give her a chance to prove herself.
Hey, you drive a AE86 ah??? very rare in spore leh
I'm rare cos I'm not complain king.... Like others esp WP.. keeps on complaining but cannot fix the problem!
Please fuck her hard and tear her small cheebye with your big horse!!!!
I so totally agree that you are being so unfair to Ms.TPL. Leave her alone! Let her do what she wants! Why must you so kaypo care about her? Let her suffer for all I care! You should'nt even bother interfering with her own personal affairs.
NO,Don't leave her alone. Make sure she gets what she deserves - OUT OF PARLIAMENT. TPL is useless and moronic, not fit to be MP; a disgrace to Singapore. Everybody, makes sure you continue to insult her until she gets it into her head that Singaporeans want her OUT!OUT!OUT!
Those men against TPL in this blog: you r either 1. Dumped by her or ladies like her of the same calibre n Hv unsettled emotions or 2. U r mentally unsound n Are probably sexually dysfunctional 3. U Hv no respect for fellow mankind n yrself too (am hoping u are not a Singaporean who's ranting off like an ignorant fool ) OR all of the above. Do get a life n live a worthy life. see a psychiatrist for yr well being too. Singapore will be a better place if bitter people like u get help n treatment!
She is such a laughing stock not only in Singapore but around the world, especially the developed countries. It will indirectly affect our economy, especially when investors doubt the credibility of the ruling party in choosing their MPs.
Read every single post and felt really disturbed and sad at the same time. Why be so vulgar and vicious against a lady who could be just another you and me. She doesn't deserve all these vitriol and those who have participated in this slugfest ought to be ashamed of yourselves. Can your actions stand up against the facade you put up daily in your double lives? How would your children or parents feel if they know you wrote those senseless attacks against a fellow citizen? I think MM's words are more appropriately used on you guys, go live and repent!
Kylie Pang, Russell Lim
i feel that u should just watched and listened silently without voicing anything out. As netizens, we should always give her some time to prove herslef, as if the next day she became MP, she will be able to make wonders. please kindly use ur brain to think and use ur compassionate heart to feel for her. it is not easy to stand up in front of the public. is she is trying very hard, we should give her some support, this will be a motivation for her. if u think she is not great or fit enough to be a MP , why not u come out and be the next candidate if u think u are so so so so so great! no offence.
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