Tuesday, December 08, 2009

Stupid fucker wanted to make fren with Vietnam KTV mei mei

Dear Mr Kusotare,

I just read your forum post. You are a stupid fucker. You go to KTV, touch touch here, touch touch there, then you think maybe this Vietnam KTV girl will be your friend? For FREE?

What kind of cheebye brain are you?

Just because you ask her to go see bird in Sentosa and not touch bird in the KTV, you think she will be your friend without need you to pay her?

This girl is just here to make money from loser like you, so that she can build a fucking house for her family of 23 in Vietnam. Why do you think she got time to make friend with you? FOR FUCKING FREE?

You are not just fucking naive. You are fucking loser to think you can find real friend in a foreign talent working in a KTV.

Just consider yourself lucky there was a girl who need the money enough to go out with a lancheow face like you. If it was a Singapore girl who have higher standard and golden cheebye, you pay her she also won't go out with loser like you.

Eh, Kusotare! I know many Filipino in Paramount Hotel want to go Sentosa with you leh. They can even play guitar and sing with you at the beach! They can even stroke your dolphin! Very cheap! Let me know and I arrange for some new friend for you!


Yours sincerely,

Join Date: Jun 2009
Posts: 3
My Reputation: Points: 15 / Power: 0

Need your opinion, please..thks for ur time

Dear all

I've known this viet girl from a KTV for 6 months. Always ask her to sit with me as I've enjoyed her company, we've never went to hotel or anything before.

Just last week, I ask her out to Sentosa. Pure intention was to show her around Singapore and shopping. We were clear from the start that there is no hotel or hanky panky. We set off in the morning at Vivo and proceed to Sentosa after lunch. Everything was ok and fun except during the mid afternoon she start talking about ex-customers who bring her out and still give her money. I thought she was just joking...

So before dinner she repeated it again...and I felt a bit like "hm..." Not because I don't have the money. My pure intention was to bring her out for her to enjoy herself...with good lunch+dinner+all the attractions. Easily I spent 300 dollars.

In any case I send her home and while smoking near her house, she repeated her story again. So I asked her straight.."are you expecting me to give you money?" She didn't answer straight but just say that she came Singapore to earn money, by going out with me, she didn't work for full day and really paid quite a bit to come here. I gave her 100 and said good bye. Before leaving, I told her that I'm really disappointed with her, I brought her out as a friend and she considered it working.

I think the main point is that both of us had different expectations. Firstly, I didn't expect I've to pay..and I just wanted her to had fun. For her, it seems more like a sacrifice that she has to make to accompany me out....

Any opinion on this? Is it justifiable for me to be PISS off with her big time...I know I'm a bit naive, maybe we can just leave out that part for the moment.


  1. Whats this story about har? Got this type of morons no wonder nigeria still so happening with people exporting money to them siah...

  2. wah, u come back again liao ah? every 4-5 years izzit?

    welcome back! hahaha with the warm up post.


  4. bro you need to blog more lah! SG got real shortage of comedians ...

  5. Blog more pls rockson!
    So happy to see ur update! =)

  6. sammyboy ish got many kumlan stories like this one

  7. there is a difference between stupid and innocent. this has gone farrrr into the realm of stupid.

  8. yo rockson rock more leh
    rock with your horse!

  9. wah kaninabeh pukimak puah chee bye! Almost end of the year then you come back with a post.


  10. Talent scout looking for the next BIG star....

    MMS your best shot, vital stats, name & h/p to 90188038. We open 24x7

    P.S.: U must be willing to go thru our QA checks

  11. he is silly enough to give her 100. if i'm him i'll just walk off. O_O.

  12. Looking for redclaw phoon chee yong????

  13. I miss you. Please blog more often. Please!

  14. Hello comment on more exciting things like how Garment young CBK whack the SAA chief lah.

  15. lol... Can pls blog more not?

    I dun care if u need use ur horse, dolphin or golf to blog.

    just blog something. lol.

  16. Hai,n helo.nice info and blog.Tapi nak tahu sesuatu yang misteri ? please lawat blog saye ni di http://mysterygraphy.blogspot.com , jgn lupe linkkn skli blog ni,ok bye

  17. you still can affordable or stay at private property?
    if not then why don't blog to tell HDB you can't affordable already?

  18. http://theonlinecitizen.com/2009/12/year-in-review-hdb-flats-subsidy-affordability-prices/



  19. Rockson your back!! ROCK ON

    Singaporeans are getting pissed with the PAP government indeed.

    please support this Facebook Group


  20. http://www.facebook.com/group.php?v=wall&gid=153492722129

    wrong url paiseh

  21. Lolz the poor guy really sound quite sad..

  22. lol, dream on. Still looking for cheap cheap? Gahmen say out of recession but HDB going up, Petrol ald up. Love letters and kueh bolu also up. now scare scholars joining opp.
    Eh wat happen, once a year thing ah rock? Anyway nice to hv u back.

  23. Lonely mature woman looking for the next excitement, please call me @ 91007000

    Me open 24x7x365

    Karen "Angel Lucy" Tan

  24. were u bored with bloging liao?

    knn so long then blog.

  25. Nice blog as for me. I'd like to read a bit more about that topic. The only thing your blog misses is some pics of some gadgets.
    Katherine Trider
    Cell jammer

  26. Looking for redclaw phoon chee yong???????

  27. LOL !!!
    Who the fuck is this stupid fucking cheebye??? Make friend with a chicken? She is a professional who's here to XoPu and earn money every hour.

    This stupid fucking cheebye want to go on a date with her????? I think he would marry her too if she asked.


  28. Hey Rockson, we miss your blog posts la...there's so much going around, and you have nothing to post? That's so unlike you..anyway, we miss you..hope you can blog more often..

  29. lookin g for Poon Chee Honk!!!! Any1 knows where he is????? thanks in advance!!

  30. What makes you guys think it is not possible? Just that you havent seen such case before up close in personal. I do have a friend who happily married a ktv hostess (not vietnam though) and has a kid now.
