I call Jennice, and she said she is ok. So I am not so worried now. She said, this English people sibei zhai, got bomb explode still never panic and migrate. I think if Singapore kena bombs, people sure fly to Australia or US one, especially those got money people (the poor people no money to go overseas, so have to stay in Singapore to fight, or have to swim to Batam or JB).
Be poor in Singapore is damn fucked up, I think. Less and less job for you, and then can only sit and see the rich people make more and more money. How to catch up? No wonder the police say got more crime. No wonder so many people hear the NKF story also get so angry.
Last night I went Marina and sat one taxi (my baobei car was in the workshop) the driver tell me now harder and harder to make money. Drive all day also cannot cover the rental.
I said, not bad what, now they make the booking more expensive (cheebye), and the meter jump faster in the jam (cheebye again), you sure make more money like this.
Mana uuuu, he said, that money mostly go to the see-lang taxi company one. We taxi driver get what? Get lan ah.
I feel damn sorry for him, poor people can only be taxi driver, road sweeper (now got new name but same job), and other job that those educated people don't want to do. I give him the money, I told him no need to give me change.
At Marina I go to play snooker and bowling. Not bad, there got a few chio bu to beoh. But I play snooker try not to see too many girls, or else cannot reach the table to shoot, because my horse kena block me. Hahahahahaha!!!!
The new Marina is quite nice, but they still got the renovation so I keep getting lost. Damn toolan, man. Quickly finish the stupid renovation can or not?
I walk past the cinema there, I think is Golden Village one, and I saw they have big big sign say cannot eat outside food. Fuck their motherbackside man. The ticket already more and more expensive, now you want people to go and buy your expensive popcorn and lan cheow hotdog some more?
No wonder people buy the pirate DVD!!!
Last time, when we go see show, we can bring any food we like. The most we buy the kachang puteh from the indian man there. Ok, the cinema last time don't have so nice seats as now, a lot of them is wooden bench type, and sometimes even no aircon and also got cockroach and rat watch movie with you.
But fuck lah, nowadays they earn our ticket money not enough, have to make us pay $6.50 for some hotdog and a coke. Your hotdog is use sharks fin to make one ah? Cheebye.
I only like the new cinema with the two seats together one. That kind can sit with girl and do all kind of fun thing for two hours, sometimes three hours, because some director like to make their movie longer and longer (as if movie more longer already can win Golden Horse award..... Golden Horse, hahaha, that one I sure win one).
But if the price of going to see show get more expensive, may as well I take the money go to Hotel 81 to get one room for half day, got aircon, got bed, plus can watch the JB pirate DVD movie, still cheaper. Watch finish play finish still can use the nice toilet take bath together. Shiok.
I also read today the newspaper that they wanted to change the Marina Bay name. Gahmen call some overseas new name expert people to think of new names. You know how much they pay these fuckers? $400,000!!!!
And you know what is the name they choose in the end?
KNNBCCB!!! Spend $400,000 of Singapore people's money, and in the end come out this kind of fuck thing? Marina Bay change name to Marina Bay!!!
Waaah, you so clever lor. Think and think and think and come up this new old name.
Marina Chow Chee Bay lah!
Must be this overseas ang moh advertising company know how to make the Gahmen give them money to come up this kind of fucked up idea, still can say well done. If is only local company, sure kena fuck by Gahmen for this idea.
Ang moh can be very smart, gong wei sibei kiang (mouth very clever).
Make you suck his cock already you will still give him money and say thank you for letting me suck your cock sir, want me to suck another time?
Singaporean must learn from them, or else our country will not be so rich.
Next time want to choose name, I help you. Rockson Choose Name Company will charge you less. $4000 can already. What is your old name? Ang Mo Kio Central? No problem, I choose for you new name, wait, I am thinking and doing researching..... your new name is...... Ang Mo Kio Central!
You like or not? Thank you, $4000 please.
Lan cheow, ok?
lols u r jus funny can?
Way to go Rockson!Awesome!always love your blogs!!!:)U r finally back!I missed u!and your blogs!
wah you're sooooo funny! haha
and because of your NKF entry, i got to see the word "cheebye" printed on the papers. haha!
Sporeans too poor to pay utilities bill, they cut off their water and electricity forcing these people to use candles and poising a fire hazard to everyone ! Instead, spent $400000 of taxpayers' money for this fucking name-changing shit ! Really CHAO CHEEBYE !
urmm u sure ey change from Marina Bay - Marina Bay??? or am i seeing the wrong thing?? sure anot like that ey also pae $400 000?? ey realli so cum lan meh?? o'lame mother fucker!
wah! beh saio how siao man! you are good ok but your horse got 2 leg or 5 leg one, tell us leh!
can i name u the male version of 'xiaxue'? haha...
after NKF, now we need to get the IRAS to check on STB. $400k to change a name? (I can change my own name for 400k/100 = 4000 times?) hahaha....
Well, at least it's a good thing they didn't change to any bombastic name. "Marina Bay" is good enough! But the fact that they spent $400000 to choose a name at all?! Even giving the money to Durai would be better. =P
why you spell lan jiao as lan cheow? after reading all your entries, i felt this obligation inside me as a fellow ah beng to tell you that educated ah bengs who know how to use the interneck spell the man penis as as lan jiao. in case you don't know what penis is, it is the man's bird bird or more commonly know as ku ku jiao.
great blog you've got going.
This is kan phua funny.
ive bookmarked your site to read in the future!!!!!!
*from someone female, 23, designer and people cannot imagine like this kind of tok kok one.*
You never fail to make mi luff... and i always anticipate for yr new updates...
Ha ha ha! Your style of writing is really colloquail and funny, though I wonder if you're masquerading as an "ah beng" or truly one.
Great stuff!
aiyah, this week i wait and wait and wait so long for your blog....wait from monday to friday (today) then finally get some luffs.
Crap. Another lame entry.
hahaha my freaking gosh you're damn witty for a beng. link you okay?
Rockson writes like an ah beng, but I don't think he is. Then again, I hate the term ah beng, ah lian.. those who use it.. why? u so high class is it?! N.B.
Steady lar... Rock on man. Continue with your writings, everybody like a little vulgarity to spice up their lives if we live so politically correct all the time where is the fun?
Notice u like to mention ur "horse" alot. Are u some kind of online flasher?? Ur horse joke make me suspect u dun have much, thats y u need to keep talking about it.
hahahaha *hic....hic* hahahaha. that was really really funny!! i love reading it!
Whiner. Complain complain complain. Another typical Singaporean.
This post is definitely one of the hilarious one I read!! Didn't waste my time camping here to read new post! AHAHAH *thumbs up*
Grow up!
you sibeh ho ah you.bo beh zao!
funny blog you have.
keep it up!
wakakaz... funniez...
seems like you have to use vulgarities to get people to read your blog huh
this Anonymous guy that has no seeds tell u to "Grow up!"...obviously...he hasnt seen ur horse...
lan cheow, okie...haha...he can go ride his pony somewhere..no nd come read ur blog..
all those no seeds anonymous guys telling u to shut up...xiao...who invite them to come read?? lan cheow, okie. shit..i am addicted liaoz...
Rockson, you need to go push for a place in Pah-li-ment...the garmen needs you...and ur lan cheow....oops...
You'll be the one and onli ah beng I'll love.
I think not ah lian also will let you convert to one.
Steady la!
Good one, Rock. Really makes you wonder what kind of island we're living on, eh?
To all the guys who like to post stuff claiming that the blog is 'lame', 'boring', 'vulgar', etc... all I can say is: "Dun like issit? GO AWAY LAH! Siow people, dun like still must hang around ah? Internet so big, u got no where to go issit?"
nice blog there rockson and yea. wtf is the gahment thinking. 2/3 peanut gone. asswipes.
Your chee bye blog, is fuccccking funny, ok? who dont like this lan cheow's blog, please FUCK OFF!
wa lau...u are damn funny sia...esp the naming of marina bay part...lol
hahahahahah, knn, rockson, you're just damn funny lah!!!!! lol!
U r Funny !!!! and down to earth !!! and unpretentious !!!
typical singapoean. Coward...
Rockson, your blog need to change to Cheebye blog, cause soo many Cheebye and kan inside. Many time i read many time i kena kan. Kan and kan kanikan.
For the terrorist attack, they deserved it, they use more powerful bomb to attack iraq civillian. Because i'm not Ang Moh cock sucker. They talk big, cock big, chee bye big, all big. Ang
oh soowhat, also got one lanchow.
Gahmen also Ang Moh suckers clever to fuck and suck singaporean people only.But kena kahcheng backside fuck by Ang Moh.
i agree totally sia.. dun noe wat the farking government doing.. take old name and giving as new name.. wtf..
sian la.. go sue gahmen la. like nkf, pattern all the same. use our money for other people. tio kan la... work so hard here also no use. kenna chopped at the head only.
Eh rockson, can post more often anot?? hahahaa...ur blog rocks la. As the saying goes. "Buay sia lan buay dua han."
i agree man, in singapore no money very jialat one....everything so expensive..machiam like pruposely build for the rich only...and the poor are like slaves...now i understand why communisim last time so popular coz all these lanjiao rich ppl who jus treat poor ppl like dirt( actually no money anywhere the same lah)
everyone's addicted to you and spouting expletives!
lol... a hilarious entry. you are almost the same as XiaXue with all those expletives!!
Anyway, I enjoyed your posts... rock on!!
Rockson ==> I got to take my hat off for you. Really enjoy your way of presentation. And you really prove that you are up to date in the news.
BTW Marina Bay had been named "Marina Bay" for branding purposes. Like we locals brand Esplanade as the "Liew Lian"
And yes $40 K is a bit steep. STB please wake up lah
Saying that Rockson is the male equivalent of XX is an insult to Rocky ! He rocks a thousand times more than that immature twerp !
if lim beh choose name, it will be
Marina's Bye
Marina's Bye Bye
hei man, i love ur blog full of chao cheebye!So funny!
You're the MAN, damn CB funny! Your blog had rock my office. Now everywhere talking about the "CheeBye Peanut" instead of "peanut".
Keep it up! Ma-ri CB name cost 400K. ha.ha.ha.ha...
Why dont know happy to fuck the gahment, spend money only give Ang Moh change simple name, Chee Bye, Lampar.
Better change the Merlion, Singaporean stupid, where got lion pissing at mouth, is it another Ang Moh idea. Pissing at lanchow, merlion no lanchow meh.
Hmph! NKF got scandal, we can cancel donations.
But gahmen fiasco, how we cancel tax payments?!?!
But thanks, Rockson! You made me laugh!
Dear Rockson,
I'm a Singaporean Expat in London. In fact I have now lived in the UK for 12 years. Your articles are wonderful and insightful and whilst the Singaporean government is trying to get everyone to speak English. Your articles remind my why Singlish is a beautiful language. Not everything can be expressed in English so zhun like in Singlish. Keep writing!
you msy sound crude but you hsve your points.Keep it UP! I mean your blogs...not your horse!
Rockson, you rock, man! Vulgar or not, you have good insight. Keep up the good work!
Gahmen listen to ang moh becos ang moh tua ki, mah.... They will listen and maybe even pay you if your horse is bigger!
hi, i like your bogs.make me laugh my heart out everytime... make my day! keep up it,man (i mean you not your horse). not many people can write like you.
Marina Bay change to Marina Bay?? Lame shit. $400k some more!!
u Si bei Chee bye leh, ur blog shld be rated NC 16.. haha.. anyway, singaporeans shld learn frm u..if not singapore nt enuff creative ppl like you.. all these vulgarites are just vulgar. but i guess these are wad real singaporeans say thou. so, ROCKSON~!
Lol, your crazy blog. maybe can set to something like Nc16 or so, if not those kid come in and see den jia lat.
Ur blog never fail to make my day!
Keep it UP! Really Funni!
Singapore MADE type of blog! Well DONE!
oi brudder still waiting leh wanna compare my elephant n ur horse...
rockson, u ROCK my world.
you're so funny. you can be a high class ah beng.
This blog makes a good literature reference for those who want to polish up their singlish.... and vulgarities
lol... funny
Good stuff--keep it coming.
I miss lawrence where is he?
Hmmm, this post reveals Rockson not likely to be some young punk in his twenties. Being able to experience those old cinemas with their lousy seats and rats and cockroaches, I guess he must be in his mid 30s, approaching 40 even!
It's a fake. It's a put on. Read carefully.
Come on Rockson, just a hand full of peanut for the new name....no big 'horse' lar.... hahaha
Wah lau, you big name is also shown in the IOL - South Africa's site ....
chow chee bye i think you've lost it man! this post ain't that funny anymore :(
This is a one-joke blog. It's got one vulgar running joke that goes on and on and on. First time, it's funny. After subsequently entries, it gets stale very quickly. WEAK!
You really have a way with words Rockson!! I enjoy reading them!! Cheers!!
Did anybody notice that all the negative comments come from "anonymous" posters? Anonymous + negative comments = coward.
Rockson, you have more fans than you know and a testimony to your success is the present of jeaolousy.
Rock on, Rockson! Looking forward to your next entry!
I luv the way you fuck the government,media etc..Its describe my feelings and thinking.I hope you can do me a favor by fucking the goverment or the AVA.This CB ava very damm extra.our pet trade is so restricted and limited species.Now even want to take away kampong chickens,next time must go zoo to see chicken liao!I really don wat to say about these fuckers.But i know you can fuck them here jia lak...Hope to read ur post about this issue very soon!
Don't be so mad to those terrorists. People have to take responsibility on the crime their government did to other countries, since they vote their policies in democratic way.
You send your army to Irac, killing their teens, children and women, what to do expects? Fight face to face to your heavily armed "International Troops"?
U.S. and British always claim they are standing for the "world's interests", "global peace", but acctually their action is for "U.S./British interests".
So just use your head instead of your horse to get a conclusion.
I am not justifying their terrorism against innocent ppl, but British ppl sure should re-evaluate their own policy on other contries.
hahahaha! You are damn funny lar!!
xoxo Jank
No wonder you've got such a huge following. Li sibei funny leh!
hey fuck u lah , u think your cock very big ? u think funny ? suck my cock lah , ka ni lau bu chow cb (means fuck
your mother's smelly vagina )
Got people also toolan we talk about gahmen things, this people also maybe work for gahment mah,like Durai, got many many money eating people money, got mercilis, somemore free. Cheebye also free.Family all happy life.
Maybe scared already people know, worried no work somemore kena donate, Cheebye donate buy condom better.
Hey Lang Jiao Lang,
Do you know RENCI CEO getting 15K a month !?
Go and check the newspaper.. NEW PAPER and TODAY.
hey lang jiao lang.
u think u very smart is it ? go and visit geylang, since you mentioned you always visiting geylang those women is it easy to earn 15 k per month or not . if not ask them why they have to become chicken , just ask them these 2 questions , they will give you answer of nkf ceo salary
Some bugger above says that RENCI CEO get 15K per month and that this is published in New Paper?
But I have checked through new paper (the online copy, that is), and cannot find such thing.
Please give us a web link if you want to make such accusation (because it will remain an accusation unless you can substantiate it)
I like ya blog..will drop by more often since I am staying overseas.Reading ya blog makes me feels like home..thank u very muchie.
i like ya blog.Makes me feel like home especially leaving overseas. Thanks very muchie.
you are so funny! can i marry you?
Your blog's is damn funnny!! Your blog has been BookMarked! haha!
hahaha eh rockson i think ya make a good writer for talkingcock.com sia..they should have a section for u like mebbe rockson ga li kong hahaha
Rockson is damn funny! I have a feeling that he is not a real ah beng, but wo xi huan!
eh....u sibeh steady leh! I see u berry up!
hey shark,i dont know u r ah beng leh.....
Farking hilarious lor
Keep it going - the funniest blog I've read in ages. And pointedly correct too. :)
i like your blog very much.
last time my teacher ask me question. i dunno. then i gei kiak say "only smarties got the answer". then kena detention class. now i think u are the real smarties pants in the singapore. U are BBC level commentry of singapore world. The most difficult world. Rock and roll son!
Rockson, sometimes you also talk cock by condemning the terrorist, Bush and Blair are the CheeBye real backstabber terrorist.When Iran and Iraq confrontation Bush help Iraq to kill D Iranian. But after Kuwait Invasion they sanction Iraq for 10yrs, how many 100K people & children die due 2starvation & disease.CheeBye Backstabber.10yrs, not enough.Make the people angry.
The terrorist is not an army, they arr civilian too, who got phd, degree and happy family, they willing to sacrifice their life 2free their contry, what they demand is britons out from Iraq.Blair dun want, after cannot suck Bush Cock.
They lie to all the country iraq got WMD, Cheebye where got, Singapore also suck Bush cock, act smart say yes bend your head from behind kena ass poke.They bomb Iraq with illegal weapons, radioactive & cluster bomb.One day we also kena Backstab.
Lucky we are Chinese, or else chialak, now they want to make trouble with China, if they attack China, what we want to say, who terrorist. Bohpien suck again Bush cock.
Sometime U talk never use your brain but use your horse only brother.
I don't mind if they change the name to Singapore Bay or Lions Bay..
U r very funny huh?! Haha. Make my day ar. Today Sunday... but ur article make me happy. Good good!
Rockson you are so funny, when Singapore attack by the terrorist you can run with your Baobei car what, or shoot them with your long big horse.
And What big deal with AngMoh, because we singaporean are materialistic, want the best from others.AngMoh we treat them standard mah, they contribute alot by invent this and that include my lousy PC always hang.
But remenber the Arab also contribute the world oil for your Baobei to run, but we neglect that.
Rockson no matter what i like your story..gracious...Amigo.
kaoz! i tell u lah, the taxi driver bluff u 1 loh. They kept saying no $ 2 cover this n the most common 1 is cannot cover the rent. Wat bullshit! if cannot cover the rent they long time ago eat grass n stay void deck loh! They haf all sorts of reasons 2 make them look pityful man! Juz think, they wld hide their taxis b4 the midnite charge comes out n tats 1 of the many stunts they like 2 pull. dun b conned by them. n nice work by the gahmen! $400,000 for a "name-change". well-done! well-done!! so wats the next money-sucking policy 4 them?
eh rockson u sound like colin goh leh. u sure u not ah beng lawyer ah? ur england very powderful.
I'm glad to see I'm not alone about my feelings on terrorists.
You are FAMOUS OVERNIGHT! And you've only started blogging in May. How did u get soooo many people to read your blog man??? I'm impressed....
if you ever make it to parliament and speak the same way, I will tune in every night
u used 'chee bye', 'lan cheow', 'KNNBCCB', 'fuck'...so often...nothing new...can b more original???
Be an unique ah beng...
I think the name change is by URA, not STB leh. Better clarify first or later kena sue. Not good.
u rock la(cheebye)
i prefer "MariNABEH". short and sweet.
heard of libel?
KNNBCCB... so hilarious sia.. lan cheow ok??!
Mr Rockson, ever since my cousin's husband told me about yr blog, i make sure i logged on every 2 days to check for new entries...so funni!!! I even post yr blog url in my bulletin board in friendster...hope u dun mind!! :P
chee bye gahmen hor gao kan !
i dunno whether to laff or cry man... such KNNBCCB thing you can also say until so farnie... if only the terrorists got such warped sense of humour they won't bomb the innocent liao... at least they dun have mother fucker gahment who pay less than a peanut to change name..
btw spend half of my cab fare in the stupid parade rehersal jam yesterday... sibeh toolan
knn! because of you i laugh at my computer screen and now my mother think i siao.
ya blog indeed is mothur farking hilarious yet factfully true to every sense... respect u! rock on!
Really lah hor. Cab drivers have it quite hard. My familee is liddat oso. T_T
KNN! please make most post can? ccb must wait a few days till u update each time wan
Rockson, u should post ur picture so everyone can see how handsome are u :)
The Gahmen is like this. They spend the people's money which they forcefully take. They can do anything with our money. We are just under Iron Rule and cannot open our mouth, else kenna sue. NKF boss getting 600,000 is a big issue, But the government spending 400000 in a few days for a stupid name is not a big issue. What the fuck man. The new CEO's pay will also not be revealed. And the Gahmen says that to have good people, you must pay them good money. 599,999 is how much the new CEO is going to get. Most of which is our fucking money again.
KNN, 400k for some CB ang mohs to cum Singapore to change name do nothing. Hope their LJ kena chop off!
Rockson, you rock!
ur entry totally made me fall off my chair and yup i couldnt agree no more abt the 400K marina bay name thingy. u 4000? i more economical, 400 can le
rockson u totally rock.
please post more often, singaporeans really need to read blogs like yours, and not some xiaxue's or kenny's.
you are The ONE.
what kind of blogger are u..delete away pple's comments..good one u keep and bad one u delete... I look down on u
U really funny lah! I enjoyed reading thru ur posts!
i agree with wat scuderia.denchua said...
knn u give it like it is, fuck other blogs, they just talk about how fucked up they are or how many people they fuck so many pple read,...but yours is the best commentary of current affairs in singawhore...
fucking funny man...
Their stupidity had cost them 400 THOUSAND dollars, just to prove that they were 'clever' to get the right name all along ...
CHEEBYE !!! I'm speechless.
What next? Pay another 400K reading tea leafs predicting the result for the next election?
Ang Mo Lan Jiao Tao KI lay (don't believe go ask SPG)...
Kong simi Lan Jiao, Sin kar Po lang also "yes sir yes sir".
400K niah mah...Sin Kar Po lang simi boon bor, wu $$$$ niah! Money not a problem.
Buay song ki Geylang find Russia CokCokKay song song lah.
I stop going Sillima liao..
Cannot find my durian puff inside eat, I ban them liao..
Eng Eng go JB buy pirated DVD....one piece $1.20..Yu Pe, Yu Qi, Yu Tao Lap Neh!
Of course this is what happens when the government isnot properly elected what. no need to answer to anyone. answer only to the ang mo lan
hahaha thumbs up man!
Rockson, you're the most down-to-earth, insightful, and fucking hilarious S'porean blogger I've read in a long time.
Not like some of that pseudo-intellectual, self-aggrandizing, cheebye bullshit I see everywhere nowadays. hehe
If I was a cha bor I would have your babies, but since I am not I will just tell all my cha bor friends about your blog...and The Horse.
Post again please!
taxi driver dun earn so little as u tot lah. can take home at least 2k-3k/mth. if chiong more can earn up to 4k.
you are fucking beng man!
they say you're funny and I'll agree, but this doesn't change the fact that its not funny to be a beng these days. HAHA!
Taxi driver make 2-3K a month? Fuck you understand!
Chiong can make 4K? Fuck you until you climax ok?
NB, nowadays you can make 1.5K from Taxi, you can laugh until your cock fall off liao ok!
If 2-3K a month for taxi driver, all NTU and NUS should start providing driving degree course because Xin Jiao degree holder also got the most 1.6K a month niah!
Yellow outside, white inside lor...
pls dun criticize this guy whose being juz plain straightforward.
true, many people view singaporeans as a corwardly bunch who do not dare to speak up, and we complain too much. however, has anyone stopped to think about the reason for us doing so? the government is a single-party dominated institution, and there are no checks and balances against the PAP.
one may argue that our government is "clean", "not corrupted", and perhaps thinks about how to improve the lives of citizens.
however, i have to mention a point - why are poor citizen's utilities supplies being cut off? this is plain ridiculous. instead of helping the poor, so much money is being given to MPs as salaries.
P.S. u rawk!!! continue your knnbccbing!
nabeh... $400,000 can go the whole of geylang, many rounds some more. fucking tulanz man. ccb
fuck you all pretentious losers who's against rockson, he rocks and you know it, i cannot tahan these self-righteous motherfuckers posting their lame and negative comments on someone as real as rockson
you losers sound as if you kena raped by your father or something hahahahaaa!!!!
wat to go rockson!!!
bludder lockson, you are my ow xiang (idol). one day when i grows up, i want to be chow ah beng like you. lock on lockson
lol u r so damn funny man this is like the first time ive read this kind of blog its so straight forward yet it can fully express how u r feeling
rockson you rawk man!
wad taxi driver is poor?fuck u cheebye kia..dun suan taxi driver=poor k..
Nice and uber farnie blog ya have there! ^^ Looking forward to more of ya posts.
I tink Rockson is not an ah beng at all. You're probably a top student in some school, someone smart and intelligent.
There's perfect english in the blog, with singlish as an addition...and which ah beng will read newspaper one? lol
Well done nevertheless. Great creativity. U can publish a book manz! way to go!
if lao lee or sio lee noes abt this how would they react...
heard that this yr ndp when sio lee reach padang, say hi to everyone who is beside lao lee e.g ah teo chee hian la, etc except lao lee...treating him as transparent..keke
Wah you really make me want to go home gam lan ah!
*deepthroat and rotflmao*
Hey man, i think you're really very smart. Hehehz... Just to encourage you n if your blog ever runs into any problems with lawsuits n crap then Singapore must really be a sad place to live in.
Cheerios to Freedom!
Rock on...
haha i agree with u. government wasted our hard earned money.. that WE singaporeans pay on them. haha.
Damn funny lah, brother!
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