Lawrence sent me this photo of the Marina Massage where they let go the water when got too much rain and now I know why Singapore flood so easy!
They design it like a woman cheebye!
If this is a virgin cheebye, then it will be fucking tight! If it is tight, of course water will not flow easily out lah! This kind of simple fuck idea also dunno.
Maybe I can lend them my Horse, help them make Marina Cheebye more looser! Hahahahahahaha!!!
FIRST! lovetitbits
Funny. Also show from which view your mind operates from. Freud is vindicated when it comes to you i suppose..haha. You're linked!
Haha f**k u damn funny sia.
built a huge tower(where look like a dick)
more water in nature fact :P
your horse so BIG???
you're kidding rockson!
so it bleeds every month?
i just waste 2 min of my time seeing this stupid post.....
Good one! Good one this time! LOL!!!
Soon Lau Cheebye the 86yr old PIMP will be inviting foreign trash from all over the world at the barrage...singing...
Cum Fuck Me Sinkapooorr, Cum Fuck Me Sinkapoorrrr
The mouth of the Singapore River is the "DRAGON's MOUTH". To make it look like a chee bye and damming it up make Singapore Leaders very sway.
Rockson, dun abandon as again lar..u need to rebuild your blog and recall all your fans back. Your NKF Blog shot you up to fame. But its really a pity that you just left us lonely for the next yr or 2.
Thia gahmen build Chee Bye never build Lan Cheow to control the cunt juice, no wonder flood lah.
Good to have you back and alive, Rockson.
using vulgar words just show the std of your person...XXXX NO STD!
If you are really that "great", go and get paid for designing it.
lookin g for Poon Chee Honk!!!! Any1 knows where he is????? thanks in advance!!
$9k is just a peanut!
This peanut is for PR!
Govt don't even want to give a peanut to our old NS guys!
good to have u back,Rockson. I'll be keeping my eyes peeled for more of ur posts
It is designed after Zoe Tay's lao cheebye, that's why so big and wide.
Horse?...i guess yours just 5 inch only...
Bro... update your blog leh!!! so long never see your updates liao
walan.. I read the things tat CBK twitted... this kind of kaliber for leadership arh!
Karma lai liao lor….bring in so much foleign talent, now their own little parliament talent seeking incubation units festering with these local sores.
you are carrying their ball now.
are you rockson???
I read the post u sounds like you are scared liao and ball shrink which is not like you.
When your horse have no water to drink then the malaysian will take your ass prisoner or your horse as slave just for a fucking drop of water then you know!
Hear that Marina Barrage was Lao Lee's idea. So you know what he was thinking of? His wife's....
sigh those top engineers in PUB keep insisting it is not due to marina barrgae. keeps blaming the skies. you real talent rockson. such simple explanation staring at them - the design is flawed. but cos MM is one who initiated this noballs dare to say so except you rocks.
Put Zoe Tay that LAOCHEEBYE in Marina Barrage, with her fucking dry cheebye, she will soak up all the water and make Singapore a desert.
If you need water, go poke her cheebye with a stick.
WTF?? Designed after Zoe Tay's cheebye? HAHAHHAHAHAHA
fuck your mother's cheebye, rockson. That is designed after your mother's cheebye. and for those two fucking cheebyes that mentioned Zoe Tay, your girlfriend/wife and mother would be cursed with stinky cheebye and your dick would be cursed with all sorts of STD. go fuck yourself, rockson. Your mother bleeding cheebye give birth to you so you have a bloody brain
Power man rockson!!! U r damn right!
your information is very useful for us.I really impressed to read all this great information.I really appreciated this great information.thanks for sharing all this great information.
To Anonymous on Monday, August 19, 2013 12:02:00 PM
Fuck your lao mother's and ZT's laocheebye!!! Both FUCKING WHORES!
Lao Zoe should be 50 and dry now? Why are you all fighting over some useless dry old woman.
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