Yesterday, Lawrence ask me, eh! Rockson! You never join the Association of Singapore Blogger ah?
I said, what cheebye association of Singapore blogger?
Then he show me the Today newspaper article and the website of their leader, some blogger call Jayne from some blog call EastCoastWife, that I never hear before.
(She is the long hair lau auntie in the centre of the photo.)
Who are these Nobody Blogger that nobody read, that come up this fucked up association and even dare to collect money to join their Nobody Club?
Even my hero, Cowboy Caleb never start a Association but he got many follower! If your blog is good, people will follow you. No need to start some association, register with gahmen as society, and give interview to newspaper to tell them you are there.
(I just realise Cowboy link to my twitter, wah!)
Another famous Singapore blogger, the long hair fat guy who don't look like he have sex before, Agar Agar Googah, he also say about this Association of Singapore Burger.
This kind of lancheow association is usually start by those blogger who tired of their blog read by only their mother, so want to become more famous.
Lawrence told me the president of this Singapore blogger association, Jayne, is a siao char bor who did not win some blogging award then now want to take revenge.
So it is not 10 Nobody Blogger Association but Association of 9 Nobody Blogger and 1 Siao Char Bor president.
Like that win already lor.
And they want to represent the Singapore blogging sphere.
Fuck you understand? You are not even got the power to represent my lumpar hair, understand? My lumpar hair can blog better than you, and got more readers!
These losers even give themselves tuaki title, like President, Vice President - Operations, Vice President - Membership, Marketing Director, Events Director.
I, Rockson Tan, can also call myself President of Fuck Many Girl and Vice President of Biggest Horse in Blogging World, and start my own Association of Rockson Blog.
You can join for free, if you are hot sexy girl and member can ride my horse for free! Hahahahahaha!
To quell a small Internet rumor, I'm not Rockson Tan. I wish I were, but judging from the action Rockson (and his lumpar hair) gets, I'm not even worthy *kao-tao*
welcome back, welcome back.
hee hee i wanna join as member, can?
rock on, rockson!
Now I also feel like forming my own association.
Later one of them(super like to sue one/tear people eh reputation down) send you lawyer letter leh...
Anyway, WELL SAID. wahahahaha
i only read your bolg cos i made you famous!
number 7!
rockson ah, you make my day man. whatever lumpar blogger with wat fuck shit horse.
Don't get yourself sued... It's not worth it.
hahaha... i salute your lumpar hair... very good post :-D
"My lumpar hair can blog better than you"..wtf haha!
You did not know that two of the members run one of the big blog network advertising agencies called Blog2u meh.
i vote rockson with best lumpur blog!
Good to see you blocking...urgh blogging more regularly. Still the same Rockson with sidekick Lawrence. lol
Hilarious post once again by Rockson
somemore all wear white.. want to project they also MIW??
Cowboy Caleb ALREADY have your own Association what.
hahahahahaha .. gud one !! i like !!!
the legendary rockson horse is back! LOL
Doesn't it tell you who are they? They are the Pay And Pay association wearing white.hahahah
Rockson, what are your views on the Civil Servant who spent $45000 just to learn cooking for a week ?
rockson you best la! you form association i help you get member HAHAHA
*kowtows to Rockson's hair*
Rockson, u still make me laugh after so long. Wat a nice feeling. =)
Kampung spirit.
What the?
I posting here to get some traffic to my blog. I think this abs thing is stupid.
the president is connected with 2 others doing advertising. maybe it might take off :)
support support
join rockson better!!!!! rockson, u out of jail yet?!?!? if not how to start lumpar hair assocation!?!??
yalooooor, who wan to join dat stoooopid association!???
Rockson, your LP hair is a lesser mortal than mine.
Rockson you cheesepie, this blog post bo ho chio leh...see lah, long time never post, lose touch liao...knn...blog more and bring back the gold Rockson of old...bring back the laughs again bro...
gr8 to have you back. Never a dull post from you.
You're back!!!
Happy Chinese New Year ah.
So lousy, only 30+ comments!!!
Wendy Neo Loves Rockson!
LOL. very funny yet very apt.
Followed the link from Mr Wang.
Why Cowboy Caleb Is Silent On The Association Of Bloggers - The Awful Truth
Sin Nee Huat Cai!
Happy Lunar New Year!
I wish you will blog more often at this year!
i want to ride your horse.
I just formed the Association of Bloggers in South East Asia. Membership free and I'll even give an exclusive to ST.
Wow. so good to see you and your posts again. They always make my day.
rockson your post is so powerful!!!
Today's news: 8 of the 10 who joined are stepping down. So much for an association.
rockson is alvin of cowboycaleb right?
oh-oh real identity
It's just a link farm / extortion in disguise.
Ignore them and they'll go away. It's like signing up your website to a website guild and placing a badge on there. For the low low price of $99USD a year no less!
Eat shit and die bloggers. Go get a fucking life you bunch of wanking cocksucking layabouts.
ooiii..cheebye...give you something to blog on... http://johnharding.com/
wtf?? blogging club...knn.. this bitch making a quick buck...and donno which cock will pay man...
rockson... fucking blog somemore...dont be lazy like our govt
Finally u are back....
whoa lockson! i thought you quit blogging nong nong ago alrdy, today suddenly thought of checking your blog again, surprise to see new posts!!! you were once my fav blogger! =)
just incase you're wondering what 'a3b0fa958138da5aaca48175a79d1c3e04e75f6e8ebb871' means, i'll tell you now, it means nothing
rock on!
not eastcoastwife...should be EatCockWife :)
Looking for PHoon Chee Yeong. Where 2 find him???
one of the best posts ive ever read, really makes my day, rockson delivers!
eastcoastwife huge attention whore and blog more boring than fuck
"Fuck you understand?" aiseh...his famous phrase is back already XD
finally! its about time u showed up, big horse!!!!
F* you...i like~wink2*
wah welcome back! blog more! dont disappear again!!!!
mr rockson,
why didn't you blog on the saf doctor who killed himself in melbourne?
we need to hear from you.
Chee Bye ...your Lumpar drop ah? Dare not to blog? Come here for some inspirations lah.
Welcome back bro. We all miss your blog man!
you fucking cheebye getting lazy again never write fucking cheebye you...
fucking cheebye lo, im so smart i should make my own blog instead of whining about not updating. I'm a whiner please someone kill me, im such a loser who only knows how to kill time by visiting random blogs.
the photo looks very pap -- white colour!
Update la cockson!!!
Like you said, Don't laSy like our gahmen leh!
Teehee. =8)
Looking for redclaw phoon chee yong????
hello... hapi blogging... have a nice day! just visiting here....
where did you disappear to? you have not been twitter(ing) for many months too :(
suck cock king!!
Fulfil your darkest fantasies @ http://tinyurl.com/mkjs5f
Make sure you got your mop & bucket ready
With lots of cheebye love from:
Dating Your Dreams
Reading Rockson's blog on this topic makes me so angry, because he speaks the truth. Look at these idiot singaporeans who can't blog for shit, and so form their own "official" association, giving themselves big names they didn't earn.
Looking for redclaw phoon chee yong????
Hi, I am working for an advertising company to source for advertising space on popular blogs. I have recommended your site to my company.
We have taken a keen interest on it. Are you interested to let us place advertisements on your blog? We will pay you the fees upfront, into your paypal account in USD.
You blog can easily command USD 100 or more, base on your readership.
A sample of their advertisement (CFDs investing) has been placed on my blog (http://sgbluechip.blogspot.com/) and no clicks or minimum impressions are required.
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Do let me know if you are keen and we can discuss the rates over emails. No meeting or tele conversation is required. Please email me at sgbluechip@gmail.com
Please quote your blog address when you email me. I will reply asap!
KNN Rockson. Waited for so loooong now then you appeared in tweeu.
Looking for redclaw phoon chee yong????
For the 1st 10 persons who can email me screenshots to prove that they can post at least 10 comments on this goon's blog (http://blogs.jangworld.com/), I'll give you a special surprise.
I very jealous of this guy, he's more smarter & capable than me.... can get my toastmaster club's website hits from ZERO to 75K.... get so many pple to visit our club & stop me from having fun as club president. I felt like a complete idiot! What the fuck!
F rockson..... writelah! miss you like hell man!
no comment for HDB suffers S$2b deficit?
I posting here to get some traffic to my blog. I think this abs thing is stupid.
Interesting post as for me. I'd like to read more about this theme.
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Eh, you died ah? 1 year since your last post. Nabeh cheebye...
You are back with your crazy blog. I tot you are caught and thrown into jail.
blog more please rockcockster tan.
Don;t Just hide behind the computer screen , got balls show your face or video cam yourself upload to youtube .
The way you talk like a sissy tranvestite , everytime you scold i laugh and roll .
LOL rockson I enjoy reading your post and I agree with you about the singapore blog association they can suck on your popsicle and lick your candyfloss for all i care. Hahahs but in singapore to start a Society or association you need the three basic people: president, secretary and treasuer. So I guess they just renamed themself to something nicer Hahahs which I think they can fuk off and die -,-;;; why not name themselves: Senoir Lee, Boyboy Lee and Tin Peiling =DD
Rockson! You damn farny, lah! I read your blog and laugh until I lau jiow! If laugh anymore, my cheebye morh will get even more kew! Please write more, ok?
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