Friday, July 13, 2007

PM son shoot email complain SAF officers fucked up!

Lawrence send me this email, say it is write by Prime Minister Lee Hsian Long son, call Hong Yi.

He say this 2LT Hong Yi send his email to minister, minister mother, minister mistress, minister maid, chief of army, chief of army mother father, and all the signal battalion, from CO to storeman, OC to clerk. Kanena so hiong ah!

Lawrence say he scared kena MSD call him go aircon room lim kopi, so he delete all the unit name and people name. Fucker always so kia see.

I read the lancheow email, wah lao eh! So long ah! Must be scholar NSF write one, write until so long the email. Is like story book like that! I take so long to read because the cheebye Lawrence put so many blank here blank there, and the PM son use a lot of fucking big word, make me take 2 hour to read finish. But after reading the long mother story email, it look like the LTA X quite the kwai lan, keep siam the DO duty, call people cover him, AWOL, nabei what kind of fucked up regular is this officer?

(Actually, how come the LTA name is call X? I never hear before people got this kind of name X? He think he is some tua kee pop star issit? Call himself X)

This LTA X also stupid one. Want to tua also don't tua the son of the Dragon Prince Prime Minister lah. Never use his cheebye brain. Now Hong Kan by Hong Yi liao lor!

If I am a sign-on officer and I am together same unit as the prime minister son, I not only wun slack, I will be more on the ball than the chief of army ok? I will aim to be fucking Best Sword of honour medal winner officer of the Whole Singapore! Wait he open his mouth at the dinner table tell his PM father I am a cho bo lan officer how?

I agree with PM son say the officer standard is cheebye standard. Drop a lot from my time liao. You ask me, what is a good officer?

A good officer is the kind who know how to take cover and don't kena caught! Hahahahaha!!!!

This LTA not only dunno how to take cover, he try to eat snake IN FRONT OF THE PM SON! Stupid until cannot stupid liao!

The OC of the LTA and the PM son is another fucked up regular ocifer.

I tell you, regular always protect regular backside one. That is why in the army got so many fucked up officer, and lazy, no -use NCO who after hide inside the army so long, eat sleep talk idle, when they come out to normal working world cannot get any job.

The PM son already tell you, oi! this LTA is a mother fucker. You never punish him because want to protect his regular backside. Now see lah! Sure the OC also will kena poke backside liao. Charge until ka chng peet! See how far his army career go now. Sure kena post to become OC of some fucked up area-cleaning leaves-sweeping unit. Become Kumlando Unit OC hahahahahaha!

If the PM son tell you one of your LTA is King of Eat Snake, you are the OC you better say "Yes sir! I charge him now sir! I now send him go DB jiak hong sir! I now cut off his lancheow give you as present sir!"

Now see lah! Become Henta Kaki Company OC liao lor! Dun forget this one is his Grandfather Army ok? Hahahahahaha!!!

But this kind of complain email only son of the prime minister can dare to send one. Army always very like to tell the man must follow chain of command. Means you small fish must complain to your small fish OC first, then your small fish OC tell his small fish CO, then your CO tell his wife, and go to sleep.

If you or me send this kind of email, and send to so many fucker, we sure kena charge until our lampah drop. You and me we are the hokkien peng, must diam diam, don't so hero, or else sure kena mark one, sure no canteen break one. Anyway we in army that time where got time write this kind of email complain this complain that? Army time is best time to go and cheong and fuck ger, not waste time fuck officer! Hahahaha!

This is what the fucker Lawrence send me, so many blank here blank there, cheebye!

From: 2LT Li Hongyi, _____ PC, _____
Sent: Thursday, 28 June 2007 9:36 AM

To: ___ ____ ____, Minister, MHQ; MG ______ ____, CDF, CDF Office; BG -___ ____ ____, COA,
COAOFF; COL _______, CSO, _______; zz All in ____, _________

Cc: zz All in ________, _____; zz ALL IN ____, _____; zz All in _____, _____; zz All in ______, ______
Subject: A complaint about the quality control of SAF officers
Dear Sirs and alI,

I am about to disrupt my national service to pursue further studies, and this will likely be my last email sent out for the next half a decade. Unlike the common "ORD letters" that you read, this letter unfortunately cannot be as cheerful. I am using this last opportunity to issue a letter of complaint against the quality control of officers in the SAF, more specifically against LTA X. During my time as his subordinate, LTA X was AWOL on at least 2 counts, attempted bribery, and lied to his subordinates and his superior officer. The battalion HQ has effectively given no punishment, and has not even made these infractions known to the rest of the battalion.

Let me first give you some background. I am the ____ ____ platoon commander from __________. In order to maintain operational readiness my duties are performed at _____ camp where our ops bus and servers are instead of at stagmont camp where our battalion is. The company is structured like so

Centre Head

The duties are therefore shared between the PC's, PS', and the Centre Head. LTA X is the centre head of the __________.

LTA X, was originally supposed to be on duty at _____ Camp as the duty commander for the _______ on the 20th and 22nd of April, a Friday and Sunday respectively. I was on duty on the 21st of April that Saturday, to minimize the changing over, I contacted him and asked if he would like to swap duties for the Saturday and Sunday. To this he agreed, and thus he was to be on duty on the 20th and 21st of April.

On the Friday however, LTA X called to inform me that he was busy during the day, and if I could cover for him until the evening. To this I agreed to do so. At about 1600 hours, I received a call from LTA X, informing me that he was on the way and that I could leave first, thought this would result in a time where there would be no duty commander in camp, he informed me that this had already be cleared with our OC. I therefore left camp.

On Sunday the 22nd of April I arrived back in camp to take over duty from LTA X. After he had left camp the men informed me that he had not arrived in camp on Friday at all, and that he only arrived in camp at 1800 hours on Saturday the 21st of April. On Saturday they had tried to contact him to ask his whereabouts, to which he told them that he was in fact in _____ in ______ camp getting some work done. The men contacted their counterparts in ______ camp to verify this, however no one in______ camp had seen LTA X. 1 further confirmed with the ______ duty personnel on Saturday that none of them had seen LTA X, this was also with confirmed with that day's BDO.

This news obviously was very distressing, I confronted LTA X regarding this information to which he confirmed that he only arrived in camp on Saturday at 1800 hours, but that he was at _____ for a while then left later to run some errands. Upon learning that I was to bring this information to our OC, LTA X then made an offer to do some of my duties for me to which I declined, his words were "You know if you need me to help you do some of your duties.."

On Wednesday after I had completed my personal investigation and confirmed that these events had indeed transpired, I informed our OC of these offences. Our OC spoke to LTA X regarding these issues, and let him off with a warning.

I would like the story to end here, however LTA RX was again on duty at ____ Camp for _________ on the following Saturday the 28th of April. At 0030 hours on Sunday the 29th of April I received a message from the duty personnel. The duty personnel of the platoon had just spotted LTA X's car, a white Mitsubishi lancer driving out of camp. I responded by telling them to check all the car parks and look for LTA X in camp. I received a call at about 0115 hours, the duty personnel informed me that they had checked the whole camp, and that LTA X's car was no where to be found. They also informed me that LTA X was no where to be found, not in any of the bunks nor any of the offices.

On Monday the 20th of April when I arrived back in ______ Camp for work, I confirmed with both the guard commander and the duty officer for Saturday the 28th of April, that at white Mitsubishi lancer had indeed driven out of camp at about 0030 hours on the 29th of April. This latest information was told to our OC.

When confronted by our OC, LTA X told him that indeed it was his car driving out of camp, he claimed however, that it was not him driving the car but that he had lent it to friend to drive out of camp. After checking with the person in question this was established to be untrue. Finally, LTA X admitted that he had lied, and that is was he who had left camp.

I have been informed that LTA X was to be given 10 extra duties, though this may be considered an extremely light punishment there is a further problem. To date, which is to say, 2 months from the incidents, none of the duties have been published in the battalion RO, in addition, LTA X has not served any of the extra duties he was supposedly awarded. In addition, this system of leniency is not consistent throughout the battalion, or even the company. The following was published in the RO on 1 1th of June 2007:

SXXXXXXXX CPL _____ ________ Non-compliance with a lawful duty or order. stoppage of Leave for 7 days

This was the punishment for CPL ______ for leaving camp an hour before he was supposed to. This was published less than a week after his infringement. If you were to calculate the time AWOL alone, LTA X was missing for a minimum of over 20 hours. This does not take into the account the fact that he repeated the crime less than a week after being reprimanded the first time. This does not take into account the lying to his superior officer. This does not take into account the fact that he is an officer, and thus should be even more liable than corporal.

Absence without leave
22. -(1) Every person subject to military law who is absent without leave from service in the Singapore Armed Forces or from the place where he is lawfully required for the time being to be shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction by a subordinate military court to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 2 years or any less punishment authorised by this Act.
(2) It shall be a defence for any person charged under this section to prove that his absence was a result of circumstances over which he had no control.

this is where the report ends and the editorial begins. LTA X's continued service in the SAF is an embarrassment the entire officer corps. In the SAF we are constantly being told that we have very high standards expected from our officers. As an officer cadet any one of these actions would have you put immediately out of course. Here you have a person who lied to his subordinates, went AWOL, attempted to bribe a civil servant, went AWOL again not even a week after being reprimanded, then lied to cover himself, and tried to implicate another person in these lies. He discarded his second chance just days after being given it because he thought he could get away with it. I how ask you what exactly are these high standard that we speak of? I am realistically asking you how much worse than this can an officer really go? Does a person have to commit armed robbery or murder before he fails these supposedly "high" standards of officers in the SAF? I simply fail to understand how someone who would undeniably fail the standards expected of a cadet or even a private can continue to be an officer.

The decisions of the battalion HQ are equally saddening. How can a lower standard of discipline be expected of officers than of men? In the our society, when a police officer commits a crime he is held to an even higher standard, and given even greater punishment than a normal citizen, this is because he has betrayed the very values it is his duty to uphold.

I was told that one of the reasons this was so was that they did not wish to ruin his career with a summary trial. However the SAF is not a charity organisation and does not owe anyone a career. I feel that as a regular his status as an officer and his career should be under even closer scrutiny than that of an NSF, to intentionally withhold such information is effectively tricking the SAF into continuing to pay someone whom if all is known, has no place in the organisation.

Another reason told to me for LTA X's lighter punishment was that it is in light of the work he has done for the battalion, I feel this is unacceptable for several reasons. Firstly in our country we do not mitigate punishments based on past achievements, Durai was not excused despite the amount of money he helped NKF raise, and a doctor would not be excused from molestation no matter how many lives he has helped save. Secondly such mitigation is nothing more than justified corruption and no different from a criminal paying off the police to escape arrest, the very thing we fight so hard to keep out of our society, Finally even if the previous two points are conceded, what LTA X did was not a mistake, mistakes are done by accident. What he has demonstrated is a systematic failure of character and unacceptable as an officer.

Even if you attribute the lack of punishment to extreme leniency, the decision to not inform the battalion is even more suspicious. Especially in a _____ unit such as _________ where the importance of being on duty cannot be over emphasized, to not even inform the battalion of the occurrence is to send a signal that there is nothing wrong with his actions. If it was unintentional it shows gross negligence for something which is clearly an important matter, and if intentional shows a level of corruption that I need not elaborate on.

While some might say this is just a small matter, a story of a single bad officer, the fact that it was not dealt with more severely is indicative of a bigger problem. It shows the lack of quality control being practiced for the leaders of the SAF. The following quote was taken from the army's own intranet homepage:

"In the 3rd Generation SAF, the quality and commitment of our people will continue to be the most important determinant for advancement" - Member of Parliament Ms Indranee Rajah

We can take criticism about having second hand equipment, outdated training methods, and even questionable relevance to modern day operations. But one thing that cannot be tolerated is a reputation for having bad leaders. Such a reputation would compromise Singapore's defence credibility far more than using refurbished tanks or old training manuals.

While I may only be a 2nd lieutenant, I am a citizen of this country. And as a citizen I have the right to demand high standards from the leaders of the SAF While it is true that high standards are hard to come by and even harder to enforce, for such events to come to light and yet nothing be done about it is to say the very least, unacceptable and disappointing.

Yours Sincerely,
2LT Li Hongyi -
___________ Commander


  1. FIRST!

    Seriously though, one update per year?

  2. welcome back. what happened to you? Long time no hear lah.

  3. OMG you're back! *tears of joy*

    Was rubbing my eyes in disbelief when this new entry appeared in my feed reader!

  4. "What the fcuk u think this is?? Your grandfather's fcuking Army issit? !!"
    "oops" *silence*

  5. Walio, I thought you don't want to update anymore!!!!!!!! What happen leh... share leh...

  6. wow! it takes a stunt from the dragon's son to bring you back.

  7. haha nice entry... more please... i was starting to think you tio caught by ISD liao...


  8. Playing the opposition populist game, very very clever. Appealing to base emotions and hiding behind a facade.

  9. chee bye rockson! where u go last one year!!!

    ISD kar?

  10. Welcome back Rockson. Welcome back.

  11. what you hear is not the worst...tell you juicy news..there are many senior saf officers caught for drink driving , charged and convicted and fucking still continue to serve inside, drawing huge pay of $6K to $10k or more...these cheebyes got their licenses back after awhile and there they will fuck those who drink and drive and condemn you...WTF...disgrace to the organisation, and still wanna bluff public...saf owns nobody a career...ask COL to shut up...Another thing, take a day leave and hang around in Sembawang Country Club and you will see many cheebyes playing golf during office hour and you mean Gombak HQ dunno...fucking disgrace, wasting tax payers money... I dun care..those Gombak, MSD, SIB people read this blog will say they dunno, they investigate and no true...fuck them lah...wanna cover just say so...alot more juicy news, tell you more every day......


  13. long time no hear from you. ISD put metal rod in your backside is it???

  14. Seriously, didn't really know you are so famous until I read your post... absolutely entertaining and nice bashing.. haha, way to go~ keep blogging!!

  15. To add some more info.
    In the army enlisted men (cpl/sgt) are often disciplined impartially with punishments severely as a sign of discipline.However this line is blurred when this involves regular (professional?) soldiers , they are given a slap on the wrist (informal punishment extra duties/confinement).Why? because this will affect their career while NSF will do their two years and f@@@ off.These punishments may not be served by offenders as regulars help regular code of ethics are in place. U help me i help u network.
    Those NSF servicemen officers are often ranked below regulars (same for enlisted men), thus they will often feel disgruntled as different standards applies.
    I felt that Li Hongyi opened a can of worms when he crossed path with LTA X ( Mr Tua Si lang),swapping his duties with somebody.
    LTA X should sell his duties to others, which is prevalent in SAF (under table swap for favours/money) to NSF servicemen but not to white horses like Li HongYi.
    The supervising OC(Bo tao nao) covered for LTA X should be impartial and get him to do extra duty immediately for 3-5 days so to show others what u will get for running off from duty.But he did not.
    I approve and Mr Li Hongyi for opening this can of worms for us to see that SAF has not changed at all so much for increased pay,benefits for Mindef personnel or civil servants, still has double standards for regulars and nsf servicemen , do the same job get different pay, different punishment(informal for regulars,formal for nsf servicemen),different offdays (no off for nsf even u are going to ORD,planned offdays for regular,unofficial MC,see mother to hospital,etc etc).
    Why is this so? because nobody blows the whistle on them (the regular i help u u help me network.

  16. yes! we are chao hokkieng beng, write letter kena fuck chao hokkien way only.

  17. u all mai tio pian leh.. knn he PM son of cos easy for him to act garang and hero... this is just wayang lah.

  18. agreed with rec ong...wayang only. if its somebody else, your ka-chern pit. they are always like that. double standard. that goes to say, we are cheapskate while those whitehorse are bullet proof. its very or-ump, well, thats saf... so look at the public affairs replies..just to bluff the public and think we stupid...i think they are the one who are idiots who think that simple press release can convince us.....tell mindef public affairs dun think we gong-gong

  19. Welcome back! We miss you deeply ...

  20. what upsets mindef is that he's washing dirty laundry in public.... what he's complaining is really common in saf... ie. officers and senior other ranks abusing power and privilege. he's too green, too naive to expect truly quality leadership of saf officers!

    old bird - retired reservist.

  21. I heard there was a Battalion CO who replied to the email by Li HongYi, anyone has a copy of that CO's email? Post here leh!

  22. OMG Rockson is alive. Nice comments there

  23. Yipeeeee. With the recent pay increment for public section. This is where all the tax payers' money are going. At least we r aware tat some of the tax payer money r accounted for paying ppl who dont do their work n skive ard. LTA X, thx for shedding the light ^_^

  24. nabei! post more often can anot!

  25. Nabei..Rockson is the one who fucking go AWOL lor...where were you for one year..

  26. Maybe Rockson is LTA X?

  27. you took a long sabbatical and came back better than ever. good for you!

  28. thought you die liao

  29. Wah lan, your posting reeks of tok kongness. Back from your hiatus with a bang. Got to thank Oficer's sensational email to lure u back.

  30. Nice to read you again!

    There's a lot of fucked up regulars out there, and I got one fucking bastard to resign by shooting complaint letters!

    Though sent anonymously, the bastard and his friends got scared because on the letter it said cc. OC XXX, OC XXX, Minister of XXXx...., Member of Parliament XXXX. Hah, but I really didn't send that many or that high; ran the fuck out of stamps.

  31. 2LT Li should have known better than to change DO duty with LTA X.He knows the martial law so well, yet it slipped his mind that DO's are not allowed to perform duty as DO for more than 24hrs, ie 1 day. So how issit possible for him to perform duty for both sat n sun? thats the reason why they alternate? By changing the duty that way? Is he not violating a order by GS? Also, who did he seek approval to happy happy swap duty...all must be submitted to the RSM. Dun we all know that? I agree that he is being thoughtful for swapping duty? Perhaps cos he wanna siam sat duty? Who knows? But then again...must see who his dad n grand-dad is?

  32. Refresh memory: Li Hongyi also MC 2 months, but still passed out of OCS anyway.

    Then happy-happy flanked by Papa Lee, Mama Ho, bodyguard uncles and doggy journalists/ photographers at the passing out ceremony.

    Only in Shit-gapore.

  33. the OC hentak kaki? i think he BERHENTI liao lah!!!

  34. Rockson, you bastard. We need more people like you around.

    Puah Cheebye.

  35. rockson u knn hong gan go where and die! But its nice to have u back! :D

  36. rockson u r back........... ho seh la!!!! post more leh.......!!!!! HAHAH........ love ur blog!!!

  37. godlike blog .. super funny and entertaining .. but not this post lei. This one is so boring !!! Update more lei !! I very sian at home lei

  38. how can someone who cannot teach his son correct values lead the country! fuk off

  39. if my ah gong ish lee ah gong n my ah pa ish lee ah pa, of cos i will confirm write big big bombastic letter n play heeloh!! -___- arbo ish lan lan suck thumb at one corner lor!

  40. rockson i miss u sia!!! :( glad to c u back AFTER A YEAR!~

  41. Last time before he enlist he ever ask SAF officer before:"Who decreed that NS must be 2 years?"

    Some other person in the audience replied,"Your father."

  42. Wah! Finally you come back to "zhu chi gong dao"! Hurray for Rockson!

    Ya! Only Son of PM can do such thing. I think normal ociffer get new backside hole. Throw into DB and dun need to come out. hahah!

    Where you been man, muthaufkcer! Write more le

  43. With Ah Kong Army, simi lanchiow also can write. Whether he is White Horse Sabo King or his lao peh ask him to write, we also lan lan, don't know. Maybe his Ah Kong or Lao Peh ask him to write to prepare him to succession to the throne... so orr arm, we oso donch know.

    Maybe we all lan lan, kena snooked lah. This is the preparation to continue the Lee dynasty. Remember last time Ah Kong make his poh puay son the hero of the Cable Car langgar thing.

    Aiyah, another wayang cho hee song song to bluff the stupid peasants and hokien pengs. Make them forget GST and other cheebye lanchiow price hikes lah.

    Another cock trick by the chenghu and media!

  44. eh why he sign off as

    2LT Li Hongyi ? Not Lee?

  45. Brother!!!! Welcome back!!!!! Pls continue to blog...Life has never been the same after u stop blogging for the past year!!


    eh...i think you're a bit naive.

    he's doing it to basically for himself.

    think about it...if he's going to be some big shot in the future - which he likely will be - do you think he wants his records to be tainted by such incidents? if he knew something was not right and he didn't sound it out, next time when he made it big, people who remember him in the army will say he last time also closed one eye.

  47. Rock on..Rockson!
    The blogging world neber the same with ya ard!

  48. Rock...a year had passed...all of us have not forget u...pls dun MIA again leh...or at least let us know wat happen to u...

  49. OMG!! After Almost a year of MIA.. FINALLY U ARE BACK!!!!!!!!

  50. why call yourself rockson?? should use one of those chow-wei as your name since stuck to your mouth...but dont put TAN behind it. feel ashame to share same surname...U make hokkien clan bo been...u not cool, u attention seeker, u behind time. ai gong wei teo gong, eng ahni jeo chow-wei josime??? sikit sikit ok lah!

  51. Walao eh... nabei... you awol go where die?

    You LTA X siboh!?

    Welcome back and stick around.


  53. after a yr to be exact n u r back....

    wat did u do wor? Elope with Karen ahz?

  54. Wah chee bei.. i must be living in a cave.. my fren pass me ya blog add then i know this blog exist.. DAMN FUCKING FUNNY.. Is the funniest blog i have ever read.. no wonder u got so many supporter..

    Eh mai stop leh.. continue the postings.. i be waiting for u..

    Rock on Rockson..

  55. Rockson,
    Steady Sia... I like your blog... Keep it up.

  56. For me I think he did a fine job of speaking up no matter what family he comes from. Let's put feelins and sentiment aside for a while and think this through. The problem here should be the internal controls in the Armed Forces. Why are there no whistle blowing practices in place for anonymous informants to tell on the misdeeds of their co-workers? For an organisation as big as the Armed Forces, don't you think that there should be more effective internal controls in place? This is an organisation which controls weapons and defence systems and yet has arcane systems of controls and management reporting systems. That is the point that the public and more importantly, the Ministry, should look into.

  57. Hah.

    Pls la. Do anyone of you think you will even SEE this article on straits times if the fucker isn't SOMEBODY's son and SOMEBODY's grandson?

    Most likely the incident will be sweep under the carpet and the 2LT severely punished for jumpin the chain of command. everyone knows irresponsible officers are ard for as long as saf is established.

    Its becoz his lao bei owns the country thast why he can ba long long shoot emails to COA like the guy's his ka kia. Just look at his reprimanding tone...

  58. LTA X - what is your side of your story?

    Don't everything ta ka Liao

  59. 2 sides of the coin!
    Where's the other side?
    All listen to the grandson of he-shall-not-be-named!!!
    LT X! Speak up!!!

  60. can anyone help- what is "bao toh kia"?


  61. After this incident, i think no one would really want be close frens with that Dragon Prince. Who knows when he will write another email regarding about your dark secrets?

  62. Officers fuck officers, SAF fucking themselves. Who cares. Watch show can liao.

  63. YES!!!!!!!
    Keep blogging u chee bye! Wait one year damn long leh.

  64. so what does "bao toh kia" mean?

  65. bao toh kia is hokkien la. tell your secret or whatever shit to other people or leak out. something lidat. got an idea anot?

  66. maybe rockson IS li hongy -_-!


  67. KNN my darlink Rockson! You are back! Muack muack muack!

  68. This incident is a slap to LHL. Remember he talk about paying good salary to his 20 plus generals in the SAF. Now his son cast a doubt on the quality of the officers (inclusive of these generals).



    Anyway imagine if everyone pressure the military to demote Li Hongyi to private! :D

  71. wahhahah, so alive glad this blog still alive. roc roc roc welcome bak man. cheers

  72. WTF u finally back after a 1 yr hiatus! 1 bloody year! I thought I saw the dates wrongly. Bloody shit. So happy u r back! Tolong dun make us wait for another year.

  73. wtf rockson, finally released by ISD liao ah?? u know we wait for u to blog also wait until neck n lancheow long long liao.....


  75. Mrt track jump off~

  76. you tooook sooooo longggggg.

  77. I think perhaps, i have another view, the people already know what happens in the SAF, comon, we all have to serve, however, perhaps this could be part of a long term agenda, for instance, didnt his father, the current PM, serve as a 'brigadier general' i use that term in inverted commas, since he's currently the world record holder for a general without combat experience.
    now would people look back when his son is up for elections and thing 'hey isnt that the guy who blew the whiste, etc etc?

    long term propaganda is what i think it is, if anyone else did that, it would be instantly covered up and made to disappear....

    now i wonder who is going to be the PAP front man in a couple of years?

    think about that. you may support him now for his 'valiant actions' but for all you know, it may be a ruse, the news media in singapore is known to be an agent of the government, giving props to the current ruling party for years, and showing the opposition in a poor light.
    in this country of not so free press and lack of civil liberties, perhaps we are just all part of a long term plan to keep the lee family in power for years to come.

  78. FUCK LAH CHEEBYE. To the post before mine: Fuck you lah, your ang moh so cheem nobody know what the fuck you talking. Let lim pei help you say.

    Eh all of you, cannot see this is another PAP gahmen ploy ah... Grandson Li don't dare to do this kind of fuck up tua zong stunt without the backing of his lau pei lah. And even if he dare, his lau pei must have heard about it and approve of it. From this, we can tell that the father and son is one team one lah.

    And why they do like that leh? Got grandfather, got father, the next guy is confirm chop stamp the son lah, who don't know sia... But how the son get support from the YOUNGER generation? Anyway, the OLDER generation are old fuck, they can fuck off fuck care already. What the gahmen want is for the younger people to support the son, and this must start young. So the lau pei instigated young lee to chu this stunt, and grab the heart of singaporeans by appearing to understand their situation and by being their voice. And now you see, we all "wahhhhh, 2Lt Li our hero, we love him deep deep."

    Cheebye... You all think the gahmen so kan stupid ah, slap their own face and let whole world know. Na bei cheebye the gahmen smart one ok...

    By LCP Tan Ah Seng

  79. Fully agree with the view that this is part of the overall long-term strategic game to bring limelight and popular support for the next PM in waiting.

    Many donkey ears ago, someone accidentally stumbled upon personal confidential correspondences and was shocked to have discovered that there was a very long-term strategic plan for someone else in the same nature of things. It seems this is just a repeat of the same nature of things, in an unnatural clinical environment.

    Helicopter vision - has a vision years away from now.

  80. NNB Fucking Wayang that's all...

  81. wtf man.... fuck those regular slacker... dae still get increment for this yr... we as a civilian working so hard outside still muz handle the stupid 7% rise... dae sit inside camp do nothing.. all arrow those nsf to do... i really feel fortunate that i have ORD....

  82. One year One post! Quality Post! It's wothwhile to wait.
    Keep it up?
    Disclose more.

  83. Worthwhile your CCB! I can't afford to wait for another year for another post.

    Rock on man, Rockson! I am right here waiting for your new updates!

  84. Hey Rockson, you are so fucking irritating that i wanna bash ur head.... UPDATE MORE u bastard. what happened?? DAMNNIT! I hate it when i see no new updates!

  85. time to whack Ms Tammy Tan, SBS transit and ComfortDelgro.

    you're the best person for the job.
    maybe your next blog.

    every time also find excuses to raise surcharges, booking fees, and whatever bus fare increases.

    she and the Transport Ministry lady, hand in hand, saying taxi for the priviledge and not for the average Singaporeans. what shit?

    remember, SBS transit taking away alot of bus services since taking over the NE MRT line, making people like living along the line suffer, forcing us to take MRT instead.

    even with new express service also never includes the NE area.

    These people, operating the Public Transport (like Durai) for personal gain. This is public transport.

    Whack her so many times in ST Discussion Board but no impact.
    from energieman

  86. pls...i want more chao chee bye! chee bye is nice and tasteful when you lick it. Rockson like it!

  87. nobody will know who is the LTA or is he real or nt cos he is AWOL =x

  88. A friend, KC, told me that there was this one night when his dad was stopped by the police during a roadblock in Ipoh.
    Policeman: [rudely] IC mana?
    KC’s dad: [shows IC and damn pissed with the policeman’s attitude already]
    Policeman: Dari mana?
    KC’s dad: Belakang.
    Policeman: Pergi mana?
    KC’s dad: Depan.
    Policeman: ……….

  89. Wah,,,
    Knn,,, WTF,,, U go eat wind ? 1 year no picture no sound ?!!?
    me tok u see liow or behind the bars or something like that,,,
    hahaha,,,WELCOME back , Bro !!!
    yam~~~~~~~~seng !!

  90. Eh friend arh, I tell you LKY's email address okay? It damn classified one luh, cannot let people know, only me, the minister, minister mother, minister mistress, minister maid, chief of army, chief of army mother father, and all the signal battalion, from CO to storeman, OC to clerk and the gahmen know. But now you will also know, sia:


  92. all better cover kah chng.

  93. well, i feel that it's good that Mr Lee Hongyi has written this letter, but it's an embarassment that only ppl with positions of power can write letters to higher management. the rest of ppl who write will probably get the same fate as rockson, ISD call in to drink coffee.

  94. well, i feel that it's good that Mr Lee Hongyi has written this letter, but it's an embarassment that only ppl with positions of power can write letters to higher management. the rest of ppl who write will probably get the same fate as rockson, ISD call in to drink coffee.

    but i will continue vote opposition la.

  95. Wah lao year do one post. Lu Ho liao !

  96. Waited one year, but good post man..

    Hate the fact that if someone else did it, that person would be so screwed.

    Maybe shud change to US way of governence. Like that, max 2 terms of 4 years.. Then, sg wun be dynasty liao..


  97. to the guy above.. its not maybe.. its WE SHOULD change to the US way of governance... FULL DEMOCRACY!!!

  98. Rockson ar

    Can you whack Starhub please!!!!

    To the person in charge,

    I am very sure that I this is not the first letter of this kind feedback and I am also sure that it will not be the last. We have accepted your increase in the sports package. But why were we not shown the Tour de France this year like the previous years. On sunday, the Q- Finals of the Asian Cup were not shown "live" instead it was shown the F1 and Open Championships, I do understand that there are alot of golf and F1 fans out there and the Open Championship is a major event in the golfing calendar that it was eventually decided by a playoff, so was the F1 in Nurburgring that proved to be an amazing race, but why couldn't the Open Championship be shown on 22 or 21? Since you are going to stop ESS why is there forever the repeat of the 9 ball tour held in Singapore 2 weeks ago? What is gonna happen next? Starhub will not show next year's Wimbledon because it is brought on by Star Sports? As I am writing this, there is a repeat again<== (redundant just to prove my point) of the 9 ball finals that happened 2 weeks ago instead of giving us 'live" pictures of the beautiful scenery that the cyclist in France are going through.

    I would expect the management of Starhub to give us a favourable reply to your decisions.

    Thank you

    Dear Mr

    Thank you for your email on 25 July 2007.

    We would like to share with you SuperSports (chn 22) is providing
    highlights coverage to the Tour De France 2007. There will be 3
    episodes of weekly highlights in August 17th-19th. Please be assured
    that your interests for a more comprehensive coverage of Tour De
    France has been shared with our relevant departments and channel
    partners. We will continue to keep your interests for a day to day
    coverage of the tour in considerations next year.

    We would like to inform you it is not possible for SuperSports or
    SuperSports Plus to carry programmes that ESPN STAR Sports Asia (ESS)
    has acquired the telecast rights for due to rights issues. We would
    seek your understanding that ESS cater to many sports fans with
    interests in different sports. During clash of LIVE timings, ESS is
    in an unenviable position to prioritise the LIVE telecasts while
    trying to serve many sports fans with varied interests. Please be
    assured that your interests for LIVE coverage of all matches of AFC
    Asia Cup will be shared with the channel owners.

    We are currently reviewing our existing sports offerings to meet the
    changing needs of our customers. We will announce details of the
    programme offerings, pricing and packaging to all our customers soon.
    Keep a look out for this!

    If you have other queries on StarHub Digital Cable, please email to
    this address or fax to 6725 1603. We look forward to your continued


  99. KNN,

    Kena lottery and no need to blog for so long??

  100. Wow. That letter was long.

  101. Good to have you back Rockson, but somehow the way of writing in this post is not like d previous you...hope my feeling is wrong, haha...

  102. Oei Handsome Rockson,

    Why u went "AWOL" for almost a yr!!!! Anyway, welcome back!

  103. I am glad to see you back.

    But I am not happy to see you make fun of my Apples and Asses in this way.

    You peasants would do well to remember what one of my Boss, George Yeo said!

  104. Wa lau, super update once a year, must do more often leh, we all wait long long no get to read. Thanks brother for the blog

  105. hey rockson! just wonder what car you driving? haha..

  106. Thumbs up! X2 just really admire people like you and brown

  107. LOL SO FUNNY! pls update more often. you really make my day

  108. Hi,

    I'm a fan of ya blog. Have you heard of the company that is suing starhub users?

    Attached is a forum on the subject. Would you write about it?

    Fan of ya work.

  109. we shall vote oppo in the nxt elections. support WP!

    Japan has done it, so can we. take AMK and LHL will have to step down...:)

  110. Ma Hai !! Chee bye.... update more la. One whole year got nothing to read damn sien wei.

    Welcome coming back ...

  111. on and off i still for an update and finally the wait is worth while.

  112. every ns man should go on strike and demand for a minimum wage of $1K per month.See what MINDEAF can do.

  113. Reduce govt spending on MINDEAF and spend more on subsidising retraining programmes and helping the poor.apachoke helicopter is a pure waste of taxpayers'money, might as well build a nuclear plant

  114. Welcome back! We love you. Keep up the good work.

  115. hi man, u are back, really miss u and your blog.been searching for yr blog for along but no updated until today. keep spoke out for us.

  116. Aiseh, nice one la rockson. I've been a fan of yours since I read your post a year or so ago. Anyway, care to share your views on the soldier who stole the SAR21 and went to orchard road?

  117. wa peh. blog leh. dun 1 hit wonder then make us wait another year boleh?

  118. Hi Guys!

    I'd like to introduce you to my debut light novel which will be available at all major bookstores in Singapore from this November. Make it part of your X'mas shopping items!

    Story Synopsis:

    Over fifty years ago, 60,000 people were killed during the 'Jeju Massacre' on Jeju island, South Korea, when the South Korean Army attempted to brutally suppress an armed insurrection by the people of Jeju.

    The bodies of the victims - civilians,rebels, and soldiers alike - were sealed in a volcanic cave on Mount Halla to rest, or so it was hoped, in peace for all eternity.

    However, decades later, some of these bodies were mysteriously resurrected as vampires and they are now doomed to roam the streets of Jeju seeking living human prey and continuing the battles that they once fought in life. Thus, the bitter feud between two mortal factions - The Regiments (former soldiers) and The Guerrillas (formal rebels) - has now become immortal.

    Today, fifty years later, we meet Han Mirae, a young Korean girl who is caught in a love triangle between Jackie Chang, a swashbuckling vampire hunter from Singapore, and Shin Taewoo, a powerful vampire of the Guerrillas. And, we meet Lee Hyunsuk, the opal-eyed vampire of the Regiments, who abducts Mirae in order to set a trap to kill the other two.

    Can Taewoo or Jackie save the girl in time? And who is Mirae's real love?

    An irresistible combination of adventure and romance with a supernatural twist, this "Korean Vampires" book series will surely keep you turning through the pages and stay riveted til the end.

  119. While I agree that in the military command and control is of utmost importance, I cannot help but wonder if there are one set of rules for officers/ regular NCOs and another for f NSF(excluding officers). In my Unit, I must say that disciplinary standards are high and severe disciplinary actions are taken against those who try to get above the law in camp. Sad to say these high standards of discipline apply only to NSFs. As an NSF I feel that most SAF leaders are only able to talk the talk and not walk the talk. They can charge you for the slightest reasons and there they are doing the same thing and getting awake Scot free jus because their ass is getting covered by another @#$%ing regular or officer. As ORDing personnel I have come across many cases of gross misconduct, but I'm jus going to highlight three of such cases.
    The very 1st act of gross misconduct i witnessed was when I just passed out and was OPs ready. A PC from my company who was on NTM was uncontactable and when he was finally contacted, he was at home. Imagine if it was a MAN or SGT caught for such an offence. Probably be recalled to camp immediately and sent straight into DB. NO fight at all. But what this officer got was a few extras. Maybe because its too much trouble to decommission an officer? Maybe officers are not bound but the military laws? Maybe they decide what is the Law.

    The 2nd case was during a rehearsal for an XXX parade which was on a weekend, one officer failed to show up and was uncontactable. Apparently he had a hangover and could not get up. What a joke. How can I entrust my life to such irresponsible person on the battlefield? If I’m going to die on the battlefield due to inefficient leadership i might’s well surrender. Disobey orders get shot by PS obey orders get shot by enemy. Surrender safest la. But maybe don't even need to fight. PC AWOL and uncontactable or maybe PC having a hangover. This army is really a joke.

    Lastly, after happy hour many regulars are driving around camp even though they have been drinking. Is that allowed in army camps? Its and act that is witnessed by everyone in camp from the TOP down to the recruits. CO chooses to keep quiet; RSM chooses to keep quiet which makes it a 'legal' thing to do in camp. But one night after drinking our CSM decides to stand by us reeking of alcohol, first he degrades the ritual which is supposed to epitomize discipline in the SAF by performing it red-faced and smelling of cheap SAF beer. Also he goes drink driving to check our equipment in our store 300M away from COY line at a speed of 60-70kmph. Exceeding our camp's speed limit of 30kmph. Maybe a New Unit from the RP or MP command should be established to penalize such people.

    In conclusion, Kudos to 2LT Li Hong Yi for having the courage to bring up such issues which would have remained in the closet for god knows how long and hopefully the bar for officers would be raised and more stringent tests and leadership training should be inculcated in OCS training. But such practices have been around in the SAF for donkey years and two of the cases mentioned above happened after this letter of complaint was shot up to the minister. Looks like we need more like minded people like 2LT Li to sign on in the army for it to change. As much as I would like to expose such gross misconducts, there are just no avenues to. Who am I supposed to turn to if its my CSM and PCs who are in question? All I can do is bitch online

  120. Check out the next Tammy video

    someone posted her blog address also

  121. good ah.. SAF officers and regular are all fked up.. good to blast them.. hope they all die.. fking cb.. all help each other.. mother fking cb.. all regular should go fk the president wife.. fking cb.. action only.

  122. OMG!! U are FINALLY back..

    What happened Rockson? We missed you so much. You've been missing for a year already!

    Update more please =)

  123. Hey Rockson, you're cool man!! lolz...
    You manage to make me laugh thru' reading your blog.(is simply humorous)

  124. LOL, welcome back Rock bro. Anyway, this episode is just Lee's family of promoting their son's "sense of righteousness" to pave the way for the Small Lee succeeding the Big Lee.
    Lucklee I might migrate liao if that happens.

  125. wah very happy you come back. no need write the government until u tio gahmen problem la write daily life funny we oso read one.

    Forever support

  126. merry christmas rockson. Where have you been????

  127. wow...this is another great update from u :) where have u been? I wonder why u blog is not selected and xiaxue is selected must be a kelong

  128. Brudder,

    Another one leh...Now Jan liao leh...dun let us wait for another year leh....We all support u so much...Pls lar...

  129. eh kena caught by the authorities ah? hahahahah

  130. Eh do we have to wait until July 2008 before the next post?

  131. eh blog la.. ur writing is amazing

  132. if nothing to blog then tell us the new budget u will get how much ?

  133. Hi.. it is now already more than 6 months.. we all miss your entertaining rants..

  134. any comments or write-up on the missing JI?

  135. hei mas selamat u never blog??? miss ur blogging leh..... haha.........

  136. Rockson, I believe we are all awaiting your comments on Mas Salamat. Please dont take too long :)

  137. Rockson, wru? Pls come back. So many issues waiting for u to blog. We miss you and yr views.

  138. gosh when are u coming back???

  139. cheebye rockson, blog leh!

  140. Guys,

    I think all of you should not be so desperate and keep pushing him to blog. I believed that the more you pushed, the more 'Shiok' he feels. He is just luring you guys to feel desperate so that he feel very wanted. Let's boycott him and let him feel lonely when no one wants to read his blog.

  141. I take bus service 154 to Toa Payoh to get a foot massage and drink kopi.

  142. After I lim kopi liao I went home and koon song song


  144. '..Sure kena post to become OC of some fucked up area-cleaning leaves-sweeping unit. Become Kumlando Unit OC...'

    Man I laughed so damn hard when i read this!!! You said out ALL my feelings exactly!

  145. it's July 2008. next update when?

  146. Tanyeo tanyeo!

    Have u tanyeoed your dog yet?

  147. KNN!!! why only one update. Please updatelah! Having to survive on the past postings for one year man! U getting bored alredi ah!

  148. blog! damn motherfucker blog damn fuck blog blog fuck blog you fucktard blog!!

  149. u got to be a moron to own a blog that caters to morons

  150. rockson tio warning by gamen?

    ah bo why he not blog liao sia...

    hai... i am sg living in other country and i miss home. read his blog like listening to someone from home. after a day of sianz, i like to sit down and lim kopi and read his blog.. but no sound no picture... sian... anyone got new blog that kkn lah, pcb lah etc.

    its just that i miss home sia...

  151. NaBEH.....!!!!!!!!!!!!

  152. rockson the ]man... a;;; the way from the uk.. wpp!:)jareband

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  156. Fuck SAF's mother fucking phuacheebye. Fuck NS,FUCK SAF !
