Thursday, July 06, 2006

Cheebye! Mr Brown kena fuck by Gahmen!

Kan nee na bei chow chee bye puah chee bye!!!!!

I just find out from my mechanic friend the Mr Brown who write his blog and do that funny bak cho mee potcast show and who write for the Today newspaper is kena fuck by the gahmen!

I like to read his newspaper article every Friday one! He is our people voice and say our heart want to say those things and he is also quite funny! Just a family man who trying to make a living like us, and know how to write funny thing, they also want to bully! One of his daughter even got brain problem some more!

Fuck their mothercheebye!

Why the cheebye Ministry of information, communism and art secretary go and write this kind of letter to condemn him?

This is the article Mr Brown write about our fucked up life in Singapore every thing get more and more expensive! click this!

This is the letter she write to the Today, click this!

Fuck their mothercheebye!

And why the Today newspaper director so fast feed their most popular writer to the gahmen wolf to eat?

Make until Mr Brown got no more Today job, and and make his whole family so worried, even his mother!

You see he lose his job! click this!

Fuck their mothercheebye!

Rockson busy make money to pay all my baobei car thing, so no time to blog, come back only see this kind of lan cheow news!

Fuck their mothercheebye!

Mr Brown is one of us. Got family, got job and got bill to pay. This is the kind of Singapore gahmen we have, even the small people, they also whack. If can happen to him this kind of nice family man, it can happen to you also.

I listen to his his podcast about be a Singaporean, I want to cry liao.

His wife also got do, I hear already I cry even more!!!

This is two Singaporean who love Singapore!

How can the gahmen whack simple people like them?

Fuck their mothercheebye!

I think write to Today newspaper reporter is no use, they got no power. Must be their big boss of Mediacock call them do this one!!! My mechanic friend say his friends write in the letter support Mr Brown but no letter is got printed! Like kena blackout!!!!

Fuck their mothercheebye!

Write to the MICA also no use, that Mr Bavani who write the letter to whack Mr Brown is only the running dog for the minister of censor singaporean, so write to Lee Boon Young better!!! My mechanic friend tell me many his friends also write in to the Bavani but never get reply!

Fuck their mothercheebye!

And write to Small Lee and tell him also. Tell him to stop his attack dog to attack simple people like Mr Brown and us. This is not the Singapore our Prime Minister promise us!!! This is not the Singapore we want!!!

I am Rockson! I am Singaporean! Fuck their mothercheebye! So we also say!


  1. 2nd! Good to know you're still around!

  2. Welcome back Rockson. Good to hear you say. So say we all. Rock on man!!!!!!

  3. everytime after election always like that. what to do?

  4. 7th!

    PAP is going to fix us all!!

    Who will be next?

  5. dun sit here n blog la. go out n do something that'll help us!

  6. i support ya!!! fr sydney~~nsw

  7. and singapore is supp to be democratic. as we say... SIMI LANJIAO? democratic my balls.


  9. In the first place I wonder y TODAY like to find 3rd grade so called writes as columnists such as Wendy Cheng (WC), Mr. Brown... Give me a break

  10. Thank goodness u r still alive! As expected, we have to return our progress package $ plus interest. Can never win them...

  11. glad to see yr entries again. keep up with the updates!

  12. glad that you are still around =) Welcome back

  13. knn u finally come back ah. dont blog liao la.. cb gahmen is shooting down everyone. everything in this fuck place is increasing. taxi fare etc etc. knn....sian... how to become a quitter? i no $$ can be quitter??

  14. Rockson you speak the words of a Singaporean that no other Singaporean dares to say~~~ Rock on!

  15. I really really hope there will be no racist remark in this blog comment. Its really turn me off....

  16. "In the first place I wonder y TODAY like to find 3rd grade so called writes as columnists such as Wendy Cheng (WC), Mr. Brown... Give me a break"

    coz we are the 3rd grade citizen reading 3rd grade columists.


    i think only you alone feel bore, maybe you will be excited if you go and suck K BHAVANI cheebye sweat.

  18. welcome back. blog more leh, damn funny

  19. netizen fuck gahmen back

    so say we all

  20. So Say We ALLLLLLLLLLLL !!!!

  21. tot you are dead .. We waited for bloody 2 mths for this entry ... Gd work done

  22. Good things are always worth waiting...

  23. I support mr brown. He speak for us. S'pore need people like him who can speak for us. I begin to think tat actually s'pore is no different then N.korea. Our Lao lee is just like the Dictator Kim.

  24. I'm glad you comment on this since election.
    It's typical PAP govt style. Outwardly very shiok, world number one this, first world in 40 years that. But actually underneath very thin-skinned, petty, small-dick syndrome - that's why they jealous Gomez's indian tua ki (big dick) humtum him during, election.
    I re and re-read Mr Brown's post - all comments about rising costs, Bhavani shoot back and say his last column "partisan player in politics". Where got?? Comment on prices going up also political meh? Want people who comment to offer "constructive criticism and solutions". Very sorry, most people don't get paid to solve national/societal problems - govt got minister with $1 million salary, ask them for solutions. Since govt so good about accountability, ministers make so much money, should come up with solutions about rising costs of living.

  25. 37th
    wah stinks to hear about all this

  26. Tot u in Jail liao cause of ur blog lol... gald u r bak... got sumthing to look forward to read now...

  27. Fuck their mothercheebye!


  28. Lidat Bhavavni also partisan player in politics wat. She fucking running dog cunt! PAP go eat shit!

  29. 41st!!

    rockson.. good to know u are back!..

    and yah.. the gahmen.. dunno whatz wrong.. wake up your idea~!


  31. Haha, Rockson so long never blog thought he kana ISA liao. Better to reveal ur identity so that in case u kana imprison we will know.

  32. well rockson, maybe the truth hurts. elections over already ma. time for them to start cracking.

    welcome to singapore. =p

  33. Rockson:

    To show your support, why don't you go sign the petition for Mr Brown here:

    And put it up on your blog also. that way, more people know and will go and sign. And tell the entire kampung about it... so that everyone will "diao chui" (bring water)..

  34. Welcome back!!!!!!! So very long long... thought u kena clamp..........

  35. on the Gahmen.... the mendate for the last erection was won by PAP. Since that is what the 60%+ citizen want and that is what they deserve. No surprise if other cost goes up including the salary of the elected MPs...... As for the people... there is always a survey that will say that cost of living is the least concern of all.

  36. I guess only PAP is right and citizens are wrong in these KIND of situation. These KIND of situation have repeated many times over the years.

    What is more scarier is that PAP took the most popular blogger in Singapore to put on chopping block and use it to show as an example to everyone who wants to blog about politics. (Kai Dao: Open Knife)

    It is a very good political move by PAP.It has increased the fear factor by many notches. We are back to the 70s & 80s again.

    Most probably after this episode, there will be less activity on political blogs and Singaporeans will be apathetic again which PAP always 'advocates'.

    Maybe Mr Brown might even fizzle out.

  37. Isnt TODAY guilty of politicization of the issue and being partisan by dropping Mr Brown?

    I mean Mr Brown gave some private opinions and PAP replied. End of story.

    Let the people decide who is right and who is wrong.
    Not PAP or Mediacorp.

    There is no need to drop Mr Brown and make this issue a political fight between PAP and Anti-PAP.

    In fact, it is Mediacorp who is politicising the whole issue. It is Mediacorp who is partisan.

  38. This would not have happen if PAP did not politicise everything deem to their advantage.

    PAP should not politicise the media.

    I mean it is like PAP have politicise everything including NDP.

    But why the need to politicise?

    Is controlling Singaporeans right down to the bone that important and advantageous to PAP? Nothing more is important to them?

    This would not have happen if the media was not politicise. The determination by PAP to control all things is scary.

    They want to control but refuse to be responsible or apologetic when things go wrong is even scarier.

    All we ordinary people can do is vote Opposition in every election even if the Opposition loses. I cannot think of any other way to make PAP eat humble pie.

    Then no one would have the need to feel fear,tension and paranoid in their own homeland.

    PAP has to be Opposition for some time for Singapore's culture and climate to change, that is the only way.

    My vote is nothing but many votes is something.Please do not forget today's lesson even if PAP loosen control come GE 2011.

  39. Please suspend all the Pro PAP Journalists as well for being partisan and politicised.

    There are train loads of them. Everyday churning out Pro PAP news until like PAP is God.

    Please be fair in implementing laws(if any) and policy.

    I can name some for you: Chua sisters, Loh Chee Kong, Aaron Low, Nicholas Fang etc.

    Please suspend all of them as well.

  40. Why should journalists who are pro PAP should be ban? It doesn't benefit the Gehman. Gehman only take action on those who wrote articles that does not benefit them.

    Refusing to buy newsmedia that are pro PAP is a much better strategy. At least we are the one who are in control.

    Remember there is always alternative news on the net... and they are free too.....

  41. Hey rockson, thought u got detention. lol.

    It is toolan excellent to see u update your blog again. As always, lots of expletives and emotions. good shit man.

  42. long den oni u write. how come??

    how come oso don hap karen's story?? broke up oredi ah??

    arrrh...mayb heart pain dats y din write.




  45. Rockson you finally come back.

    Wah.. see you scold Gahmen song ah~!

    Ah Brown too good guy, he scared to scold Gahmen all those CB words, you scold Gahmen using CB words on behalf of Ah Brown...

    you good guy. I like you.

  46. Eh... Rockson...

    very fishy leh...
    i keep asking you come back here, you never come back..

    then I put in Ah Brown blog page, ask you come back and help scold Gahmen for him... you so chun chun (timely) come back...

    i fishy maybe you is Ah Brown 2nd Character.... like Toyota and Lexus (you Toyota lah) and Honda and Acura (you Honda lah) and Nissan and Infiniti (you Nissan lah) and Volkswagen and Audi (you Skoda lah) and Daewoo and Chevrolet (you Daewoo lah)....

    not say you cheaper brand, I say Ah Brown I more respect cos he now kenna cho-chok backside by Gahmen liao.....

    but I still like you lah... but I not Gay hor~~~

    but you can clarify you is the Ah Brown Toyota or not? tell leh....

  47. I fully support you on this. This is not the Singapore we want for our future.

    I can safely say that if this is the direction that Singapore is going to take for the forseeable future, Im going off to another country to work and live.

    Rockson, you are our voice, you might be one but you have the support of me and like minded people.

  48. HI ROCKSON!!!!!!!



    ROCK ON MAN!!!!!1

  49. Well, that's why I termed MICA as Singapore's Ministry of Propaganda!

    It is well-known that the authorities will not tolerate any views that challenged the 'official positive forecast'.

    Remember Mao Ze-Tung's 'Let A Thousand Flowers Bloom'? And see waht happened when he invited critics to voice their view on the CCP's rule? All the critics were rounded-up and termed counter-revolutionary!

    That's why even when small lee declared that he welcomed alternate views, I'm a sceptic of his aims. OF course he welcomed alternate views, provided it does not crticises the ruling party and put the blame on them.

    Well, sorry people, you got to bear with THEM for the next 5 years.

  50. To Gahmen: 我为你伤心


    是给你赚到 还是我残忍

    我为你伤心 言论自由没有成型
    谁说什么都不要紧 给你抓去全死刑
    我为你伤心 你的头脑没有成型

  51. see wad the fucking gahmen is doing to the innocent ppl. don't follow the crowd and support PAP. its time to take a stand. wadever PAP did in the past has already been applauded for. its time for someone else who cares about our welfare to step in

  52. rockson! gd to see u back ah! tod u kenna lockup at cantonment coz of gahmen sia! KNNBCCB!!! nice to see tat in your blog again! update more! "SO SAY WE ALL"!!

  53. Fuck lah, I long time give up liao lor..

    No matter how many letters I write to gahmen to ask them to improve things they NEVER listen one. Best response is "your comments will be noted" Wah biang, that one computer can tell u liao, no need gahmen..

    Feel so sad that a country you love so much has such a merciless gahmen.. sad man!!

    Rock on Rockson!
    Rock on Mr Brown!

  54. matrix = singapore

    no use fighting the system. you will be fixed.

  55. Well said!! Spore is too exp till we need to dig our saving in order to survive!! Damn u men!!!

  56. You minorities are really pathetic. The PAP goverment enjoys widespread support in Singapore. If you guys are really having such loud, strong, clear voices (and convictions), the government would not have been returned to power with such a huge majority. The truth is you are setting yourself against a popular governement that had recently been returned to office by the electorate in an election that was fair and square. We must have faith in the government and in our own choice.

  57. You majorities are really pathetic. Cannot even think for yourselves. No wonder people keep on saying that Singaporeans are stupid.

  58. >>At Friday, July 07, 2006 10:55:30 AM, Anonymous said...
    Haha, Rockson so long never blog thought he kana ISA liao. Better to reveal ur identity so that in case u kana imprison we will know.

    ler si kee seow, ah???


    it's precisely 'cos mr lee kin mun aka mr brown is publicly known dat he kenna stabbed in da back!!! light entertainment wif a dash of truth oso kenna smashed rice bowl n gag order, wat u tink dey do 2 ah rock??? got blain use blain, lah!!! udderwise, shut yr dat cb hole u call yr mouth!!! words cumming out fr there stink like fuck n stupe like hell, siah!!!

    ah rock - make sure u keep yr id as secret as possible if u wanna continue this blog!!!

  59. LOL, I also wrote about this.

    Man, the government is getting a bit too much.

    Eh Rockson, you also too much, from May till now only one post!

    SIAN LA!

  60. hahaha, i always vote opp.

  61. Replying to no name loser:

    You minorities are really pathetic. The PAP goverment enjoys widespread support in Singapore. If you guys are really having such loud, strong, clear voices (and convictions), the government would not have been returned to power with such a huge majority. The truth is you are setting yourself against a popular governement that had recently been returned to office by the electorate in an election that was fair and square. We must have faith in the government and in our own choice.

    Your small lancheow, the majority electorate walk over, where got majority support, more like majority lan cheow silent!!!.

    Go and chiak sai and bang mi


    "i think only you alone feel bore, maybe you will be excited if you go and suck K BHAVANI cheebye sweat."

    i'm glad u r back rockson. miss u.
    i support u n mr brown. i like ur voice for us!!

  63. it's singapore wat!

    elections are over.

    whatz the big surprise?
    we saw it coming right?

  64. fuck the gahmen la...fuck mediacock...fuck the lees

  65. nice post there.
    HA. just gotta agree

  66. Aiya. Expected what. PAP win election everything price go up. Rich people heaven. Teach you all la. Move overseas, register to be overseas voter. Then every 5 years vote Oppo.

    That way, we can do sth, and yet don't have to suffer because of the stupid brainwashed people's choice.

    They like to pay and pay, they love to make rich greedy companies richer, let them lor. Not our problem.

  67. anti-runningdog, it's precisely because foul mouth people like you 'all talk no action', which explains "the majority electorate walk over". If you are so serious about making a difference or even changing the world (heaven forbid), then go and contest an election.

  68. lol u back !!
    thought u died le...

    another action taken by our happy government sitting in their happy parliament screwing us all...

  69. glad to see rockson back in the house!
    the mrbrown issue is juz a mole hill la.. such a harmless and tongue in cheek article also can cause such a big uproar... even kenna sacked... if want give him a warning letter or wat la... kaoz... no warning then sack...

  70. Glad to see that u are back!
    Rockson rocks!
    Mr Brown rocks!

  71. these days, to have different/opposing view means becoming labelled as "enemy of the state" or "traitor". LOL.

    welcome to the MATRIX.

  72. have u gone for your daily compulsory brainscan?

    please report to your nearest brain control station and recite your pledge to the PAP!

    we have pills to make you forget the mr.brown incident. staying together, moving ahead!

  73. gahmen suck big time yet again !!! KNNBCCB !!!!

  74. hello rockson.

    nice piece. and down with whoever that suspended mr brown.

  75. u guys here got independent thoughts. thats not good. its a threat to the government.

    just take the pill ...
    and become starlandliu

  76. Even though how fuk up our gahmen is, not up to us to decide lor. no matter how we hate them, their system we still s'porean. This is the fact. If we migrate we r consider "quitter or classified by those foreign country as 2nd class citizen" so Lan Lan lor... This is life man...

  77. ccb la u, cockson tan!!!!

  78. Mr and Mrs Brown made me cry also...
    You made me cry also but it's because i laugh untill i cry !

  79. Nice work.


  80. dun migrate lah, just swallow the pill and become starlandliu. woohoo!

  81. Hi Rockson, glad to see your blog again...

    Let's see what LHL will say in coming National Day Speech. See
    to know what he said in 2004.

  82. “统治者都是骗子”的名言并非言过其实,财会专家会告诉我们如何玩弄统计数字,这也为何媒体舆论在我国必须是一家之言。民报结束营业,新民日报被收编,星洲日报和南洋商报合并成联合早报,当年总编辑等报人不是入狱就是遭清洗离职,党员堂而皇之进入编采高层,报喜不报忧充斥纸上,有个当年反对合并的举足轻重报人至今仍不看华文报,其执著精神虽近于顽固,也说明了造假舆论胜于肺腑真言使他不忍卒读。当年创报宗旨:人民喉舌,民族心声,社会正义等等诺言如今都束之高阁,回首真可令许多有良知报人感到汗颜。


  83. did we or mr brown read this correctly? brown got FIXED!

    "Our people should feel free to express diverse views, pursue unconventional ideas or simply be different ... Ours must be an open and inclusive society."

    - PM Lee Hsien Loong, speech on 12 Aug 2004.

  84. migrate overseas needs $$$, if not i'd have long migrated!!! Malaysia also can, better than stay here!! i admit I am quiter....stay here also short life!


    Go listen to the explanation by the government.

  86. i sincerely hope Rockson, like MR. Brown, will be exhumditied. You guys just distorted the facts. Do you know what you guys are doing may cause disturbance to singapore's stability? If like some of our neighbouring countries, if singapore go on stirkes, what message are we sending to the investors? If investors left, then whole singapore will die, not just you and Mr Brown! Fuck, guys, instead of complaining about life in singapore, why not just work hard and save money to migrate? If you have no money to migrate, whom you blaming? Only losers like you.

  87. dun migrate lor. absorb more PAPsmear propaganda and live happily in the matrix.

  88. wah i thought u kena arrested...

  89. Rockson,
    Glad you are back in action. I thought you had been taken out before they dealt with Brown.
    Anyway, who can we really blame for this unfortunate incident? The people voted this mafia government back on 6th May. When would Singaporeans learn that "you deserve the government that you voted in"?
    Come 2011, nobody would remember how an ordinary family man like Brown was screwed by the government for speaking what everybody feels. Until Singaporeans show their displeasure in votes and throw out more of these bigwigs, this kind of unfortunate episode would keep recurring.

  90. Rockson, glad to see your post again. For a while, I thought you have been ISA already.

    As for your suggestion, seems like the true culprit is out, it's Balakrishnan who is behind all these. Yesterday he spoke of the issue.

  91. true. but who is balakrishnan's boss? dirty harry or mini lee? a dog that cannot bark and bite is not a good dog. bala is a good dog.

  92. and they like to sue/threaten people, calling them liars.

    "Our people should feel free to express diverse views, pursue unconventional ideas or simply be different ... Ours must be an open and inclusive society."

    - PM Lee Hsien Loong, speech on 12 Aug 2004.

  93. PAP is going to fix us all!!?

    who will save us!!!!!!!?

    Yes, We are the CURE for them!

  94. PAP famous for this la! Use big hammer smash small worker ants.. Anything 'undesirable' must cull.. opposition? cull. too many cats? cull. Blogger leh? Also cull. Now mr brown also tio.. chee bye lah gahmen, dun triple standard.. gahmen want to "fix" must target the real problem.. they shd stop their political games of distraction and look at themselves, so they can fix the REAL problem!

  95. Ang Moh Peter Swartz say gahment should allow creative types to sport long hair and smoke pot, he never kena fucked. MrBrown say electricity and taxi fares increase, kena sacked. Solution: get rid of the MIW, and return Singapore to Singaporeans. So say we all, lor!

  96. I wear brown colour shirt. go city hall make frens. heheheee...

    so shiok... find all these people same idea one...

    then got one guy keep coming to wanna be my fren, then find out i repair car.. keep asking me why his car got noise la, vibration la, sttering not straight la.... CB stone guy.

    lim peh no time to suck up to you ok? you go complain to your agent lah~! tell you straight in the face liao you still buay heow bai keep bugging me and my frens... you study so much earn so much money eat shit one isit?

    anyway.. still happy got go city hall and wear brown shirt...
    make frens only mah....

    those auntie uncle wear cowboy costume also 30~50 people dance together make frens police also no catch, we wear brown shirt and 30~50 people making frens cannot meh???

    CB police, Gahmen dog, you people NS kenna police better just play along... dun think wanna be high flyer in NS or what... you eat gahmen shit lah you. only white horse NS can be a BG...

  97. Rock.... becareful hor... I'm not suprise if your blog will be requested for shutdown. If that happens, gahmen will surely put a spin on why action is needed.

  98. i tot u also got fed to the wolves when i checked in a couple of times and there was no updates after the election!

  99. They would never arrest people like Rockson or Mr Brown unless they touch on sensitive issues like "race". In any case, even if they do intend to fix these bloggers, those getting "fixed" would just find their lives a little bit more inconvenient, but definitely not behind bars for writing these run-of-the-mill stuff. I think in this aspect we are much better off than the North Koreans and eh... China during the cultural revolution? So cheer up everyone and stop complaining.

  100. As METALLICA once sang in "Eye of the Beholder",

    Independence Limited
    Freedom of choice, is made for you my friend.
    Freedom of speech, is words that they will bend
    Freedom with their Exception.

  101. Woah! U so long no write, we thot u kena eat black-bean rice.
    Just buoycot TODAY paper lor....mediacock n SHP are all gahmen pple wat.

  102. i wrote to the TNP about mrbrown's suspension.. but do you guys think it will be published? it's like letting pple fuck their arse.. hmm.. i doubt it will.. hahahaha.. anyone starting any petition for mr brown?

  103. Ya rite! tell mr. Brown to quit complaining n work on solutions with gahmen pple.... if he can do that wat r we paying so much for those ministers for!!!!If mr. Brown is constructive enough for all the solutions, what is the gahmen departments pple for??????eat wind there????? Then just nice to fly our national flags liao.

  104. Hey you Rockson LOSERS! Check out my poem for mrbrown!

    Friday, July 07, 2006

    [My take on mrbrown's suspension]

    I guess I knew it was coming.
    So here's a poem on my thoughts:

    There are times when I laugh and times when I frown

    When I read your column (in Today) mrbrown

    You make things sound so funny

    About the Government and how they like to earn our money

    You discuss the issues of many Singaporeans

    About policies made by our country's politicians

    I don't deny the issues you brought up

    I know they deserve some thought

    You have the right

    To what you want to write

    Bet you didn't know who was reading

    And didn't know what it'd cost

    Could it have been done in a more subtle way?

    Perhaps it was the tone and sarcasm, people say

    But well, like every story there is an end

    Didn't you think of the consequence?

    posted by Ephraim at 11:37 PM

  105. Ephraim trying cheapskate way to get hits on his blog and earn advertisement money!

    Everyone ignore and no go his knnbccb blog! Don't fall into trap! Go there maybe your IP get logged and you get spam mails on how to enlarge dicks!

  106. Free speech comes with responsibility. When you are challenged, be prepared to stand up and say so. Put it this way, if someone said false thing about you (and he claimed it's his free speech, do you just do nothing? Damn, that same goes for the govt. If every tom, dick and harry starts bad-mouthing the govt, then what kind of respect this govt going to get from foreign countries? Remember, singapore has no raw resources, if no foreign investment, singapore will be doomed. so don't complaining and try to think how to bring the bacon home.

  107. This Ephraim Loy is from STOMP and all the posts in the forum are Pro PAP.

    Either we swamp STOMP with anit-PAP statements until they close down or we let STOMP be another PAP clone.

  108. there is NO freedom of speech in our country. get real. we are surrounded by propaganda, subtle but surely it is there. the media is the gahmen. sad, but true.

  109. PAP is trying discredit blogs and forums and wants to brainwash Singaporeans into believing so.

    PAP is testing the OB markers of Singaporeans as well


    Excerpts from the AFP:

    Supporters of a Singaporean blogger have gathered at a busy subway station for a silent protest at the suspension of his weekly newspaper column after the government criticised his latest satirical piece about high living costs.

    At least 30 supporters turned up at City Hall station at 2:00 pm dressed in brown attire in support of the blogger, who goes by the moniker Mr Brown.

    Unfortunately for the news wire agency, the real news wasn't that 30 people in Singapore bothered to take part in a flash mob for a proscribed blogger-columnist. I could think of several more newsworthy stories on the top of my head, such as:

    How did a secret SMS-only invite leak out to the press, which turned up in battle positions and recording equipment shoved up the noses of participants, even before the flash mob was scheduled to begin?

    Or how's this for a more newsworthy story:
    Plainclothes police accost flash mob participants at end of event

    At least 2 participants were approached Citylink mall by 4 plainclothes police operatives after the flash mob event concluded. The operatives presented themselves to the duo, requesting a "short and private discussion at a more private place".

    The operatives, marshalled in a line formation, herded the two to a remote corner of the underground mall, where they proceeded to ask the following questions:
    Who organised this protest?
    How did you know about this protest?
    What are the names of the people who informed you of this protest? What are the names of the people you informed, in turn?

    And the winner: Look, we know all about this protest. You better cooperate with us and tell us the truth.

    Thankfully one of the cornered persons did read up on his rights, as well as the extent of cooperation citizens are bound to give to plainclothes operatives presenting themselves without a warrant or charges, and gave them his name, his lawyer's contacts, and told them to **** off.

    Several, even more newsworthy issues present themselves in the aftermath:
    1. Flash mob sparks police actions by government
    2. Seeing the flash mob as a bona fide protest, Wong Kan Seng, the Minister for Home Affairs, does not send in the riot police.
    3. Instead, the clown show is mobilised.

    Apparently there is no formal investigation, no indication that said flash mob is an illegal and destablising event, so what the MHA and Wong can do is send in the clown squad and hope that the idea of plainclothes operatives asking questions and claiming to know everything about the event... will actually scare off the participants, make them piss in their pants, and scar them for life. Remember, kids: for real protests and destabilising events, the riot police is used. When the authorities want to stage a political comedy, they send in plainclothes operatives!

    But really, this flash mob was rather lame. People showed up and stood around. No silly waving, cheers, synchronised actions or what have you. No immediate and sudden dispersal. And the best part? People who didn't get the message won't get the message at all. So much for a flash mob for Mr Brown.

    Don't get me started on the organiser's horrendously unironic satorical decision wear brown shirts to support a columnist who was unfairly axed. This is what you get when Singapore's artistes pose as political activists.

    Ladies and gentlemen, the continuing clown show from Wong Kan Seng. As if the dropping of the police investigation against Char isn't embarrassing enough, they send in a clown show against a not-very-successful or well-planned and conceptualised flash mob.

  111. I've never seen profanity used so wittily. I wish more ah bengs were like you!

  112. “Let a hundred flowers bloom, let one hundred schools of thought contend.” - Chairman Mao.

    Remember what happened to those who took up this challenge and decided to express diverse views, pursue unconventional ideas, simply be different or worse tell this great leader what was wrong?

    So dear Singaporeans, please do not take words at its face value. We should read our history books a little bit more and learn from its lessons.

  113. who keeps on coming up with these matrix examples and references. sound so comicky and cartoonish.

    living in sg is no movie and no joke.
    its a fact of life.

  114. ahtau, your name says it all. so are you from marvel heroes or hellokitty? LOL.

  115. ephraim, your poem no good leh. At least try to write something that makes sense.

  116. heyyy well said. i never knew there were so many underlying issues behind the whole thing. thanks for returning to your blog as well yeah. (:

  117. Aiya, U people oready vote the very gahman who shaft the progress package money down your CB mouth, plus the upgrade carrot up into your sorry asshole liao.

    Now then U cry father cry mother. Call call yourself stupid Chao Chee Bye Singaporean lar.

    Served you right!

    Me? Lim Pea DID NOT vote for PAPa.

  118. Aiya... see ah. the very fact we can publish this online hor is already good liao lor... see cheena they so strict on internet... see n korea they dont even got internet! wait for the day gahmen come crack down on us this kind of blogger and netizen, then we kao pei kao bu! but then hor, by that time we maybe unable to kao pei leh. haha so hor, must act fast k. once you notice something amiss raise alarm hor!

  119. 'Free speech comes with responsibility. When you are challenged, be prepared to stand up and say so. Put it this way, if someone said false thing about you (and he claimed it's his free speech, do you just do nothing? Damn, that same goes for the govt. If every tom, dick and harry starts bad-mouthing the govt, then what kind of respect this govt going to get from foreign countries? Remember, singapore has no raw resources, if no foreign investment, singapore will be doomed. so don't complaining and try to think how to bring the bacon home.'

    bring the bacon home to feed the wolves? my bacon has been sliced n cut many ways... housing, medical, transportation etc. i cant seem to find ways to enlarge my bacon either. the meatiest part is always taken by the top dogs, leaving crumbs for us... then snatching our crumbs too!!

  120. TO be honest, People should not be afraid of the government, it is the Government should be afraid of the people. The only reason for the existance of a government is the people. A voice by the people charged with wrath can be a dangerous one.

    The government should fuckin wake up and start listening to the people and stop their "Legalised Partial Autocratic" rule.

    Wat Mr brown said is the fact and people are not fuckin HAPPY .dat Bavani dude, don come n tell the people to shut up, u fuckin shut the fuck up.

    Times have changed and stop having dat old mentality of the old singapore. Increasing the price of so many fuk thing, so wat happens to all our income tax we paid, where they go? wat about the $$ form our CPF you used for investments?

    FOR FUCK'S SAKE, and stop tryin to push smokers to the corner, a cornered dog is more dangerous than wat u can expect wen it bites back. 80% of the world population are snmokers, if u wan to act good guy n create a non smoking singapore, i DARE the government to BAN cigarettes, i DARE to tell u, no the government wont due to the high revenue they are gettin from smokers, hear dat? the $$ from smokers, we feed u fucking government and not u feed us.

    And stop treating us like dogs everytime Election comes, we are not beggars, enticing with upgrade n $$ is so low. Anything new u can think of? and don talk so big we got 80 million for yur upgrade and all dat crap, those are our $$$, 80 million not enough to help us tide over the price hike? den now u lose, dat 80 million go where?

    Nub government

  121. Bavani is a female, Rockson. I think you have messed up.

    STOMP is bullshit. It is just a god damn nice way to control media here!

  122. What to do?
    born as a rechargable battery, better be prepared to be drain dried. Never comment how your user use you. Just be fucking happy they willing to recharge you 80%once a while, and drain you 110%again. How nice to be a fucking battery.

  123. think that "ah tau" poster will not appreciate the post above. ah tau don't see any relevance between "matrix" and sg life. heh. since he so cock, suggest that he go read george orwell's "animal farm" and "1984". if still don't get it, go watch "v for vendetta". if stilll dun get it, haiz, go swallow the pill and be starlandliu!

  124. LOL... the starlandliu is just a sec 5 kid. U know what is the advantages of being a kid? the advantage is he can talk cock without getting any trouble. he say what patrotic to country loyal to pap all is craps la. Hey starlandliu, u know y u can talk cock here anot? cos u r not a taxpayer yet, when u reach the age of payin tax u con't come here say gahmen is good liaoz. A cock can talk, Chee byee can sing song liaoz. Hope u can understand this uncouth words.

  125. ROCKSON IS BACK! good to know u'll still stand up when things go wrong ROCKSONMAN RETURNS!!



  127. I also say the bloody government running dogs can go to hell and stay there.

  128. na bey puah cheeby Mr Minister! Dun come and tell us to offer solutions to your fucking problems! You are paid fucking tons of $$$ from our taxes you collect. It is YOUR FUCKING JOB to solve our rising costs of living. Why don't you quit your job and give us your PAY and we will solve the problems ourselves??? For fuck's sake, if we can offer you solutions, we DON'T NEED you to be sitting high up in your ivory tower collecting huge SALARY for nothing. DO U FUCKING UNDERSTAND!!??

  129. mr brown kena before rockson. how ironic...

  130. hey minister fucker... I totally agreed what u say man... our gahmen always like to talk cock... like our small Lee.. say what we have the freedom of speech.. Lan pa.. where got freedom of speech mr brown also kanna F in the end. If we are really democratic, this type of thing will not happen.

  131. good! like ur last paragraph!

  132. when comes to economy, we compare ourselves to USA, EU, Japan and Australia.

    when comes to politics and freedom, we compare ourselves to North Korea, Iran and the likes.

    this is just sad.

    distribute gahmen ministers "peanuts" salary to peasants and no more problem liao. heh.

  133. What da fuck...when will we ever learn? A lot of pretentious and naive people in this country. Educated but actually not educated at all.

  134. Dun say those minister, Let look at those senior commander in SAF.. dae drawn our taxpayer money, everyday sit in office only talk cock. zuo bo lan. People who fight the war is not those General but is those CPL or LCP. In War a LTC also need to fight lor.. but see our commander only know to arrow pple do work and talk cock la kopi in the office. Really waste our taxpayer money.

  135. you da man rockson. actually you the tua ji. i thumbs up horse up salute you. but i not gay hor.

    na beh, i read your blog in office make me laugh till kopi-o come out my nose, cb. lucky my boss also read your blog, otherwise i pa jiao oredi.

    eh, to any gahmen ppl reading this blog, wake up man, there's a lot of dulan ppl out there and they are seriously kan dulan lor. nabeh mr. brown make this kind of comment also cannot. he polite guy, dun even use KNNBCCB. bo tai ji become tai ji. nothing better to do issit?

    ephraim loy: give you friendly advice: wear a red t-shirt and stand at the wrong end of the firing range. much less painful way to die than come here tio kan.

  136. ministerfucker,

    What u said r very very right!

    Those can't solve problem ministers should stand to one side, may be to the left side because they r not right.

  137. ministers draw high salary from peasants taxed money. also send their children overseas what.

    peasants migrate then kena called quitters. while ministers children enjoying life overseas.

    look at LKY's grandchildren. got one stuyding in american school in singapore. must be preparing him for overseas study liao. how much do u think the LEE dynasty is worth?? how much money have they make while ruling singapore for the past 40 years??

    staying together moving ahead. MY ASS!

  138. "look at LKY's grandchildren. got one stuyding in american school in singapore. must be preparing him for overseas study liao. how much do u think the LEE dynasty is worth?? how much money have they make while ruling singapore for the past 40 years??"

    hey bro, i agreed what u say man. They encourage us to enter local school but Lee make their grandchildren study international sch. Lee still say we are equality. Fuck man.. where got equal? Lee dynasty already rule here for 40yrs.. i shall see whether they have another 40 yrs to rule. Fuck u Lee dynasty and Fuck those SAF senior commander also. Only know how to Lick the chee bye gahmen backside. Other country General so powerful, our General only know how to open president car door. Useless ass.

  139. dear rockson, please also look into how they constntly bully royston tan, on last week article MDA Amy chua claiming that the director lied and made 27 cuts on himself and not them, what malice lies..... who in the right mind would do ssuch think!!!! . rumor royston tan is going to be the next one, please do somthuing about it,

    I plea you.

  140. "Lee still say we are equality. Fuck man.. where got equal?"

    Gahman say what you also believe in full. If they said shit taste good you also go eat.

    No wonder other country say we Singaporean stupid.

    use your brain, use your brain

  141. call overseas singaporean quitters. bloodyhell, if war comes, who will charge up front and die first?

    1) son of heartlanders living in HDB


    2) whitehorse son of LEE dynasty and their cronies?

    use your brain, use your brain! go google and read how many ministers children settling down overseas! read the overseas properties they own. use your brain, use your brain!

  142. Singaporeans the least happy people in Asia

    Brown, down but not out,39047368,39375100,00.htm

    STAYING TOGETHER, MOVING AHEAD! .... lol, lmao, rofl, lol, lmao, rofl, lol, lmao, rofl ...

  143. A fucking humourous site.

  144. "Gahman say what you also believe in full. If they said shit taste good you also go eat.

    No wonder other country say we Singaporean stupid."

    Oei, Gahmen ask u serve ns u serve ah? dun serve la.. be a AWOL list. Gahmen ask u pay tax u pay ah? dun pay la.. Oei.. u know what make a chee bye sing song anot? is you this type of pple ok? u know y Li Ao say we are stupid anot? is becuase u this type of pple. Only know how to talk cock sing song play majong. i say one more time If cock can talk chee bye can sing song. Use ur ass to think cos u dun haf brain.

  145. "No wonder other country say we Singaporean stupid."

    Singaporean r stupid? does it apply to u? if u r not a s'porean den fuk off la... come rockson blog kum lan? Chee bye son of mother fucker.. come here talk no brain.. always pple say. den they ask u eat shit u also eat ah? use ur ass to think also.. no ass use ur chee bye hole.

  146. Hiyo.. Mr Brown so poor thing...

    As someone who has ever worked in Mediacock before... I will say this..

    Wat do you expect.. mediacorp is quasi government.. if the gov takes such a strong stand against Mr Brown. It will be just a matter of time before they take away his column... there must be banging their heads against the wall as well as you can be sure the editor got it left, right center for allowing the column to see light of day....

  147. >>Singaporean r stupid? does it apply to u? if u r not a s'porean den fuk off la... come rockson blog kum lan? Chee bye son of mother fucker.. come here talk no brain.. always pple say. den they ask u eat shit u also eat ah? use ur ass to think also.. no ass use ur chee bye hole. <<

    Congatulations! you have proved one more singaporean to be stupid

    Please look at the context I was using the phrase in, dont just scold because you see the word stupid. And please use vulgarities in a clever way like rockson does, dont make it seem like you are shitting from your chee bye hole.

  148. Fuck their mothercheebye!
    Fuck their mothercheebye!
    Fuck their mothercheebye!

  149. "Congatulations! you have proved one more singaporean to be stupid

    Please look at the context I was using the phrase in, dont just scold because you see the word stupid. And please use vulgarities in a clever way like rockson does, dont make it seem like you are shitting from your chee bye hole."

    Fuck you la.. i use vulgarities because lim peh song ok? i like to fuck u what can u do to me? i fuck ur whole family u also lan lan over there. What can u do to me? U go and open ur fucking eyes big big and see ur content again. Pls dun be like the indian Gomex still need me to use CCTV to prove it to you. You think u r jews ah? Gifted race issit? If u r a jew i will be the first one to exterminate u, understand anot? You are jus a piece of shit.. Fucking inferior race. One more thing.. I'm a guy no chee bye hole.. i thk u haf.. cos u haf a chee bye mouth.

  150. "Congatulations! you have proved one more singaporean to be stupid

    Please look at the context I was using the phrase in, dont just scold because you see the word stupid. And please use vulgarities in a clever way like rockson does, dont make it seem like you are shitting from your chee bye hole."

    Oei fucker... u also top 5% stupid pple in s'pore la... same same la... LOL... i agreed what nazi punk say... u really haf a chee bye mouth.. when u free? let's meet up i wanna play ur chee bye mouth leh.....

  151. "Oei, Gahmen ask u serve ns u serve ah? dun serve la.. be a AWOL list. Gahmen ask u pay tax u pay ah? dun pay la.. Oei.. u know what make a chee bye sing song anot? is you this type of pple ok? u know y Li Ao say we are stupid anot? is becuase u this type of pple. Only know how to talk cock sing song play majong. i say one more time If cock can talk chee bye can sing song. Use ur ass to think cos u dun haf brain."

    Do U think I have a choice?
    It's the CheeBye people like yourself who don't have the balls to stand up for your rights, anyway U don't have them either.

    Smart Singaporeans like myself, Mr.brown & Rockson wanted changes, but STUPID CheeByes like yourself took up 66.6% voting the current gahman.

    It's time for U to use your brain to think, not your Cheebye.

  152. We, the sillyzens of Sinkpoor,
    pledge ourselves as one united payple,
    regardless of race, language or religion,
    to build a $$$$$ society
    based on kia su and kia si
    so as to achieve unhappy, poorer and
    stress for our life.

  153. We, the netizens of Sinkpoor,
    pledge ourselves as one united netple,
    regardless of race, language or religion,
    to build a intelligent netion
    based on gah su and gah si
    so as to achieve happiness, prosperity and progress
    for our netion.

  154. 我们是新加坡功民,

  155. 我们是新加坡网民,

  156. Hi, nice to hear from you again.
    I missed out on MICA's reply to Mr Brown comments, reference back and found this extract from their reply-
    "These were precisely the reasons for the Progress Package — to help lower income Singaporeans cope with higher costs of living."
    Amusing isn't it, the so-called "Progress Package" is actually a shock absorber to their preemptive increases??? Then why was it marketed as "Progress Package"??? They should told us this "precise reason" during the election???
    I know some others will find me irresponsible, distorting the facts with extracts, etc...I tried but still being drawn to that statement!!!
    Sad....I'm sure Mr Brown and many will lan lan accept if they have prior knowledge to the reason for the "Progress Package"!
    Hokien saying " Kia Tng, Por Tay" - "Pay you short (one time) but take from you long long" is gov management main policy

  157. well the people voted the PAP in afterall. the people have made their choice, now they just have to live with it.

  158. you're still alive! CHEERS TO ROCKSON!!

  159. "The things that are wrong with our country today are the sum total of all the things that are wrong with us as individuals."

  160. "Do U think I have a choice?
    It's the CheeBye people like yourself who don't have the balls to stand up for your rights, anyway U don't have them either.

    Smart Singaporeans like myself, Mr.brown & Rockson wanted changes, but STUPID CheeByes like yourself took up 66.6% voting the current gahman."

    Sorry ah.. I'm Lan Jiao pple not chee byee pple.. cos i dun haf chee byee like u do. By e way u say i dun haf balls but i have leh... LOL.. u muz be very disappointed unless u can make it disappear den i believe ur chee byee words. haha. A short sentence like this already can shoot off ur lan pa liaoz.. u still dare to come here talk cock? pls la go home pcc or play ur own chee byee la... For your info, i vote for WP. and this form up the 44% of opposition force. if u dunoe anything abt it dun come here anyhow show ur chee byeee and let me fuck... One last thing, u really haf a chee byee mouth, i really wanna try it can meet u up? i wanna play... LOL

  161. To the chee bye "anti-gahmen" post

    I still dunno what the fuck you're toking about.

    U pro-pap or what? then u said u vote for WP.

    Hong Gan lah, U better make up your fucking mind.

    U no lan chao, just got extra chee bye for all of us here ti fuck!!


  162. "i sincerely hope Rockson, like MR. Brown, will be exhumditied. You guys just distorted the facts. Do you know what you guys are doing may cause disturbance to singapore's stability? If like some of our neighbouring countries, if singapore go on stirkes, what message are we sending to the investors? If investors left, then whole singapore will die, not just you and Mr Brown! Fuck, guys, instead of complaining about life in singapore, why not just work hard and save money to migrate? If you have no money to migrate, whom you blaming? Only losers like you."

    dun like wad he say, dun fucking read his blog lar! opposition also need venues of expression right? and not like mr brown is against gahmen in dat article. he onli express his feelings about the situation wad.

  163. you people are simply weird... comment on which ranking u are on rock's comment page!

    back to my comments,..
    to hell with democracy in SG...

    we have a Govt who bootlicks and hopes to transform Singapore into a Communist country like
    What to do? MIGRATE

  164. Democratic? The government should hamkalinked!!

  165. whah, now compare and reduce singapore life to rechargable battery. like a iPod.

    very demeaning and insulting. no wonder the outside world think singaporeans are screwed.

    tsk tsk tsk u guys watch too much japanese manga shit on tv man. go and read some book like Lord of the Flies.

  166. well, even the straitstimes reported that singaporeans are the least happy people in southeast asia. haiz.

    staying together, moving ahead.

  167. The Empire Strikes Back!

  168. luckily talkingcock based in the USA. otherwise sure kenah whacked by the PAP dynasty.

  169. yr 2001, 1 out of 4 not stupid,
    yr 2006, 1 out of 3 not stupid,
    yr 2011, 1 out of 2 not stupid,

  170. Feel so sad that a country you love so much has such a merciless gahmen.. sigh

  171. sigh! it is sad to learn that a decent man like mr brown lost his job. however, he should have known the govt better, u just can't get too loud about your views especially in the public publication. i agree w one of them, if he is fucked, then editor for the publication should be fucked too cos he does the final vetting n decides what goes in the publication.

    but then again, mr brown should have known that there are guidelines to air his views as not to get fucked. i mean i supported his points on the price increase cos there's no denying but personal views about paying tolls n stuff was not necessary. in fact it should be contructive and objective to get his point across...

    well, still my sympathy goes to this man, but i recommend "thank u for smoking" as a reference...

  172. so proud to call urself a sporean and for gdness sake.. all of us already know u're rockson.. if u're so brave.. show us ur face

  173. i'm so totally sick of you rock-son! get a life

  174. Hello, , for all the info u need on attraction.

  175. some pple CB hv to always kena f by u, if not their CB too free then they would use it to think and not use their brain to think!
