Sunday, May 07, 2006

Mandate what cheebye mandate?

Wah so exciting this time. Especially the Potong Pasir and Hougang fight. $80 to $100 million fucking dollar and plus send Lau Goh go there also cannot help them win Chiam and Low Thia Khiang. People cannot always be win by send Big Gun and give money. People want your heart not just your hand. Aljunied that side is good example of what the new Singaporean want. Ang Mo Kio result also another big sign.

But fuck lah, you just see lor, Aljunied sure kena chop chop like Cheng San one. Almost 44% the people there choose Worker Party. Fuck care you put how many PAP minister down there. 44% of Aljunied don't mind lose one Overseas Minister and two small minister. What that tell you? People not happy. People want more. People want MP that can do thing for them. They heng in Aljunied still got the woman MP like Cynthia Pua do her work or else die. I have many friend in Aljunied and they tell me they never see the General before. So have a big minister as my MP for fuck?

And Ang Mo Kio is the best! All the time walkover until WP send their Kamakazee team there. Six no-experience young punk fight the Small Dragon and can win until 33% of the vote there! Lim Boon Heng got say 85% win for Small Lee right? Hahahahahaha!!!! Where is your 85% now? 70 fucking percent also dun have! Still can say got mandate and got new young voter support. Just kena fuck backside by six virgin, support ki lan ah! AMK the 66.13% cannot even beat the average Singapore 66.6% score. Mandate ki lan ah!

I heard the Cheng San that side got help a bit. Cheng San people still never forgive PAP for 1997. You can chase away their Tang Liang Hong. You can swallow their Cheng San put inside Ang Mo Kio. But you cannot take away the toolan in their heart. This 33% is their present to you. This 33% is Cheng San middle finger give to PAP.

Friend just told me they arrest Gomez. Dunno true or not. Nabei election over liao so can start to bully people. You just see lah, your life will go back the same hell like before.

Actually the most big loser is not Opposition. They actually improve a lot, almost every place they fight the percent increase, PAP percent go down. Even Talk Cock Ling and his Self Destroy Party also can get 20%, quite good liao. No, the most big loser is Goh Choke Tong who kena send to become PAP Suicide Man. Send him go to Potong Pasir and Hougang and die. At least the Worker Party Suicide 6 go with nothing, come back with some result. Lau Goh go with his name and his million of carrot, come back with the million of carrot push up his kar chng by the people who support Chiam and Low. Somemore dunno how come this election, Lau Goh say so many stupid thing, like say bad thing about Chiam even make Chiam wife cry. Lau Lee and Small Lee lend him the knife by send him go to PP and Hougang, but Lau Goh ownself poke his own stomach. Small Lee not just fix opposition, also fix Lau Goh I think. Hahahahahaha!!!!

The other big loser is the cheebye Singapore newspaper like PAP Times and Mediacocksucker TV station like Channel News of PAP Only. After this election, no people want to believe you now. The internet show you all as Big Gahmen Running Dog. Maybe the auntie and the old man still will read you and believe you. But the new generation not just will read you less and less, and watch you less and less, they will never believe you fucker again.

Maybe Lau Goh can start new party, the Last-Time PAP party! Hahahahahaha!!!


  1. ya manz.. mandate meh.. 1/3 of the voters wan the opposition.. PAP just wanna deny the fate that the opposition is getting more supporters than ever before..

  2. how now they wanna chop up aljunied? make all of them move! haha or better still make hougang ppl move to aljunied! lidat sure win one le. hahaha

    rock on!

  3. Fact: The AMK result was the lowest percentage of votes ever garnered by a Prime Minister in his own constituency in recorded history.

  4. yea. new generation ain't like PAP no more. they all can go geylang sell backside. i think chicken also dun like them. WP FTW !

  5. Fact: SM Goh pledged not to integrate Hougang into Aljunied GRC if PAP won Hougang- confirming the long-running rumour that the PAP is able to exert a certain kind of control over the way election boundaries are designed.

  6. disapponted wif the ge results too. Wp shld have won aljunied.

  7. woot im twelve! argh i was online for so long could have been first! haha ok anws,

    GOOD JOB ROCKSON! love ur GE commentary!

  8. haha PAP, no use lah.. the next 5 years PAP EAT SHIT.. somemore this morning downstairs my house still see them walking around.. saying THANK YOU FOR SUPPORTING PAP.. MY BLARDY ASS TO YOU!! I respect hougang and potong pasir resident sia.. soon there will be more people like potong pasir and hougang residents.. by then PAP can just go home SUCK THUMB. CHIAM SEE TONG and LOW THIA KHIANG 3 CHEERS! Respect them man! they are the MEN! PAP CAN GO WASH TOILET BOWL. DOWN WITH PAP! DOWN WITH THE LEE DYNASTY!!!!

  9. Haha. Its ok.. I'll try better next time. That Lim Boon Heng is going to get it from me for saying I'll win 85% KNNBCCB.

  10. Surreal...things are still the same. But as you said, the Opposition has done well and I'm glad that they'll be back.

  11. yeah man..
    me from hougang...workers party!!!
    dangle carrot also no point..sincerity is from the heart..not from pocket..

  12. pap got served. lol

  13. Pay And Pay suck <====3

  14. PM Lee said in the press conference, "This year's result is better .... than 1997". Why compare with 1997 and not 2001? Got only 66% of votes in AMK and refused to admit that he did not get the strong mandate (>80%). Worst result among all PMs in Singapore GE history (never <75%). He also refused to give credit to his rookie opponents and cited party branding gave them the good results. Refused to admit that he fucked it up by saying "fix the oppostion" and "buying votes". Refused to admit that Lee Bih Wah so arrogant to question the integrity of WP candidates. Refused to admit that Inderjit Singh tainted what he heard from James Gomez... after screwing Andrew Kuan now come and screw JG, his "friend" for more than 10 yrs. Can Inderjit Singh be trusted at all ... one day he might betray small Lee too? Finally, when his son attended the WP rally at AMK, he refused to believe that there is something wrong and said that it was okay, WP trying to fly kite and people go there for fun only. Maybe he only got his intelligence ST, CNA etc. hehe. :)

  15. Glad that the voters in HG and PP did not bite the carrot. We Singaporeans are NOT RABBITS!

    After give Progress Package to buy votes, result worse than last GE. It shows that we cannot be bought over by $$$.

    LTK or CST should run for the next President Election. People sure vote for them to check on the PAP. The Gahmen is answerable to the President on how they should allocate fund for HDB upgrading and how they can distribute money to Singaporeans outside election period.

  16. its the rise of the opposition..

  17. u nv fail to amaze me. lol

  18. You spoke my sentiments.

    Well done, WP. In fact, you probably scored better than the opposition overall.

    In the meantime, while you regroup and grow, we will have to continue singing this:

    We are Singapore,
    We are Singapore,
    We will stand together
    hear Lee Hsien Loong roarrr

  19. na beh.. still got so many uncle auntie humji.. go vote for pap... si beh sian..

    also, how come small lee know that young voters voted for him? as well as where his votes come from? another bloody confirmation that they can check who vote for opposition and den later deal with them separately.

    rockson>> u watch porn n vote opposition, later garhmen come lock up your horse den u know

  20. Well done!!! WP and SDA!

    Stupid Lau Goh still say ppl from Potong Pasir and Hougang very loyal and honest...very good ppl...wat now whole Singapore are winners.

    Pls lar....lost liao dun console yourself lar!!! Stupid old man!!! Our SM Goh is the poorest loser!!!
    HA! HA! HA! Use billions of $$$ still cannot buy sour grapes!!!!

    Old man, go dig a hole a jump into it with ur peanut wife lar!!!!! HA!HA! HA!HA!

  21. This are all tactics lah...They actually beri toolan inside got 66%...but have to act very happy mah...u all cannot see nia...PAP close the door meeting the small dragon take a knife butter everybody asshole. LOL

  22. Now is 66.6%. Next time is 60%. Next next time is 55%. In 15 years, will be 50-50 liao opposition vs PAP! Young generation toolan them liao!

  23. Who says Young generation support PAP? If the small dragon says that, he must be dreaming! Stop building castles in the air, our dear PM. Limit a certain extent towards consoling yourself.

    Your poor results of 66% is attributed by young Singaporeans who are sick of your PAP Dictatorship!!!!!

    WAKE UP, PM!!!!

  24. Goh is a nice guy. He speaks with great open-mindedness and wisdom. The Lees are the heavy-handed ones. Choose your enemy with discretion. Do not oppose with the sole purpose of opposing.

  25. This time result close to 1997, but 1997 seems no progress package !

    This time gave more $$$$ than 2001, but the %% drop !

    I think next time would be able to get more $$$$$ !

  26. WP = wayang party
    no wonder this round they have improved bcoz they wayang and pple like you happy watching their backside!!!

  27. kns! why pap win, because ppl think that WP never say what they wanna contribute

    but is pap keep shoot the wp ppl regarding the GOMEZ case, that's why WP got no chance to say what they can contribute. so ppl stupidly voted for PAP.

    aljunied 1/3 is make up of hougang ppl, perhaps that's why the percentage differ by 6% nia.
    aljunied should be under WP!

    but to make ourself feel better,
    it's safer to be under pap as well, although pay alot.

  28. haha...face the fact and reality lah!!! lose means so much for fuck!!!

    i wish those who still support opposition have their family all kenna fuck by Rockson hard hard one...

  29. james comez finally james go mad !!!

  30. all pple support $$$$ not saliva and fuck freedom for what!

  31. HAHA! more than 1/4 of AMK tell PM Lee to go fuck off! He will kena from his daddy for sure!!


  32. Kudos to people to Hougang and Potong Pasir man! They have integrity and din allow themselves to be bribed by the million dollars upgrading programme! And also cheers to the 30% voters in AMK who show much courage to vote against the dragon in his own den! But everyone also be prepared for the punishment that would sure come from PAP. Later all the prices wld shoot up, taxes increase and no more goodies... maybe they would even try to rig the system like Old Lee suggest last time and give older people two votes! Anyway, I am sure PAP wld take their revenge soon

  33. Ya la...That gaham how can take our money go buy vote de...I would say there is no sportsmanship.

    They really wat de.I think the 66.6 percent tell them that they are going INFAMOUS from the last election.

    I guess many ppl hate the way PAP is dealing thing during election time.And perhaps arrogant.Like i say,no sportsmanship.If they have,i sure vote for them in future.

  34. imagine what will happen for the next election? interesting

  35. Pap! Pap! is a poor brainwashed idiot. Go watch your CNA and read your ST la. Kana fuck by Rockson? You wait till everything price go up, then see how you kana fuck.

  36. i heard that the voting slip have IRIC number le...

    What the hell lol.Mean they can check on voters...

    Democracy for singapore?? I pui !!

  37. when gomez backside kenna fuckk,
    the first person to his rescue would be chee soon juan, even though they different party.

    he's got connections with human rights groups which he will use to help.

    dont insult singapore's national hero pls.

  38. I'm not sure whether u guyz saw that lie broadcast wif small lee saying, "I thank all the voters who voted for me.. Us." It speaks a whole lot about the guy... heh. Can't believe it... He actually said me and den quikly switched to us when he realized what he had blurted out... That's why singapore dun hav so many live broadcast of politicians tokin... shoot themselves in the bloody head. Farkin Unsat.... PAP's goin down in the next election man... if not for this GRC nonsense more opposition would've be in parliament liao... atleast 13 seats. And I also heard Gomez was stopped from leaving singapore... and is being charged for CRIMINAL INTIMIDATION... CAN U freakin believe it?????? Too much liao man... More bullying... When people buy merchandice, never come on time or got some problem they also say," there will be consequences" where got arrested for crminal intimidation???? Its consumer freakin rights man!!! unbelievable... I feel they hav gone too far man... unsat... freakin unsat. Those who actually support the party that does this not thinkin about the big picture at all man. All brain washed by the PAPMAN's white wash nonsense. The infidels will go down the next elections... Freakin think people... Our civil liberties are diminishing. Stand up and keep the bloody party in check....

  39. Yah it's true. That guy got arrested.

  40. dont forget the older generation is larger den the younger generation now... soon the next election wait for that group of old generation die liao.. den pap can say bye bye le... whahahaha

  41. Residents of Potong Pasir & Hougang got BACKBONE!!!!!!!

    Thumb up to you

  42. Mandate ki lan ah! thats funny hahaha!!1

  43. Residents of Potong Pasir & Hougang got BACKSIDE!!!!!!!

    Thumb down to you

  44. HAHA! more than 1/4 of AMK tell PM Lee we support you! He will continue to service the best for the people!!


  45. Full mandate to PAP! thats sunny hahaha!!1

  46. I mean James Gomez plot is true.

  47. wayang party!!!
    wayang party!!!
    wayang party!!!

  48. yeah THUMB DOWN to those in Potong Pasir n Hougang who never vote opp!


    May 7, 8:35 AM EDT

    Singapore opposition politician arrested for allegedly threatening election officials

    Associated Press Writer

    SINGAPORE (AP) -- A Singapore opposition politician was arrested Sunday for allegedly threatening the country's election officials, a day after he failed to win a seat in national elections, an aide said.

    Workers' Party candidate James Gomez was arrested Sunday for alleged "criminal intimidation," his aide Jacob George said. Gomez was attempting to leave the country but was stopped by immigration officials, who turned him over to the police.

    "We don't know the specifics, but it could be due to the minority certificate," said George, referring to an incident when Gomez initially accused officials of misplacing his election papers more than a week before Saturday's election.

    He subsequently apologized after security camera footage showed he put the form into his bag. The academic claimed he was distracted.

    Gomez was part of a five-member Workers' Party team that contested a multimember ward against the ruling People's Action Party, where a minority candidate is compulsory.

    On Saturday, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong's PAP won 82 of 84 seats in Singapore's 10th general elections since independence in 1965.

    "Police received a complaint against James Gomez from the Elections Department, and police are investigating," said police spokeswoman Siow Cheng Cheng. She did not elaborate.

    A security official, speaking on condition of anonymity in line with policy, said Gomez has not been charged. If found guilty for criminal intimidation, Gomez could be jailed for up to seven years.

    It is not immediately clear why the elections department waited till after the polls to file the complaint.

    The incident was played up by ruling party politicians and local media, which rarely deviate from the government line.

    Singapore's founding father Lee Kuan Yew, called Gomez, 40, "a liar" and a "bad egg."

    "He's not a fool ... He's saying he's got brains," elder statesman Lee was quoted on state-broadcaster Channel NewsAsia's Web site as saying. "Well, what do you use those brains for?"

    Lee is the father of the current prime minister and wields considerable influence as "Minister Mentor" in his son's cabinet.

    The PAP said they targeted Gomez, a researcher with a Stockholm-based institute, as it was an issue of credibility.

    © 2006 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed. Learn more about our Privacy Policy.

  50. I will start a "Save Gomez" Campaign. Police can check me you want. haha!!!

  51. Rockson, a lot of pple like you, talk very clever. complain very clever. If you are so good, then be independent opposition candidate next time. By then maybe you too old to blog liao.

  52. yeah THUMB DOWN to those in Potong Pasir n Hougang who never vote pap!

  53. the election result was similar to 2001 in terms of seat numbers won by PAP. But the number of votes have significantly reduced, even though they won by a margin in some GRC/SMC.

    what is really diffferent about this election, the opposition parties are more organised and prepared. from here on in, the opposition should start to plan and develop new strategies like the successful GRC squads sent to AMK. never give in to the heavy handed tactics design to lessen their appeal.

    Its time the other uncontested GRC/SMC be contested, that means people in those constituency got to STAND UP and represent for themselves - indepedent or go oppo. Stop hiding like a mountain turtle in despair.

    PAP still in power, at least there still remains 2 oppo MP to scurtinise and check that Singaporeans get a good deal.

  54. Rockson will be the PM of KUSU island. Those support opposition will be the resident there. they don't meed to wear any uniform coz automatical they appear to be in white.

  55. congrats to the 2 opposition candidates that stood up and won from a all powerful PAP invasion. Also credit must be due to the hougang and potong pasir residents for believing in an alternative Singapore.

    this shows there are some singaporeans with the thick skin, preseverance and determination to keep on fighting for a better singapore.

  56. the election result was similar to 1997 in terms of seat numbers won by PAP. But the number of votes have significantly increased, even though they won by a margin in some GRC/SMC.

    what is really diffferent about this election, the opposition parties are more unorganised and fuckup. from here on in, the opposition should start to plan and develop new strategies like the unsuccessful GRC squads sent to AMK. must give in to the heavy handed tactics design to lessen their appeal.

    Its time the other uncontested GRC/SMC be uncontested again, that means people in those constituency got to SIT UP and watch TV for themselves - continue to support PAP. Stop supporting opposition like a hooligan keep fucking rockson gf - karen.

    PAP still in power, at least there still remains 2 oppo MP to scurtinise and check that Singaporeans get a good deal.

  57. congrats to the all PAP candidates that stood up and won from a all weak opposition invasion. Also credit must be due to all spore residents for believing in not neccesary to have alternative Singapore.

    this shows there are some singaporeans with the thick skin and no determination to keep on fighting for damaging the singapore system.

  58. somebody up in the post said Goh man nice guy? u got to be kidding.

    that guy laugh at Steve Chia's misfortune (maid incident). he didn't show any professionalism at all.

    also that guy created the NC MP, cannot vote on budget, constitution because his party tighten singapore so much. he should have relax the laws to allow greater political participation.

    that guy also said "Asian Value" democracy is what singapore needs. What he actually means is to bankrupt, silent, stifle the voice of opposition politics in SG.

    that guy also invented the strategy to deny, scare mongering the Singaporean residents of upgrading
    their apartments in hougang and potong pasir.

  59. Hi Rockson
    Great blog.
    Yes, it has been confirmed.. Gomez has been detained by the police. Was on the news on channel 5 tonight.
    First I want to address what MM Lee has said on the news. He said something like if Gomez didn't do anything wrong, then since I have called him a liar, and he didn't sue... then there must be something wrong.
    Ok... let us think about what he has said. First of all, today is Sunday. One day after the election. Even if he had been thinking of suing anyone who called him a liar... Couldn't he have thought about it over a few days... Consider the implications of going through with such a suit? Personally, for his party, and for the nation?
    I mean it is one day after an election a good time to launch a suit against members of the Parliament. If he cared for the stability of the country, which I believe he does, he wouldn’t go on the assault for a small matter. Yes, his reputation may have been tarnished by the party's efforts... But that doesn't necessarily warrant a suit.
    Secondly, one cannot assume that since one or two people have made it his personal decision to sue anyone who defames him, the whole world should follow suit. Not everyone thinks like that. Donald Rumsfeld has recently been called a liar by many people about his claim that there was bullet-proof evidence that there were bombs in Iraq… publicly, in front of a worldwide audience.
    I’m not discounting the possibility that Gomez may have lied, but that doesn’t mean he has no place to politics.
    Clinton’s lie and affair. He is one of the most respected politicians in the world. He still has great influence on the world and in politics.
    PM Lee’s mindset on politics with opposition: Buy votes and Fix opposition. It sounds really nice because of the way he speaks, i.e. so eloquently, but it shows a lack of respect for Singaporeans’ intellect and the capability of others who may not necessarily think like you.
    Lastly, I just want to point out one final reason what MM Lee doesn’t hold true. Even if Gomez did no wrong and he has a good conscious and wanted to sue, there is a slim chance that he would win. MM Lee and PM Lee are heavyweights here. Their lawyers are Drew and Napier, with Davinder Singh. The Chief Justice in Singapore is appointed by the PM. Both Lees have the money to pay for a high profile suit. Worker’s Party has limited funds and Gomez did make an undeniable mistake due to human error. If I were him, I wouldn’t sue.
    Would you?

  60. somebody up in the post said Goh man nice guy? that is true.

    that guy warned Steve Chia's misfortune (naked with maid incident). steve didn't show any professionalism at all and betrayed to his wife.

    also that guy created the NC MP, cannot vote on naked, constitution because his party want clean singapore so much. he should have relax the laws to allow greater freedom for fucking participation.

    that guy also said "Asian Value" democracy is what singapore needs. What he actually means is to have our origin, equality among racesin SG.

    that guy also provided the idea to improve our HDB, helping Singaporean residents of upgrading
    their apartments in hougang and potong pasir.

  61. james comez deserved it! how can he make such a mistake? he is a highly educated person and yet can make such a mistake, how can i going to trust him that he will not commit the same stupid mistake on the resident.

  62. why always james comez made such a mistake and not others candidates? a taxi driver is much much better than james comez. very disappointed with him. let him joined dr cheeby party better.

  63. yeah, why the taxi driver candidate never make such a mistake but a what MBA on don't know what can make such a mistake.

  64. i think wayang party better sack him otherwise i will think the whole party the same same one. - blurr or a dirty plot? pls choose.

  65. wakey wakey, singapore!

    hope these 5 years more eyes will open and more eyeshit will be cleared!

  66. 1. Most Singaporeans are very practical but not to the extent that could be bribed by those 'carrots". What PAP had done was distasteful and very naive.

    2.Singapore needs a strong political party with credentials and experience to steer our boat- yes we Singaporeans are all in the same boat afterall. At least until now, I think no opposition parties are strong enough to even hold the paddle. We need to have a strong front to face the international and regional turmoils that could affect Singapore. Remember one thing- we are very connected to the world.

    3. Aljunied's results is a clear mandate that Singapore wants not a 1-party dominated political scene.

    4. I feel that AMK's result is not a strong mandate as what PAP and LHL said. This is actually a signal from Singaporeans that PAP-LHL should not be too confident and arrogant.

  67. let's pray for james comez that he will be charged prison. hopefully wayang party will be charged too. we support only chiam see tong.

  68. i cannot agree enough

  69. 1. Most Singaporeans are very practical but not to the extent that could be tricked by playing lose form game. What WP had done was distasteful and very naive.

    2.Singapore needs a strong political party with credentials and experience to steer our boat- yes we Singaporeans are all in the same boat afterall. At least until now, I think no opposition parties are strong enough to even hold the paddle. We need to have a strong front to face the international and regional turmoils that could affect Singapore. Remember one thing- we are very connected to the world.

    3. Aljunied's results is a clear mandate that Singapore wants a 1-party dominated political scene.

    4. I feel that AMK's result is a very strong mandate as what WP and LHL said. This is actually a signal from Singaporeans that WP-LHL should not be too confident and arrogant.

  70. cannot agree also must agree. this is rockson cave not up to you to decide.

  71. wakey wakey, singapore!

    hope these 5 years more eyes will open and more untrusted opposition will be cleared!

  72. This is the first time I've heard of a country that jails BLUR & CARELESS pple for up to a maximum of 7 yrs.

    I feel like we're being transported back into Russia/ China's communist past, where pple get sent to concentration camps in the middle of the night for no good reason.

    PAP says this is a plot. Hello???

    S'pore where got any guy so garang dare to secretly take on the entire Election Dept aka PAP in such a COMPLICATED, UNNECESSARY, GRAND plot. & without their boss's approval & knowledge?

    While WP is trying to be a long-term, credible opposition party, they came up with such a plot?

    Gomez came all the way back from Sweden just to participate in such a grand plot? Shiok izzit?


    If Gomez gets jailed for this, I think it'll be very sad for Singapore. It means our golden days are over. The rule of the Xiao Lee tyrant has started.


    Someone needs to start that "Save Gomez" campaign man...

    But then again, maybe all of us will be jailed for PUBLIC INTIMIDATION.

  73. even the one that always worn slipper candidate, never see him make such a mistake before like james comez. disappointed. an obvious plot!

  74. Those news report is actually not for u and me to see. It's for the international media to 'know' how strong PAP is and so on... For example, if u stay overseas or are a foreign person, how would u know the 'truth' if u do not mix with the locals here and hear the 'real' story?
    Nevertehless, the GorNek already detained. he was tring to fly to Sweden. I'm not sure how he can be sued for forgetting something. It is afterall the PAP who blew this issue out of proportion.
    This is so silly.

  75. you choose blur. do you think he is really blur? he is a fucking MBA! pls lah! you think we the citizen like what fucking li ao said we stupid means we stupid! obviously a plot! save what? a save a cat is better.

  76. in the first place we started on all this? if go-mad never let such a thing happened. fly back? it look to me like a spy from foreign country trying to destroy spore! scare, scare...

  77. i will never support Wayang Party. i will rather support Super Dulan Alien Party!

  78. "Save Gomez" campaign??? an extinct animal??? who care!

  79. MBA candidate cannot be blur ar?


    Never heard of the term "bookworm" izzit?

    Academic results good doesnt mean he's meticulous.

    If you all really want to take into account his MBA, then pls
    think whether any sensible, intelligent guy holding an MBA will take part in such a dumb, senseless plot.

    I won't, I don't know of any who will, & I don't even hold an MBA.

    Anyway MM Lee ask Gomez to sue him is so duh..

    Who dare to sue?

    He is MM LEE, aka Lao Da of Singapore.

    If want to sue MM Lee, is akin to suing the whole judicial system of S'pore.

    Confirm lose. Waste of time & money only.

    If it's me, I also won't bother suing.

  80. Hou Gang liao. 66.6% -> 666! SINGAPORE WILL KENA FUCK BACKSIDE LIAO!!

  81. well, rockson. nice entry. a well-documented fact put in a light-hearted manner.
    i think u can also start an opp. party of ur own

  82. it is human to err. only a form. not say take knife go murder ppl. wats the big deal? dont tell me just coz u have MBA u cannot ever forget?

  83. I was undecided about who to vote for 2011. But after seeing how the PAP supporters (I think it's only ONE guy actually) act here, I think the choice is obvious. He has proven himself to be a brainwashed fool, taking the media says without question. And totally childish in the way he just inverts everything said.

    Typical worthless scumbag. I declare that he is an inferior creature who should be either gassed or sold to slavery by the government he loves so much. Completely unintellectual.

    I don't know whether to feel more pity for such an autistic person or disgust that Singapore Inc has not put such an useless liability to sleep.

  84. I cannot take it liao... U ppl who say gomez is blur cock and won't vote for him are myopic moronic dumbasses... Think about the big picture man and There is such a thing as a smart blur cock... I've seen plenty of them like the previous guy said. Gomez might be a blur cock, but a brave one to stand up against the PAP. I will vote for them anytime. Anyone who has sensible points and is sincere and stands up for the oppostion has my vote... Excluding those bitter people who onli wants to slim the PAP and not think sensibly. i.e. SDP

    Its just sad that you who claims u want an opposition fights within yourselves when u should juz freakin support all who are sincere. Dun be white washed by Gov aligned media... sigh. I feel sad for u guyz. I hope u will see the error of your ways. If u want oppostion the onli way is to work together... garner more support. Coaerce your friends, relatives, colleagues to the rite side.

    Listen to what the hypocrites in power say... And think for yourselves damn it.

    Do you want more freedoms? Unless the White pants turns back from their hard handed tactics.. U won't get it...

  85. When MM Lee sued the opposition candidates cos of defamation, they came across as a bit ba4 dao4 but still ok... Cos it's their human right wat...As long as you shuang & got $$$, you can sue watever goddamn thing you like...

    But now, Gomez being sued for criminal intimdation, i.e. S'pore's judicial system/police force/state treating it as a police case. It's like the State wrongly arresting someone for murder or robbery.

    If Gomez is convicted, then I think it'll be very hard for S'pore's judicial system to come across as fair & just. Then S'pore's international standing & reputation will surely be affected.

    Other countries will surely take note of this case.

    Maybe US will impose sanctions on us...

    Or maybe in our next international conference, the US delegate will walk out halfway when it's our turn to talk...


  86. Pap suck lo.because of the damm bloody fucking form.must let the whole world know his fault and somemore still sae he frame pap.When i have the chance to vote i sure vote opposition party.


  87. Yup, I too, saw the news & Gomez has been detained by the police. The other members in the WP, such as Sylvia, are assisting police in investigations.

    Also, I share the same sentiments. I admire MM Lee for everything he has done for the country but what he said was really out of point. He called Gomez a dishonest man & a liar, & just because he didn't sue, there's something wrong with him? Everyone was busy with the campaign, where got time? & where got money? You sue until lao sao also cannot win MM Lee one what! I think PAP secretly wants to make Gomez bankrupt. Another Chee.

    Gomez blur block but at least he's smart enough to not try suing. He just admitted that he's a blur block & apologise. Everything also settle in court, settle in court meh? There are civilised people out there ok?

    (Don't dare put real identity, later kena screwed by government)

  88. To Not a Mindless Sheep (Monday, May 08, 2006 12:52:17 AM)

    I know you probably didn't mean it, but kindly refrain from insulting autistic people. Most of them are highly intelligent. Though they appear blur to others, they are capable of viewing things in a highly astute manner. Great individuals such as Einstein and Newton were said to have been autistic as well.

  89. Tink to be fair.. a govt shld be judged based on 2 grds.. external policy and internal..
    i must say pap on the external, from track above average.. eg dealings on international levels.. etc..
    internal wise.. currently.. generally they are still not too bad as we make it out to be.. (otherwise why got 2/3 pple support them??)
    but its probably mainly the "despicable" methods used to cause disadvantage to the opposition that we have the 1/3 pple who wan to vote against them.. n tt they eliminate the opposition regardless whehter if they r sincere credible singaporeans who really want to contribute or just troublemakers

    For the next election.. to win.. they could either
    1) make the rules even dirtier so as to further disadvantage even the credible opposition.. or
    2) realise their internal policies are starting to disengage with the citizens.. and time to do something abt it...
    for method 1.. sure its effective.. but its just a matter of time b4 their 2/3 supporters start to lose respect for them.. n perhaps.. swing

  90. MM Lee said that PAP share of votes is 66.6% and it is a very stong mandate and even stronger than 1st world countries like UK. What he forgot is that there are no GRCs there. Would PAP get 66.6% if there are no GRCs and just single wards and would there be just 2 opposition wards?

  91. S'poreans will never vote opposition la. All so freaking spineless. Look at all my friends. Keeping saying PAP sucks, but in the end vote PAP cause they scared cant find a job in govt department, etc.

    Face it, PAP is here to stay for another 1000000000000000000000 years.

  92. Hahahah...

    Hi.."Fight for your civil liberties"...I just wanna say tht I'm not a guy ... I'm a ger!!!

    I know the way I talk very chor la...

    I just wanna add one more pointer...

    S'pore NEEDS a long-term credible opposition party.

    1) Bureaucracy, in the long-run (especially as it grows bigger), only becomes less efficient.

    Thank God, no more Xiao Lees on their way into politics.

    If not, we're gonna resemble more & more like a monarchy. & all of us know what happens to dynasties. The leaders get shittier & shittier.

    As if Xiao Lee is not looking like the spoilt Crown Princes shown on Channel U & 8.

    "FIX the opposition & BUY our supporters' votes"

    "Thank you for voting for ME"

    Hello??? What about the others in your team?? Your ego a bit big right...

    Tekaning anyone who crosses his path - Gomezgate.

    2) Therefore, we need a check & balance.

    3) The day when PAP becomes corrupt, inefficient etc, S'pore will need to have an alternative choice.

    How many of us would like to have no choice but to vote for PAP even though by then they are already ineffective, corrupt, oppressive, etc, simply cos our opposition sucks.

    (For fear that I get tracked down & get sued, let me just say that I used the word "by then". Hence I am referring to a possible version of PAP in the future. The PAP now is NOT ineffective, NOT corrupt, NOT oppressive...

    Now you know why I feel like we're in a communist state? Say something using anoynomous identity online also so scared.)

    4) Therefore, we need to build up our opposition in S'pore. It's good that the opposition is looking better. But they are NOT GOOD ENOUGH.At least, not as good as PAP.

    Cos besides, Low Thia Khiang & Chiam See Tong, the rest are not experienced enough b'cos they dont have the exposure.

    & b'cos the party is not good enough in the 1st place, that's why they are not attracting "good" candidates.

    5) Therefore, to build up the opposition in S'pore, we need to give them the chance to be in Parliament in order to gain exposure & experience.

    6) If the opposition gains more exposure & experience, THEN they will be better, THEN they will attract better candidates, THEN they will be a better long-term credible opposition party.

    7) Therefore, all you kiasi aunties & uncles out there, please take the "risk" & vote for the opposition in the next GE.

    If we Singaporean heartlanders don't build our own opposition up, who will?


  93. I agree. A strong mandate this is NOT, especially coming from PM's ward, AMK GRC.
    In the past PAP painted opposition as "troublemakers" and incompetent fools. But this time, educated people got eyes (internet), got brain (to think), got heart (to decide what is right/wrong). They see LTK and CST are uprighteous and capable politicians, not what PAP say they are and they are returned with greater majority.
    I don't understand why PAP so afraid of opposition, machaim if they ask question and debate in parliament, they are all traitors. Even within our families got disagreements almost everyday one. If we adopt their attitude, every time we disagree with family, ask question, call each other troublemaker lah, liar lah, threaten to "fix"each other, our divorce rate, family breakup rate sure 99.9% (the remaining 0.01% are from minister household, got million dollar salary can put up with abuses). When we all go to school got exams, find job got interviews, do work got encounter adversity and some got job performance review/assessment, which part of life is smooth-sailing one? Wah piang ay, PM say he doesn't want too many opposition, because too much trouble for him. If he cannot handle small domestic opposition (2 seats out of 84), can we expect him to steer this country and overcome all the crises and events at the international level that will undoubtedly come our way in the next 5 years? Don't say I blindly support opposition for the sake of opposing PAP (I don't support Cheebye Suan), but I (and many) got eye and heart to see LTK and CST are good people, better than some (not all) PAP politicians. What I see and hear from some PAP politicians really makes me respect First World country politicians, for they almost always win with the slimmest majority (as close as 0.1% of the vote) and some more don't hear them complain their opponent too strong, must cut down and "fix", and best of all, "buy" votes. At least PM very candid.

  94. Aussie government should support the save Gomez campaign. Especially since PAP government never give face and go ahead and execute an Australian. Talking about an advanced society that practices barbaric capital punishment. Want youngsters want are basically two things. 1) Abolish the lame capital punishment laws for light offences like having a teenie-weenie bit of weed. 2) Ammend the gay ass wildlife laws that does'nt make sense at all.

  95. i love you rockson.

    staying together, moving ahead.

  96. "asian values" is some crap churned out by the PAP. the idea is just to manipulate your mind.

    first they attached a few "principles" and "rules" to their "asian values".

    if you don't conform, they say you are not asian, you have no asian values. damn cock, they expect the educated young generation to buy this crap? Puhleese!

  97. Yep, Gomez detained at Changi Airport, passport confiscated, kenna 'questioned'. This time sorry no enough, must make example, kenna "fixed" liao. The question is kenna fine, jail or cane. I worry for his backside liao. But if gahmen overdo this, Gomez will be less like "blur-f__k" and more like martyr to many people. They should consider carefully.
    In this election i see several capable people run against PAP. At the very least, they dare to do what most of us don't dare to do - they stand up for election in spite of the threats (whether true or perceived). If they lost (such as the WP team in Aljunied), it's not because they failed, but the voters failed them.
    If we call ourselves a democracy, we shoud behave more like one, unless our "democracy" is named after the word democratic in Democratic Peoples' Repulic of Korea (North Korea).
    I cannot say PAP did nothing for S'pore, they did a lot. But times are different now, even the best political parties and leadership come and go with the winds of change. If PAP is to survive, it must look inward - Some apathetic or inept politicians need to go. Focus less on elitism = fasttrack to success and million dollar salary. Be more sympathetic to daily issues of the less well-off. In fact they should copy some of WP's manifesto.

  98. same as George Bush saying "Mission Accomplished" on US aircraft carrier. More than 2000 US soldiers have died in Iraq since he said that.

  99. obviously james comez is a traitor! why he leave spore? he is an anti-spore. we don't need a foreigner to interfere our country politic!

  100. people only fear when they really did something wrong, if you are not guilty of anything, why worry?

  101. i noticed wayang party only active in the middle of the night. very fishes!

  102. Anonymous Monday, May 08, 2006 7:36:49 AM:

    "people only fear when they really did something wrong, if you are not guilty of anything, why worry?"

    Understand that right or wrong can be subjective. Not everyone shares the same frame of reference.

  103. Hmm... 66.6% eh... If Singapore is divided into 3 big GRCs, then opposition will get one already. That means one third of the parliament. So, they should not be belittled...

  104. Why Woodlands vote so high? Not PAP good, but lousy SDP opposition. If only it's SDA or WP, the vote will not be so high for PAP. No one wants Chees to be their MP. Period.

  105. Anonymous Monday, May 08, 2006 6:40:54 AM:

    "The superior man is satisfied and composed; the mean man is always full of distress." - Confucius, Analects.

  106. singaporeans all talk but dare not do it. say wanna support oppo but will cross for pap at last min. shame to u all!

  107. Couple of thoughts on this:

    1. Whether intentional or not intentional, the Gomez case did harm to PAP. That may be why PAP is so mad. They are so starved to destroy opposition, that give them a red herring and they swallow it hook, line and sinker. Bad tactical move. Waste 3-4 days of election speeches. Worse yet they give Gomez the recognisiton he is looking for. Even MM speak so much about him. If they just ignore this "election paper" thing, Gomez will just be one of the faces of the WP. He did not really stand out from the WP party except when PAP made him into such an issue, they then created a "martyr".
    2. Gomez hauled up by the police whether instigated by PAP or not will ALWAYS be blamed on PAP. I don't think they are that stupid to do this so soon after the election (unless they are more pissed that we realised) but I think its the Election Department people giving one back to Gomez, maybe for using them as a tool to distract the PAP. No choice, if someone make a police complain, the police have to do their job. Gomez will be inconvenienced.
    3. I think in all fairness Gomez will be released after the police investigation. At the end of the day, he did not disturb the peace nor did he call anyone corrupted. If the police persecute people for being blur and for being nasty to service staff (like those in restaurant, supermarket, etc), then they probably should lock up most of the people including themselves since at one time or another we are probably guilty of this.
    4. 66% win for PAP means 1/3 or maybe 3/4 of the young voters (since they make up 40%) supports the opposition?
    5. PAP need to send GCT to Aljunied to canvass becos no one else is closer to the people. Not LKY, not LHL. Many respect GCT for his touch with the people. LKY should stop reminding people of the old days and his war stories. Must say something more relevant. New generation don't really care about fighting communist anymore. In fact communist now our best friend, see how much business is done with China and Vietnam. We even invest and set up SEZ in their country.
    6. This election shows that 1/3 people are not happy with the PAP style of government. Too many smart technocrats. They go from brain to mouth and not through the heart. The government should take note of this.

  108. blur it's ok. Even though some might think twice someone so blur for 2 GE in a row may not be very good MP material.
    But why threaten the poor chap that works in the election office ?
    Just double check his bag can already not meh ? If not for the CCTV, that administrative guy confirm kenna eat up alive. So i cannot honestly say i can sympathize with gomez.

  109. this is a v good example of singaporeans being KS-kiasu and kiasi. keep talking about being afraid of government knowing who u voted for.. so what they know? u not the only one? singaporean is liddat one, bunch of ks ppl

  110. Here is a thought from a Malaysian(probably not too original)

    1. LKY is old and like all of us will move on to the courtroom in the sky one day. Who knows it may be before the next election or he may live to be 150 years old but it will happen inevitably.
    2. More than ever the PAP under LHL needs to consolidate power. He needs to come into his own mandate in Singapore and in his own party before his Daddy moves on. This has to happen in this or the next few elections.
    3. This election is read as a chink in the PAP's armour. They don't appear so invulnerable as during GCT's time in 2001. If the elder Lee moves on and the junior Lee has not consolidated his grip on PAP, then we could see the party splinter just like what happened to UMNO between Mahathir and Razaleigh.
    4. This will be more so since there is no next Junior-Junior Lee waiting in the wings to be PM. What happens if two ministers decided they make a better PM than LHL or if after LHL steps down, more than one minister wants to be PM?
    5. That is why opposition party needs to lay the ground work to be credible options for the people. If PAP splinter, they would find a common voice with the opposition.

    Politics is going to be more interesting from now on.

  111. NO NO NO NO NO... Please get it right. the gomez issue never did harm the government, jeopadise the electoral system nor cause votes to sway to opposition.

    The release of the videos and transcript clearly let all ppl know tat it was simply Gomez forgetting to submit the form and isnt the truth out? how then can we say he harm? He may have caused tension, but in the end we are even more convinced that the elec department is fair and has tight securities.

    Now ask urself who is making a mountain out of a molehill ? The PAP can choose to keep talking about this issue, which they did for a few days.. then subsequently they realised time's running out and then focus back on the REAL important issues.. wat is this ?!?!?!?!

  112. Correct! The entire Aljunied team,, only Cynthia Phua is doing her job. Yeo Guat Kwang actually came to my house and said my precinct is cancer-stricken! What did he mean? That since 2001 GE he hasn't done anything to improve/revive this 'cancer-striken' area?? Wtf... See lah, just because no cameras rolling, he can say such a thing. Two-faced hypocrite. I should have recorded it down for the whole nation to see.

  113. anonymous wrote: "you choose blur. do you think he is really blur? he is a fucking MBA! "

    Well, Albert Einstein once famously got lost while walking home from campus, and had to call the Dean's office for directions. :-)

    Where form-filling is concerned, its how familiar you are with the procedures that counts, not your intelligence. That's why some companies have people assigned to handle such red tap.

  114. For those of you who have been biting on the idea that a 66% win is too little, let me enlighten you. In the current world, there is no more landslide wins. It is common, and healthy to win a 52% to 60% mandate.

  115. all of you muz be ungrateful young punks who rather supports underdogs than quality. Think about it careful and you will see that Gomez plotted against the department, but guess you people just cant accept it. Trust me, by all your mentality, sooner than later, singapore will be destroy by you people. Freedom of speech or whatever shit opp fighting for don't work for singapore. we are too small and have no resources, we depend on a strong political system and economy. take a good analysis, many oppo's ideals will destroy the economy we have built up over the years. it only sounded sweet in our ears and hearts. you all are young, but think about your children's future. think hard, is it worthwhile just becuz of supporting some underdogs? People are angry with government thus voting for oppo for many reasons. many cuz of unemployment, low pay, high cost of living. think of it, in our evolving world, theres no way we can catch up if we don't constantly upgrade ourselvs? but these poeple dont care, rather take ez way out. anywae high cost of living comes with hi standard of living. tink abt it.. bye

  116. in china, if official channel $1,000,000 to themselves every year, its called corruption.

    in singapore, no laws we can create laws - convoluted benchmarking law - afterall we are the emperors and opposition is weak. this really legalised corruption at its best.

  117. use your blaiin, the gomes saga is really blown out of proportion, who painted the consequence? i the bark chor mee hawker can say you cheat me by saying you purposely want to con me of compansation la , you want to ruin my stall reputation la so that you can ownself start new stall and compete aganst me. well, you have brush, you can paint whatever you want, but the fact is, it never happen and garmen law here is not guilty unless prooven. say gomes treaten them isit? pls lah, that goondu might look like a blur fuck but he's no fuckover, dunno who treaten who now,. kannasai

  118. Rally turnout not = to result
    but it a start

    think hard guys n gals
    10 yrs down the road, u r driving a cab and your spouse is a civil servent and u got 2 kid in sch. U need both salary to support your family.
    who would u vote for before going 2 the poll?
    Once u reach the polling centre, your voting card detail is recorded on the stub once u get your voting slip. Yeah the voting slip is in the box but what about stub. Where all these stubs go??
    Now who would u vote for?

    You have a choice.
    You made your CHOICE.
    Now stick to it.

  119. hope this time round, the PAP will wake up their idea! sporean dun vote blindly now.....

  120. spore is just a little red dot, how can we use big countries to compare. we have nut natural resources. not sensible talk!

  121. i think it is the opposition that need to wake up the idea otherwise no way they can break through!

  122. KNNBCCB....You stupid ppl only know how to TALK COCK and complain here.... come on lah!!! The majority of ppl in S'pore has decided, face the fact, lose means so much for fuck!!! If u Not happy then migrate to other country lah!!!!

  123. its not fair for those who vote for opp party and becos of tat, they become 2nd class citizen... they should burn away the stubs too if not how to convince pple tat voting is secretive????

  124. why must i drive a cab, i have no license, so how? come on, sporean onli fix to drive a cab? we have to do our part too to upgrade and secure a job. how can we sit back and wait for govt to give me a job. talk sensible lah.

  125. vote opposition is not 2nd class citizen. vote opposition is anti-spore!

  126. To those who are contemplating a Save Gomez petition or campaign, I suggest you touch bases with the WP Exco b4 taking things into your own hands. After all, Gomez is their party member & candidate.

    If WP agrees to such a petition, then the petitioners must lobby very hard for the support of foreign politicians in Australia or US, countries which Singapore is heavily dependent on for trade but has a rich democratic tradition. But do so in a constructive manner; don't do it like Dr Chee. Only then would the petition gain some form of weight.

  127. it is not wrong to vote opposition if they are good. but it turn up this oppositions still do not have the substance but trying to use unsensible talk to convince pple to support them. that is why opposition or supporter have the fear that resident know the true!

  128. pls lah, even a debate need to have a non-opposition and opposition teams mah. at least the opp party dare to raise up to fight rights for the pple here... u dare????u wanna live in a monopoly country?

  129. wat u mean by anti-spore??? as if pple voting for traitors like tat.... wat u treat those opp party as???? they r sporeans too!!!!think b4 u tok lah

  130. every1 has his/her own stand, he/she can tok wat he/she like.... if u find it stupid and lame, get out of rockson blog then!!! y read for fuck?

  131. rock on!!!

    your GE commentary rocks la..
    you should join opposition n run in e next ge!!

  132. there is a bo liao person changing the words of the original comment and adding his own pro majority party line, confusing the readers and being unoriginal.

    hmm, i suspect this comment has been infiltrated by the ah bengs in white pants and white shoes. rofl.

    they are scared, rockson, i think they want to limit ur blog bashing about the white pants, white shoes ah bengs . rofling.

  133. Let's look forward to a hike in Transport, Utilities, GST and all those things that Gahmen has control of.

    Thanks to the 2/3 who are so loyal to the main force.

  134. Fuk the PAP..... on the election day, mediacock only interview those PAP candidate. Even chiam win they also never interview him but interview the PAP loser. so bloody unfair.... i can't imagine in the future only PAP rule s'pore... PAP shd rename to People Action Communist Party!

  135. u should join the next GE. i believe u conduct rally cfm a lot of ppl go support 1. :)

  136. LSL said he dont kw gomez kana detained by police??? what a joke!!! act blur!

  137. i'm tired of people calling opposition voters ungrateful. so what if the PAP did a lot for singapore, that's in the past. if being grateful is voting for them to pay back, then might as well not have any elections ever again. pls lah, someone save your life doesn't mean you owe him a blowjob.

    i'm also tired of people telling our rockson to take action and stand for opposition instead of just empty talk. since when must you be a politician just so you can talk about politics?

    fuck you PAP dogs. cheebai. must be your father work for gov or your brother in the army. and both of them wasting our $

  138. "During his victory parade, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong was asked to comment on Mr Gomez's detention.

    Mr Lee said he was not aware of what had happened, since the Elections Department filed a police report against Mr Gomez."

    ED also under PAP mah...
    Everything is just a conspiracy!!!

  139. conspiracy is better than those opposition getting the foreign govt to destroy spore! result shown that most of the sporean are still sensible.

  140. yeah, a lot of pple go for the opposition rally to watch wayang but still sensible to vote for the right party. don't tell me go and watch wayang at the end must vote them! like that you call opposition got democracy!

  141. aiyah, already lost, talk so much for what! must face the reality and work harder next time. how can you blame pple when they vote you? it is your job to convince them to vote you!

  142. Its a Fact that PAP Won...

    If anti-PAP ppl wanna Rant and Complain..

    Move to PP or Hougang Please...!!!

  143. gomez is blur? how can he not know that he didn't submit the forms? you think after he got home he didn't open his bag and found his forms inside???

    he put the forms back into his bag for christ's sake.. of cuz he knows that he didn't submit the forms unless he didn't open his bag for the rest of the year!! he is just acting blur lah!! and then he said that the election department is discriminating... of cuz he has to be arrested...otherwise everybody start saying shit abt the election department. the whole world starts laughing at u. think abt it guys...

  144. for goodness sake, the truth is already out. There is nothing wrong with the election dept as shown on the video and transript, so what is there to show?
    Are you gomez? u noe what he was thinking then? U dunno what 'forget' means in the dictionary?
    U think dictionary only got 'fix' and 'buy' ?????????? wake up ur idea.. get used to the fact that PAP is NO LONGER as dorminant as before ok.. try as they might to deny, the truth is out there. It's only whether we wan to know it or not!!!

  145. To all opposition supporter:

    Be humble next time, then i will vote opposition!

  146. To all opposition supporter:

    talk sensible and not argue with unreasonable hatred!

  147. chum liao... chum liao... GST , taxes, everything will be going up liao...

  148. teach your childern well hor.

    complain so much end of the day vote who only u know and the EC man know oni.

    2/3 singapore population in the contest area is all >35 yrs is it. if so then AP have to jia you get more pple in then still need you all to v0te them in to "govt" then can.

    Dun juz tok tok here chui kong lampa song. now to tahan 5 yr worth of price increases before next disbursement from the "A++ grade progress pkg" when GE come at 2011.

    That time see how.
    keep army 100 days use in one day.

    2 down 1 to go

  149. a regional director looking after 4 countries, from logistics to ops&planning to sales, only paid about $300,000 per year.

    then PAP minister come out with some convoluted lan jiao benchmark logic and voila! their salary is now $1,000,000 per year. and they are not even running the whole damn country! cutting up singapore into tiny GRCs to twist voting to their advantage.



    Here is a listing of Bill Gates's salary for fiscal years 2001 through 2004, according to the most recent information from Microsoft.

    2004 $591,667
    2003 $550,000
    2002 $545,833
    2001 $494,992

    PAP minister $1,000,000. Win liao! 1st Class Gahmen, Pui!

  151. SGD $1,000,000 = USD $639,263.60

    squeeze the peasants and fatten ourselves! oink oink, animal farm!

  152. to conclude, sporean r kiasu, kiasi, and kia tio kan! the problem with us is we dare not speak up, tats y we need the opp party to speak up for us..... but wat did they get, they kna kan by the pap supporters! sigh...

  153. Kanasia...relieve some stress


  154. What the fuck! this Election Department filing a police report is like the SBS employee filing a police report for the white elephant in Baungkok MRT station!

    Don't make me laugh! What Gomez has done can only be amount to giving STRONG REMINDER to the election department and does not warrant a CRIMINAL INTIMIDATION. For GOD sake, please do not make any assumption of what Gomez will do if there is no CCTV camera. Please keep your ridiculous assumption in your head and do not sprout it out and influence singaporean of what you think Gomez will do! We have our own eyes to see for ourselves!

  155. I feel that Low Thia Khiang really love S'pore and singaporean !

  156. a well analysed entry.
    n yes i agree cynthia phua is at least doing her job n showing concerns for aljunied residents, not sure abt the rest of the aljunied MPs though...


    Wayang Set for Repeat Performance in 2011

    The hit Chinese Opera, "The Dragon Stomps again" is scheduled to return to town in 2011 after a stellar performance in this year's theatrical season.

    The plot is the main reason for the show's success as the actors are less than compelling, with a few veteran exceptions including the chief protagonist, the wily 83 year old statesman who played the emperor and the younger Teochew man who played the rebel in disguise.

    The plot begins with a young idealistic man seizing the throne of heaven from an invading army from the west. He speaks of visions of transformation of the kingdom and leads his people through years of peace and prosperity.

    Later, he becomes increasingly crusty and begins to eliminate his trusted generals one by one. The general from the kingdom of Wu (Goh) and the general from Toh are exiled while the old Raja is put aside. Soon, the emperor is surrounded by obedient technocrats who can write nice flowery scrolls but have no experience in battle.

    His chief courtier from the Wu kingdom keeps the seat at his right hand warm for his beloved son while his court is filled with 82 eunuchs and two token noblemen.

    The Emperor barely tolerates these two nobles while enjoying the adulation of the 82 yes men. His courtier occasionally promises to stop whipping the eunuchs into submission but that has never happened in living memory. Meanwhile the two nobles are allowed occasional appearances of independence as long as they do not stray into beyond the emperor's dictates.

    The emperor's thorn in the flesh is the ultra rebel Qi who has been badly stripped and beaten for daring to question the Emperor for his wisdom after one of his ships had sunk in the kidney-shaped lake.

    He had dared to suggest that perhaps the rest of the Emperor's engineers were all just as rotten as the ones who built the boat with the golden taps that sank so igominously.

    He also hinted that perhaps the kingdom that was appeared so glittering to outsiders was bought on the toil of the peasants with money that had been saved for their retirement and was no more. For his courage, he was left to perish in the Gobi desert after being dragged out there by a team of wild horses under the dreaded turbaned senior executioner.

    The Emperor had hoped that the fate of the wild-eyed Dr Qi would have scared off anyone who dared to challenge his power. As the saying goes, "kill a chicken to frighten the monkeys".

    Earlier, the emperor had demonstrated his ability to crack heads even more graphically by exiling the leader of his sedan chair carriers. They had specially outfitted a sedan chair with the latest technology to carry the Empress Dowager when she had become ill while on a trip. The Emperor had rewarded the bearers by reducing their wages and when they protested by humiliating their leader and sending him into exile.

    One day, the noble from the Liu kingdom, stung by being called a monkey, decides to shed his "eunuch role" and take on the task of rescuing the beautiful maiden Xin from the clutches of the emperor. Based in his small kingdom at the back of the harbour and aided by his clansmen from Swatow, general Liu steals away from the court to recruit a team of young turks to perform the deed. He puts together a suicide squad with the woman warrior Han and her soul sister Li who together can flatten any man with their martial arts. Captain Yaw is his trusty sidekick who can inspire the peasants to come together to demand justice.

    The wily Emperor is not fazed by the challenge, "the maiden Xin is my creation - no one touches her," he cried. "No one knows her as well as I do, I will fix anyone who tries". He goes around the villages offering peasants to repair the low quality acceses to their huts that he had built in the previous years in exchange for their loyalty against the rebels. He also offers abalone porridge and sharksfin soup to anyone willing to offer their precious little pieces of paper to him in a rebuff of the rebels.

    Marshal Liu, Captain Yaw and the women warriors from Lin, Han and Li rouse the peasants with their stirring rhetoric and visions of a bright future. Thousands gather to hear them speak of a vision of a compassionate society where ideas and ideals are encouraged and not squashed.

    Alas, it is to no avail and the Emperor's forces which control the roads, the waterways, the food warehouses and even the distribution of the pieces of paper are too strong for Liu and company.

    In a titanic battle with much vocal aerobatics, the powers of the Emperor and his eunuchs are simply too powerful. The rebels are soundly defeated and Marshal Liu slinks away to resume his eunuch disguise as he returns to the court of the emperor. No one knows what the next five years will hold for the people. They have been promised that when they grow old they will be sent to offshore islands to die and that they will no longer have access to the medicine halls unless they have sold their pigs, chickens and firstborn children and can clear the meanest of tests but as the other noble in the court, the venerable Tong has said, "The people have spoken and Heaven has a mandate. The Wayang must go on".

  158. Next election aljunied will be out .. maybe aljunied-east coast? PAP is a loser ....

  159. save go-mad for fuck! let him fuck off back to sweden and continue to be his traitor to spore!

    let support SDA and pull wayang party vote over!

  160. GE is an important event, how can go-mad be so blur king to let such thing happened. don't think he deserved to respresent us. what happen he blur king to his resident by acidentally fuck rockson girl aka karen, then he said he only blur blur and not intention one, how?

  161. wayang party shld kick go-mad out else he is going to be like dr cheebye, next time he will kick LTK!

  162. warning!!! don't ever ever save go-mad!!! instruction from sda.

  163. LOL! Look at all the PAP supporters pretending to be SDA members. Not bad sia. Your party play dirty you also play dirty. Nice one!

    YAY PAP WIN LOR! I'm sure the bus company super happy. Please raise fare until $2.50 and make us wait longer for more crowded bus, give the PAP supporters something to cheer about!

    We know they all love to pay and pay for rich greedy people to get even richer. SONG AR!

    PAP! PAP!

  164. I think in order to save the whole army, may have to sacrifice the pawn.
    That's what the pepe is trying to do.

  165. well i remember a blur fuck minister who is damn short make a lot of mistakes too, some more the mistakes is mega kind one, one of them is to give away $388m to a GLC... lidat must jail him too.

  166. Why do young people hate PAP?
    Its because they are young.
    When they grow up they will understand there are other things besides freedom that are important for the country as a whole.

  167. rock on man rockson!!!

  168. way to go man! PAP eat shit la!

  169. Gomez is not just blur, he is downright irresponsible.

  170. most singaporean cheebye face & no backbone, fuck PAP cry father cry mother before election, gahman give pocket money only lanpar hair seebea shiok, go vote PAP because gahman poke carrot into your asshole seepea shiok izzit?

    Then again cry father cry mother for the next 5 years.

  171. Fuck those pap dog mother chao chee bye

  172. those opposition supporters have only backside and cheebye lancheow only!

  173. r u telling me PAP supporters no cheebye, lan jiao and assholes??? LOL

  174. Fuck those wp dog mother chao chee bye

  175. r u telling me WP supporters no cheebye, lan jiao and assholes??? LOL

  176. most opposition supporter cheebye face & no backbone, fuck WP cry father cry mother before election, WP give saliva and cheeby only lanpar hair seebea shiok, go vote WP because go-mad poke carrot into your asshole seepea shiok izzit?

    Then again cry father cry mother for the next 5 years.

  177. r u telling me WP supporters no cheebye, lan jiao and assholes??? YES!

  178. way to go man! WP eat shit la!

  179. Once again I will provide my 10 cents of opinion.

    I am 24 and a Civil Servant, a first time voter, a "young punk", virgin to the rigours of an election and yet I strangely didn't vote for the ruling party. Why is that I wonder?

    I never thought myself to ever go nutz when I got the chance to vote. As far as I remembered, back in me wee years, I thought the PAP was doing an excellent Job in running the country. And they still are undoubtfully. I thought those fools, namely the likes of Francis Seow ,Tan Liang Hong, JBJ and the many who had preceded them deserved the smashing that the white pants gave them for the simple fact that they rocked the boat and that the public embraced them. I read the papers, and believed in what the scriptures etched in carbon said, and thought they were idiots. And they had it coming. I smiled when the mareva injunction was slapped on Tan and when JBJ was declared bankrupt. Boy was I naive. Once I was a white washed individual... so sad. So apathetic...

    Then somehow, my youthful idealism began to erode. First I saw pensionable service disappearing from the Defence force. All this to reduce the large costs in running the department that manages it. Then came the day me Dad was forced to retire due to changes in policies for his service. Is this how the government threats its citizens who serve their country with sweat and blood I thought?

    Then came my turn to do NS and regular service. I still believed in what Singapore stood for, although small, we always managed to overcome the obstacles that came along. I was willing to defend it. And still do.
    As do all of us who go through NS, we saw a plethora of characters, those who abused the authority entrusted to them, those who were reasonable, those who were saints!
    I guess I hav those tyrants to thank for my current fervour for what the opposition stands for in Singapore.

    There is one who said," all of you muz be ungrateful young punks who rather supports underdogs than quality." The PAP has some good candidates I must agree, but at the same time there are dicks as well. As I have mentioned in my previous posts and some other have also mentioned in their own. We do not vote for the oppostion just for the sake of opposing the White Pants, we vote for change and the end of the bullying. They have already won but again that is not enough... why? Because they do not want him coming back to pose a threat to their dominance in the next election. And there's more to James Gomez, he apparently has written articles and interviewed the dissidents of S'pore's past while workin for the political watchdogs overseas. One could see this as an effort to silence him.
    Singaporeans are a sensible lot, mostly... And most are actually waiting to vote for the oppostion once a credible candidate appears. But unfortunately the White Pants have such a tight grip hear that they give the potentials offers they couldn't refuse. And what do u have left? Not much credible ppl. But fortunately people fall through, and find themselves driven to stand for the oppostion's cause. Its a tall order, cos u r faced with a possible libel suit the minute u say something wrong. For that We support them and the principles they stand for.

    However, there are also the extremists, i.e. the likes of Dr Chee and Ling How doong and their disorganised Suicide Death Party. They bring nuthing constructive, so y even bother about them. Then again for the 20 odd percent who voted for them, probably voted for them not becos they supported them whole but to send a signal to the whitepants.

    Then there are some who say,"Thise who voted for opposition are traitors"
    All I can say we are the ones who are brave enough to vote for a better singapore. It doesn't matter what U white pants huggers think. Like I said, how can i be a traitor when I am defending this country.

    Then there was one who commented, "fuck you PAP dogs. cheebai. must be your father work for gov or your brother in the army. and both of them wasting our $" Come on lah, those people are earning their living by defending the soil U live on, give them some respect. There are many things the SAF does to make your life in S'pore more peaceful no matter what people think. We are serving the country and not the government/Ruling party. And trust me when I say there are actually lots of civil servants who voted for the opposition. Take everthing with a pinch of salt can? That's why its called the civil service, its created to serve u although in many cases people generally see people who work in the sevice are mainly pro government. Actually ah, this can be contributed to the PAP being in power for so long, that the lines that separate Civil servants from the politicians have greyed so much that the term government servants has the same meaning as civil servants. The Stat boards and all those other organs of government are there to serve u the people and not the party that controls them... In the event that a new gov comes into power.. those organs should still be there. And shouldn't be dismantled by the outgoing party. Have u ever thought about that? So if PAP ever loses to credible but untested candidates, The structure of government still exists... how else do the large govs of UK and US survive everytime the other party gets into power.

    So more credible people will bring the downfall of the white pants....

    And one final thought... I am of the opinion that no external influences should interfere with our politics. If Singapore's governance is to change, it will be by our decisions and not some other country screwing with us.

    And so once again, FIght for your civil liberties and for what is right and decent. Even if u vote for the white pants, a better singapore begins with yourself. Dun lambast others for voting for whoever... Everybody has the right to their own unadulterated opinions. And do not blindly accept what the other says without hearing the other side. Seeing it on TV does not count... its White Washed!!!! ha ha. Its sad to see people whole heartedly accepting white wash without questioning it...

    Put an end to political subversion of adversaries.

  180. well i remember a blur fuck opposition who is damn tall make a lot of mistakes too, some more the mistakes is mega kind one, one of them is to lies to it own wp party... lidat must kill him too.

  181. The reason why the opposition has some votes, is NOT because the voters support them. Rather, these are the people who are the lowly educated, who went into the polling booth, and "cross out the opposition box", thinking that putting a cross in the opposition box means they don't want the opposition! Silly a55.

  182. Sigh. That pathetic piece of shit is back again. Can only twist what others say. No critical thought at all, the PERFECT PAP supporter.

    To the rest, please know that Opposition is not only about stuff like freedom and rights and all that. That is largely limited to the SDP.

    The Opposition does talk about important issues like cost of living too. And they have proposed solutions.

    For example: The transport issue.

    Problem: Costs rising.

    PAP solution: Of course go up la! Oil price go up, cost of living is = standard of living etc. We lan lan suck thumb and pay more.

    WP solution: Yes, it is PARTIALLY due to oil prices, but mostly due to corporate GREED because they are private company and monopoly.

    If we nationalise the transport companies and focus on COST-RECOVERY instead of PROFITS, fares will go down.

    Why? Because you're ONLY paying for the bus ride, not for some asshole's new house/car/swimming pool.

    So you see, Opposition has CONCRETE and SENSIBLE solutions as well. They don't only criticize PAP or talk about 'evil western ideas.'

    If you have read all this and understood it, good for you. Even if you don't agree and say PAP has better ideas (and I concede that there can be better ideas), at least you THINK.

    For the rest who just go "THIS PARTY GOOD THAT PARTY BAD", shut the fuck up. In fact, the PAP probably hates you because your dumbass can't make money for them.

  183. Visiting Singapore after world cup. Most probably from 12-17 July. Sorry Arsenal fans, i will b joining Barcelona.

  184. "The reason why the opposition has some votes, is NOT because the voters support them. Rather, these are the people who are the lowly educated, who went into the polling booth, and "cross out the opposition box", thinking that putting a cross in the opposition box means they don't want the opposition! Silly a55."

    this just proves your own stupidity -_-

    we should not allow ourselves to blindly and unquestioningly except whatever the pap says. the older generation definitely still supports the PAP, after all the pap has done much for them.

    however we also must take into account how the PAP has changed over all these years.

    Are they totally transperant?

    Are they fair?

    Is it really a democratic society/first world nation?

    Where do the hougang/potong pasir residents' taxes go to???!! (shouldn they go to the opposition since the gahmen refuse to upgrade for them?)

    seriously, there are many more questions one can ask. we thank the pap for what they have done for us all this time, but they are playing the political game far too well; we as the people of the nation, must keep them in check if we really care for our country.

    we as the younger generation should question wisely, with facts. do not allow the government to go on constructing vague statements and allowing them to abuse their control over the press towards their advantage.

    did they really get a strong mandate? isn't it lower than the past? and isnt that damn bloody obvious? like duh? didn the opposition get a higher margin of votes than the last time around?

    what young residents in sengkang have shown their support to the pap by voting for them in the amk ward? -_-

    Surely the numbers speak for themself.

  185. Reference to my above post, I challenge any PAP supporters to argue against the solution the WP proposed or come up with alternatives to solve the transport issue.

    This is not some big 'useless' thing like "press freedom." It is something you are affected by every day.

    Argue this rationally, using whatever concepts you are aware of. This is open, serious debate, something which our PM himself has asked for.

    And please, don't "aiyah, that is reality lor." or "WP SUPPORTERS ARE TRAITORS/DOGS/WHATEVER." I expect better from supporters of a first-world government.

  186. Sigh. That excellence piece of comment is back again. Can only twist what others say. No critical thought at all, the PERFECT WP supporter.

    To the rest, please know that PAP is not only about stuff like freedom and rights and all that. That is largely limited to the WP.

    The Opposition does not talk about important issues like cost of living too. And they have no proposed solutions at all.

    For example: The transport issue.

    Problem: Costs rising.

    PAP solution: Of course pay raise la! Oil price go up, cost of living is = standard of living etc. We have to upgrade ourselves and work harder in order to get a better pay to enjoy first class living.

    WP solution: Yes, it is PARTIALLY due to oil prices, but can use up all our national money first and consider what is the next step lor.

    If we nationalise the transport companies and focus on COST-RECOVERY instead of PROFITS, fares will go down.

    Why? Because you're ONLY paying for the bus ride, not for some oppositionasshole's new house/car/swimming pool.

    So you see, PAP has CONCRETE and SENSIBLE solutions as well. They don't only criticize WP or talk about 'evil western ideas.'

    If you have read all this and understood it, good for you. Even if you don't agree and say WP has better ideas (and I concede that there can be better ideas), at least you THINK.

    For the rest who just go "THIS PARTY GOOD THAT PARTY BAD", shut the fuck up. In fact, the WP probably hates you because your dumbass can't make money for them in geylang.

  187. Reference to my above post, I challenge any WP supporters to argue against the solution the PAP proposed or come up with alternatives to solve the transport issue.

    This is not some big 'useless' thing like "press freedom." It is something you are affected by every day.

    Argue this rationally, using whatever concepts you are aware of. This is open, serious debate, something which our PM himself has asked for.

    And please, don't "aiyah, that is reality lor." or said "WP SUPPORTERS ARE NOT TRAITORS/DOGS/WHATEVER." I expect better from supporters of a third-world opposition.
