Monday, May 01, 2006

Singapore Election coming, time to fuck off from Australia

I still in Australia, with Karen everyday fuck and fuck, go out and see country side. Life is very nice here but got to go home soon. My side got chance to vote liao!

Lawrence send me some news about Singapore election, and got one opposition member photo he take from Sunday newspaper, look like from those bank camera.

I ask him, what happen? Opposition member rob bank is it? Opposition member grab the girl from the counter and rape her backside and fuck her mouth in the bank is it? Opposition member wear bomb on his body say want to kill all the people in the bank issit?

Actually the last one remind me of Chee Bye Suan, the SDP fella. He is like a opposition party terrorist. All the opposition member trying to win support, this fucker open his mouth and make the opposition all look like fucker. Want to die we die together!!! is what this Chee is like saying. I think the other opposition people also wish he go Australia and talk his cock here. You bankrupt already want to fly your japanese commit-suicide aeroplane and crash into PAP house, go and do it but don't ask other people fly with you. Other people is want to try and WIN election one, you koteh pooky. Maybe Chee is a spy send by gahmen to sabo opposition one.

So I ask Lawrence, what happen? This bank camera picture!!! Bank robbery ah?

No, he said. Got one Worker Party ah neh, James Goners he go the election department fill form, then blur fuck forget to submit. Later he say got submit, then the election department take out their office video tape to show him come to the office and forget to submit. So the PAP and their newspaper the Strait Time company all whack him say he not honest man, say Worker Party fucked up.

I check the headline of the newspaper on the internet, KNNBCCB!!!! Lawrence is right, his name James Goners all big big words in the front page for few day.

Fuck their mother backside lah! I thought the James fella commit what crime.

Forget to fill his form only what! The most can say he blur fuck. And never come out to say sorry is just stupid only what. In the end also say sorry liao.

But the PAP and the newspaper and TV all make him look like he rape his mother and sister and steal their money then go and take drug, and then fuck a dog, and then rob a bank and then kick a little girl until she die!!! What kind of fuck thing is this?

Please lah, gahmen got nothing better to whack is it? What national issue is this? They keep say the opposition never tackle national issue, now they themself got so much time to attack one blur fuck who submit form wrongly then never admit early enough.

You want to dig up people dirt also try to dig more dirty thing lah? Also not say the gahmen inside is 100% clean one. They just got more powerful vacuum cleaner, suck all their own people rubbish up faster. I dunno hear how many story of Gahmen people got affair, make mistake (some million dollar mistake also) and anyhow use their power. You think ALL of those early retire MP is because they so kind want to let new MP come in one ah?

Fuck you understand?

So how now? Look for Low Thia Kiang the libary book borrow already never return is it? Never return libary book is mean he cannot be trust mah! Or tell Singaporean that Sylvia Lim last time she park car never put coupon, then the parking auntie come then she run out to put. Aiyo! See that woman also cannot trust!

Fuck you understand?

Say that Sylvia Lim, my horse also stand. Lau Chio,. man that one, her neh neh damn the big! I sure vote her neh neh one! My horse also give her his vote. Two vote from me! Hahahahaha!!!! And two more vote from my balls to that Glenda Hand. Not bad lah, young and run pub one. Then run against Small Lee in AMK. Pretty and brave! I like.

Want to ask the real hard question, go and talk to that Joo Chiat PAP guy lah. Ask him how come Joo Chiat got so many massage health centre and prostitute. Now they come and say wah, see he so good, work with the Joo Chiat people clean up the place, from 10 massage centre to left only three. In the first place, this fucker MP there so long, who is the fucker let the problem become so big one? Now say he wipe up his own shit, is very hero. And Joo Chiat got less than three massage centre? Who believe? I cheong the bar there so many time, the massage girl and shop still there! The gahmen use blind people to count one ah?

I try to read the internet news website of Channel News Singapore (but not Strait Time one, because they charge money what the fuck who want to pay to read their shit). But the more I read the more I toolan. How come out of 10 news, 9 news is PAP one? And the 1 news of Opposition is say their bad thing? Might as well they call themself Channel News PAP!

And nabei, the Channel News Singapore camera spoil is it? How come the PAP rally no people come they can shoot until close close don't show all the crowd. Then the Opposition party rally got so many thousand people, their camera cannot do wide angel one? Fuck their mother backside ok? You think Singaporean is stupid one ah? Lawrence send me some photo of the rally of different party, nabei the opposition one so many people until the people have to stand in the road!

I think their boss, the gahmen, must have tell them, you fucker better don't show the opposition party got how many people, keep your lan cheow wide angel lens at home and shoot lesser opposition rally video the better, or else you all will kena backside buah gu yu!

I don't care you want to vote for PAP or Opposition Party or yourself, vote is belong to you one. You want to vote the super elite scholar PAP member who backside can come out one new lift for your house, vote him. You want to vote blur fuck opposition who cannot fill form, vote him. You want to vote steady lau cheow opposition like Low and Chiam, vote him. Vote is yours one. It is the only thing in Singapore that can still say is belong to yours one (your HDB flat also not belong to yours one).

But there must be fair. Gahmen already got their own blog called newspaper company and their own tv and radio to use. Their bank video camera is also for shoot opposition one. Other party must also have their chance. Cannot only fucking one side story.

Lucky this Lawrence send me one site call sgrally (is at the, there got many video and sound file and photo for me to see. Thing you cannot see in the gahmen TV and gahmen newspaper. Good like this! Internet now make normal people become their own tv station and newspaper. It is my new favourite site man!

I hope more people send this sgrally guy more election video, I like to watch! If got video of Sylvia and Glenda and all the wear sexy kind of chio bu who attend rally one even better! My horse like! Hahahahahahaha!!!!


  1. hi Rockson, I'm glad you are back and join in the heat!

  2. I made it to number three! Woo@!

  3. so vulgur... not scared lao lee see ah

  4. You are a FAKE AH BENG LORH! Using your hokkien words and beng-lish as cover-up only.

    But good. I hope the Straits Times reporters read this. Damn biased reportings.

    Somemore all done very subtlely. First few pages always PAP, then Opposition news. PAP ministers always smiling, all the Opposition photos show them in some fucked up mid-speech face.

    Bunch of wussies.

  5. i just went to the hougang rally.. think there must be at least 20,000 people there.. but i guess tml's papers will probably say there are 2000 or 3000 people there ba.. life's never fair.. roflol...

  6. actually most of the opp rallies do rack up to 30k per night.. so do the sda ones.. the sdp one racked up to abt 15k i think.. which was.. i tot pretty good.. cos ling how doong was a relatively good speaker.

    actually i feel that a good indicator to the popularity of rallies isn't really the number of people.. but how bloody big the traffic jam is afterwards..

    i kenna stuck in hougang for 45 minutes... (in the car park)

  7. luv yr political bits. Woohoo!

  8. great timing, just when the ge was getting - doh! not again - bored. the attempt to get gomez to withdraw is lame, to say the least. sack the advisor n pr guy

  9. nice to finally be able to read about some other kind of view other then wat is always repeated in the PAPers...

  10. ok la.. lets give the opposition a chance! Cast ALL votes to them.

  11. top 20!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. Well said!

    Hope the opposition wins more seats! Then at least taxes, transport costs, GST will rise much more slowly.

  13. Well said Rockson, well said. Always love your astute observations.

  14. i was at hougang too - went all the way from jurong. massive crowds! sick of staying at home because nothingmuch on TV or channelnewsisa (same old boring stories)!

  15. ROCKSON U REALLIE ROCK N SPEAK OUR MINDS!!! I too don't see what is the BIG issue abt gomez tt he can choke up so much of the news... like he committed a crime liddat... i also went for the WP rallies... and came back saw tv footages was so disappointed..

  16. u r back at last!!! and i'm in the top 30! haha

  17. If the god want you to believe the earth is flat, he will put a marble on the floor and show you why the earth is flat. Singaporean just can't live out of the box. No matter how many people attend the AP rally, PAP will still win. No matter how unhappy you are in Singapore, you still will vote PAP.

  18. Ode to MM Lee

    WITH a passion like his, it is never work but mere contribution to society.

    With this approach to life, retirement never comes to the mind.

    It simply does not exist in minds like these.

    The only restrictions may be energy and vitality, which by being disciplined, he is blessed with more than most half his age.

    So ageism is a failed fallacy in true glorious humanity.

    To him, people at 62 have another 20 good years left to offer, at least, and he is absolutely right.

    It takes happiness and empathy of a different kind to understand MM Lee's thoughts.

    The attitude of giving makes one feel young, energetic and enthused all the time.

    Would anyone want to have life any other way?

    Long live MM Lee, our wise elders and opportunities in abundance for everyone in Singapore.

  19. 30TH

  20. These are the sites I go for my daily election scoop:

    Anyone has any more URLs to contribute?


  21. Mere mortals make mistakes. Gomez is but a mere mortal. He made a small a small insignificant mistake and the PAP is attacking like it's one unforgivable crime. Oh, come on! You're not gods!

  22. Fuck lah Pap run out of ideas liow so bo pian just take cheap shot at WP mah. Want people to come clean and when they themselves don't they will tell us "Its an honest mistake. Lets move on". Then we lan lan and when we make an honest mistake they cannot let us move on. Fuck lah hope they lose big big in this election. KNNBCCB

  23. you really rock man :)

  24. 36th!!! Ur damn right la.....biasness damn obvious

  25. Talk about vote opposition, vote all seriously want opposition to rule singapore meh? you want some taxi fellow to be the next president of singapore? vote also shouldn't vote with ur eyes closed mah. Siao. Vote for opposition, ur ballot kena come under surveillance loh, they match ur IC no with ur face, u kena cant find job anyway. Siao, there's no such thing as an anonymous vote or a clean election, only a stoopie fellow believe that crap.hahahha... but if i were to really vote opp, i vote sylvia lim. She kena shoot by LKY, BUT din apologise like a bloody coward. Too bad i dont stay in aljunied...

  26. haha rox man, every word you say true lah fake beng. hope the other singapore people also will have brain come out and wun go and vote pap again as usual.

  27. let's rock the mediacork!

  28. Siao liao lar... The elites cannot speak dialect like the OPPs, all the ah gong ah ma cannot understand them, cham. Elite's say "Grandpa and Grandma, please VOTE for PAP!!!" then those ah gong and ah ma hear until sond like,,,"Lum Pa ning ah Ma!! pls vote for PAP!!!...hahahahahaahah

  29. More videos HERE!!

  30. Rockson my hero! OKAAAY!


    Please do not be afraid. Your vote is secret. Go to the above site to find out why. Singaporeans be brave.

  32. we need a change. don't vote the PAP. Finding underhand means to blackmail the opposition. tt ain't right

  33. Sylvia Lim tua liap neh lao chio!!! She let me squeeze her neh neh, I vote her for next 100 years also can.

  34. cheebye lah! rockson this time i must say u damn stooooopid! Your comment on SDP is really unfair and uncalled for. By saying what u said, u have shown yourself to be taken in by the years of smear campaign propagated by PAP and the one-suded media against Dr Chee. Have u read his books, have u seen the NKF articles that is sooooo horrible and defamatory? SDP dares to voice out what the rest of the oppo are so shy to say.

    The opposition is not united and the PAP is exploiting it. If the opposition only closes rank i tell u PAP wont dare to anyhow luan sue or tekan anyone.

  35. PAP got blog meh? orr.. you mean the Straits Times ah? Then their podcast must be CNA lah.. got videocast some more that one.

  36. Ay.. recruit Ong, shut the fuck up lah! KNNCB.. Later I knock you down one million times then you know!

  37. chao recruit, u small horse dun come here and kbkb. grow up liao, go and work first. when u kenah fucked in the mouth by elites or angmoh and asshole kenah rape by mainland chinese/indian, then u know what working is really like. everyday kenah fuck by foreigners until u go home also no mood to fuck your wife. how to have kids? no kids also good lah, wait the kids must suffer even more than us in no-hope-singapore. so meantime, do us adults a favor, go and suck your officer's cock and shut the fuck up pls.

  38. Somehow today sonny Lee tried to defend against Wp charges of rising medical cost and end up shooting himself in the foot. He thinks the rising medical cost is about Lasik treatment, not poor grandma hospitalised for stomach flu! Talk about being out of touch!

  39. Lets vote for opposition this time round...give ourselves a chance to see a change in our gahmen...END THE PAP DICTATORSHIP!!!!

  40. Recruit Ong KK, I would suggest u continue serve your NS quietly, be a good boy don't kena charge go DB for the 2 years. Come out to the society and work liao then you will be able to know more of this evil world...

    For the moment, I think your tiny little cock don't even have a single pubic hair on save your words, come here and leave your comments 5 years later when your tiny little dick is able to penatrate into a real pussy.

    May God Bless you!

  41. your commentary is fabulous and sharp, as always. but i disagree with your opinion of dr c. what we read about him is mostly from the nation builder press, which specialises in character assaination of the opposition candidates. i marvel at the way they operate and wonder often if they sleep well at night.

  42. hey...i very like ur blog le..
    u r the man...

    and from what i understand most ppl wan to vote for the worker party but scare to die so no choice they wanted to vote the pap.

    the pap use our tax money set up temaesk then took control the tv and radio.then all the news good thing pap..

  43. wah bro... you sibeh hong gan... but i respect you man... but machiam PAP so biased, your comments may get you in trouble lehz.. haha.. nvm... if you suddenly nvr blog liao, we noe ish PAP come tekan you, then we all go and find PAP, take worker party's hammer and SDP's arrowhead and zum the PAP asshats... LOL...

    ALL hail Rockson... You speak what we think :)

  44. It is time to show the PAP that we have enough of their arrogance, monopoly and high handedness.

    We have enough of fucking mass media that is starting to look like North Korea's.

    FUCK, I have enough of all this shit!

  45. We really must do something! Any ppl got better ideas to reach out to the public over our frustration over the PAP?

    Pls...I am really sick of this idiots portraying themselves as 'God of Singapore'. We are the citizens. We choose the gahmen and empower them to take care of the country. It seems to me that PAP is the one exploiting & abusing our trust and do whatever they want. Can anyone think of a better way to medialize all these????

    Kick the CNA, Mediacorp & all local medias who are the loudspeakers of the govt

  46. you shd really be the one to talk to MM Lee instead of those journalists. See how he react to your statements would be so funny!

  47. Opp Chiam is old!!! but so is MM Lee!!! if sonny Lee say Chiam cannot contribute liao, then he is shooting his old man words!!!!! Lao Lee say he has many more stuff to contribute during the interview! Sonny Lee's PA never taped the interview for him issit?..hahahh sure kena sack!

  48. I was wondering why Mrs Goh said Durai pay was peanuts. Reading this site,, I finally found my answer. Hiaz...

  49. Damn fuck up!

    PAP is making a lot of noise due to that small issue.

    That whole PAP especially the Lao Lee and Lao Goh not happy even after James Goners apologized. At least James Goners apologized.

    If you want to say about apology, what about Lao Goh's wife who said that Durai's salary was a 'PEANUT', she didn't even apologized AT ALL!

    So does it mean that whoever family members related to PAP don't have to apologize for the wrong thing they do and said ?

    Think about it! PAP always contradict themselves!

  50. Lau Lee also made a mistake in 1997 and referred to JB as a state rampant with mugging, car-jacking and smuggling in an affidavit he filed against Tan Liang Hong. In the end he had to apologize to the Malaysian goverment. As a senior minister then with years of political experience how can he make such a mistake? And his mistake is really huge because he jeopardized our relationship with a neighbouring country and caused a rift. So why did he not do the honourable thing and resign?

  51. looking at the photos in the blogs made me tear a bit. democracy will prevail.

  52. Still remember during the 2001 election Dr Chee was accusing Lao Lee and Lao Goh was lending money to the Indonesia GOv...Both of them wan him to apologise if not they sue him. And Dr Chee did make a apology in the papers....but who knows after the election he still kena sued.They are trying to act very gentleman during the election only lah.

  53. I'm going to vote Mr Chiam again.. Potong Pasir... Chiam See Tong Potong Pasir ...Chiam See Tong

  54. I read this blog everyday. This guy is a very happy citizen. You people should learn from him.

    Above mentioned guy is a fool, a dog, a lame ass of the modern society!!!

  55. That happy citizen reminds me of that character in The Matrix. He is happy living in the Matrix. Some of us has woken up, some wakes up but prefer to live in the dream, some never wakes up. Oh well, thats life.

  56. You are right Rockson. This time the PAP scared of WP until they nearly peed in the pants cos unlike Tang Liang Hong,they cannot find any mud to stick on the current batch of WP candidates, so they go and dig up this election form thingy and make rain and storm out of it. If WP should withdraw candidate because of this, then as some of the people said, Lao Lee should also resign for making malicious remarks about Malaysia. Hope Singaporeans don't fall for this kind of cheap and dirty trick

  57. Singaporeans do fall for this kind of tricks. PAP has incorporated too much propaganda in our school textbooks, blurring the lines between loyalty to the nation and loyalty to the party. Many has been brainwashed, it is hard to reverse this kind of subtle manipulation. Not to mention, StraitsTimes/Asia1 is PAP's most powerful blog.

  58. Liar PAP! Using all its newspapers for their advantage. Why didn't they report the massive turnout at the Workers' Party Rally@Hougang. I was there..All my freaking years, I never seen hougang so crowded before. If I can vote..I will vote for WP for sure. but alas it is walk over in my GRCs..Did I ever had a choice? I have not seen my MP for as long as they were elected aheim..they walk in unopposed..haha...Politics is a dirty game!

    KNNCCB...I is very tulan!

  59. WAh! I four mths neber read Ah Rock's blog liao and it's still so bloody GOOOOD! ROCKSON!!!! I wanna go Australia wif uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu........!!!

  60. oh yah...forgot to add this, dunno i invisible or what. When the PAP were making their rounds in kopitiam, i was standing right in front of them and they IGNORED me. Why? My vote not important issit? Nabei. I jobless 1 year liao. Whose fault ah?






  62. hahaha...come back soon

  63. The bottom of the logo of SDP splite to 2, so it splite n splite again.

  64. The slight of that party also make the logo seperated to 2, I heard that party also splite once at many many years ago, will it splite again in future?

  65. MR teng. what the hell happened to you? =D careful u dont get sued

  66. Rockson, u took the words out of my mouth.. but i have to defer regarding your bit on SDP. Remember, the tarnished image of SDP is what the 140th wants you to believe. However it still takes great passion and courage to stand up to that sort of pressure day in day out.

  67. knn lar!!!! Quit toking abt the Ah neh lar!!! he apologise liao still yak yak yak tok abt him not handling in the form at teh erection department!!! knn!!! tok more abt when we can get our progress package again can??? knn PAP!!!

  68. i like to see opposition wayang! lie a joker performing a show. that's why must go and see. i saw one of the oppositon speak until hand shaking, then i started to laugh. Low Thia Kiang' english like the uncle at the market shouting of selling fish. then laugh! it is so entertaining! anyway i have rockson this son to fuck me everyday, i already happy! vote for what.

  69. workers party.. workers party! im gonna vote for workers party in aljunied. WE WILL WIN!

  70. just watched the news. the gomez issue is blowing into ridiculous proportions.
    what mm said tonight is beyond belief. the matter in question is basically a case of carelessness. if we go by mm's (or mad man) logic, then lau goh should also distance and divorce his wife over her 'peanut' remarks. by doing so, he would then earn our respect and also prove that he is a man of character and integrity. incidentally, that woman is even worst, she was not just careless, her values are misplaced.

  71. hey ppl, instead of bashing straits times and CNA here, bash them in public! the rest of Singapore must know their dirty game

  72. yar what shit la PAP make the Gomez thing sound like some earth-shattering news broadcast as thou he raped and killed his philippino maid but PLEASE who effed up the NKF saga and WHO's WIFE was the one who said that TT Durai's pay of $600,000 annually was "PEANUTS" (it was HO CHING btw aka SMALL LEE's WIFE)

    please la PAP. Singaporean's are not blind. To all the stupid biased Straits Times reporters who are THAT innocent into believing that singaporeans are DUMB enough to take in everything you say on ur dumb slanted one-sided media reports, go home la noobs.

    Before the GE i was stil relatively supportive of PAP with MM Lee and everything but now with all the stupid propaganda shiz appearing on the newspapers EVERYDAY and ONLY of the PAP and just giving small article space to the relatively capable WP and defaming the rest..

    its gotten too much.

    please i hope the opposition wins potong pasir and hougang. i pity chiam see tong for only having his office in the HDB void deck.

    and last of all LETS GO VJC NETBALL (:

  73. The PAP must be really afraid of losing Aljunied to the Workers Party and that is why they are trying their utmost to discredit James Gomez over the minority certificate issue. If Gomez had intended to use the minority certificate to set up the elections department and to divert the attention of the PAP do you think he will be so stupid as to reveal this to Indergit Singh and his assentor? He would have held his cards close to his chest and would not have told anybody and especially not to a PAP supporter about it. I think when Gomez said Wayang he meant that the PAP would milk this issue and put up a good show (wayang) about it. And of course Gomez was proven right because the PAP are calling for his blood now over a non-issue.

    Shame on you PAP!

  74. Gomez a liar!!!
    Gomez a liar!!!
    Gomez a liar!!!
    Gomez a liar!!!
    Gomez a liar!!!
    Gomez a liar!!!
    Gomez a liar!!!
    Gomez a liar!!!
    Gomez a liar!!!
    Gomez a liar!!!
    he said he will let rockson to fuck his backside but he didn't keep his promise!!!

  75. MM: Lao Lee
    SM: Lao Goh
    PM: Small Lee
    CEO of T: the wife
    CEO of S: the brudder
    Patron of damned nkf: that peanut wife


  76. actually Gomez is also playing wayang!!! my little son who is only 3 years also realised that. actually Rockson is also playing wayang!!! hahaha.....

  77. rockson father is a lan cheow beng and rockson mother is a cheeby lian. of course rockson is cheeby and lan cheow lor....

  78. hey Ghormax, you look like an ang mo gau. how come you support opposition? you british 007 is it? come here to destroy this country?

  79. dear baby Jerome, every sites you visit also good, why can't you take more time to take care you father mother instead of wasting all time on blogging.

  80. Dear Rockson,

    Aiyoyo, brader! I dunno why 'THEY' make BIG fuss abt the Gomez issue.

    Like the melayu say, "Tahi punya pasal pun mahu gaduh, kah?" After all he apologised, what?

    'THEY' behaving worse then kids, mah! I think the NKF saga is more serious issue that 'THEY' have yet to resolve.

    From my own opinion, 'THEY' have spoiled their own credibility.

    Chow Liao!


  82. Did you know that our respected education Minister Mr Tharman Shanmugaratnam was previously charged and convicted under the Official Secrets Act? Before Tharman joined the PAP, he was director of the Monetary Authority of Singapore and apparently some confidential trade data was leaked to some reporters of the Business Times. Tharman said in his defence that he did not actually communicate the data to the reporter and what happened was that a reporter came to his office and took a peek at the data that was lying on his desk and leaked it to the Business Times reporter. So Tharman's "crime" was that he was negligent because he failed to keep his desk tidy. In spite of his convinction, he was invited to join the PAP and rose quickly through the ranks. I cannot understand why the PAP would allow such a careless person to join the government. What if the trade data fell into foreign hands? How can they allow a man that cannot even safeguard sensitive trade data to be part of the government? Isn't it obvious that Tharman's lapse of judgement is far more serious than what happened with Gomez's minority certificate? Why does the PAP keep on harping about the Gomez incident and yet allow a person that committed a far more serious lapse to become a minister?

  83. sue MM for defamation! Rockson fight the case!

  84. PAP are a disgrace. i was honestly thinking of voting for them but now.. their dirty tactics will lead to their own demise.. haha suckers

  85. eh u ppl are bloody cocks! singapore media is rated to be close to north korea's media. of course kena control by communist govt la

  86. Whatever respect I've for the's finished, gone! They've no issues for this GE except GOMEZ. It's time to MOVE ON!

  87. Stupid Singaporean has no integrity. This election will to be a landslide victory. Let me share with an incidents i came across yesterday. I went to a clinic in AMK, an old man just fall flat on the ground and nobody know what to do just outside the clinic. The lady standing beside him asked me if I knew this old man, but in the end she also refuse to help and leave him all to me. I call for the doctor but he ask me to ‘wait’ despite I beg it might be a heart attack. See how selfish we are. The ambulance took 10 minutes to arrive but I guess it is times up for this old man, as well as the future of Singaporean.

  88. Stupid Singaporean has no integrity. This election will to be a landslide victory. Let me share with an incidents i came across yesterday. I went to a clinic in AMK, an old man just fall flat on the ground and nobody know what to do just outside the clinic. The lady standing beside him asked me if I knew this old man, but in the end she also refuse to help and leave him all to me. I call for the doctor but he ask me to ‘wait’ despite I beg it might be a heart attack. See how selfish we are. The ambulance took 10 minutes to arrive but I guess it is times up for this old man, as well as the future of Singaporean.

  89. I feel not enough coverage (independent or otherwise) is given to some of the new opposition candidates. Specifically I'm referring to the likes to Perry Tong and Tan Wui Hua of the Workers Party whom I feel are currently making quite a number of decent proposals while having good stage presence themselves at the rallies.

    Thing is, I can actually imagine them actively engaging the PAP in Parliament.

    Also I think that for the first time in a long time, there is now a credible team of opposition candidates staying focussed on policies throughout the campaign and instead the ruling party is now the one engaging in petty bickering.

    This time you (those who can vote) REALLY have a choice. Don't waste it!

  90. ya! fark all the mofo reporters backside! irresponsible journalism!!!

    see here for our press freedom ranking! no.140!!! hahaha!

  91. think it is time for Opps to have a good say this time round in ParLEEment! i am tired of being out of job for 4 years and upgrade liao also no use.. they say i too old to work for them. then the worse part is ya lar my hse in Potong Pao-see!!! but then it is still in seekapore rite? how come the PAP dont take care of us even though we are seekaporean??and under opps?? we not human issit? bloody bullies they are!!! opps so what? still seekapore rite? pay so much to ministar also no use ler.!!! when their GRC do upgrade, also have to pay $$$ to do upgrade wat!! the more i think the more i tulan ler!!! anyway, i am old liao. i dont care whether they will mark me or not, i will vote for opps!!!

  92. PAP minister avg. pay = $1,000,000

    durai's pay = $600,000

    your pay = ??? don't be a quitter, vote PAP!

  93. Great man!!! Lets all vote for opposition this time round to see a change in our living enviornment! They can do it! I believe they can do it even better than PAP!!!!

    Fuck the Pay And Pay!!! This is a communist ruler in disguise!!!

  94. Go fuck your mother then vote PAP

  95. our voices will be heard.. PAP must know the truth. dont mess with the younger educated generation

  96. opposition going to lose la! hahaha
    PAP can NEVER lose

  97. think time to move on lar. be a quitter and go Msia stay and be PR there though the gahmen there is stopid, but at least it is cheap there lor. spore is a place for the rich and elites only. those poor can only pray for toto , 4D and casino. all these are $$$ for the PAP! Msia kopi $$ can kao tim everything. here ah, u nvr submit form also kena big time!!!

  98. Please lah.................(LTK style)

    Can PAP stop this Gomazzzz issue????!!! Really got no other constructive issues to talk about in this GE liao izzit????

    We got better things to discuss, better plans to proceed, more meaningful events to plan ahead!!!!

    Can Pay & Pay Party stop all this grandmother nagging?????!!!!!!

  99. wah!!!! knn they give abalone for peasants to eat ah!!!! knn, how come walkover GRC bo??? knn OPPS pls come fight here ler!!! more people join OPPs ler, then more GRC will be contested and then we can have abalone to eat!!! heard that now speeding in AMK will not get caught u know??!! but they told me only till 6th May. then knn after that u park your car put coupon that time expire 1 mins liao will tio liao!!! knn!!! then GST will go up!! all fuck thing will go up!!!!

  100. hehe, ST sucks blood on subscription?
    get it free! Try this:

    Screw SPH, hopefully they get bankrupt and we really get 'free' press.

  101. farsighted to name party PAP (Pay & Pay)

    i'm going to pay all of you $1,000,000 each to tekan singaporean peasants. can squeeze money outta peasants from taxes, cars, houses.

    poor peasants, pay and pay, until their death, the HDB house still belong to us. 99 years lease! woohoo!

    pay and pay, $1,000,000 each to my dogs! now go tekan the peasants!

  102. Durian is a liar, sue him !
    Gomez also a liar, then also sue him lor ! why don't sue but talk n talk only ?

  103. Lai lai lai peng yew. come here to see Ah lian and Ah Beng writting in Bangkok Post forum .

    U can see gahmen ppltry to protect in that forum ..but kena kan kana lan ..kekekeke
    then here somemore:
    very shiok one, Ah Beng go international liao.

  104. aiya sorry huh:
    that bangkok post forum:



    Ah Beng Kan kan kan , gahmen people over there lo!

  105. What happen if Gomee proved to be right. Pay And Pay will be discredit right? So what will happen? sack the whole election dept and appologise. I don"t think this will happen. Neither Pay And Pay will loose votes. What happen will be a "sorry" there was an overlook and reinstate to make correction. Now, you all can see we are gentleman we don't do thing anyhow, claim credit. Whichever way Pay And Pay will win. Why hammer the guy to the wall??? I don't know, you all go and think...

  106. i think u talk nonsense la. what u have and who give u a country which is at the very least safe is the gahmen lors. u are urself bias. u are like some people hu nv open ur eyes and see. u dun know how far the gahmen have bring s'pore to already. ppl like u nv think and jus shoot nonsense

  107. Response to the above post: Yes, PAP created a stable and economically successful SG.
    However, a democratic country should not be ruled by one party. The ruling party should not be led by one family. Face it, we are living in the Lee dynasty. Is this good for Singapore? No. We need an optimum amount of competition to create an efficient market. Likewise, we should have more competition (opposition) in our politics and the parliament.

    Read Animal Farm by George Orwell. You'll get what I mean. Baa baa black sheep...

  108. Goz deserves to be whacked manz.. obvious from the video and going-ons that he's trying to smear the name of Singapore's system over the world, just like that cheebye SJ.. People like them make foreigners don't trust Singaporeans.. Singapore cannot have many parties. I rather just one pay and pay. Too many we end up having fighting in parliament like in Taiwan and Malaysia.. who going to concentrate on our food for tomorrow?? All their policies sucks big time manz.. only know how to complain but give stupid ideas to solve them.. damn.. pay and pay is expensive for us.. but think at least we can still enjoy prosperity.. rather than giving to those liars and braggers to find no solutions to their own complaints.. worse, we have many pays and pays.. coz they kill our economy. Big price to pay for our freedom..

  109. rockson, let me touch your horse leh. Stamina good one or not?

  110. It seems that Mr Inderjit Singh is very good at exposing people. The last time when Andrew Kuan wanted to stand for the presidential election he also had a lot to say about Mr Kuan's character. I think it is really mean of Inderjit to betray Gomez, who treated him as a friend, this way. How can his constituents trust him if he can even betray his own friend?

  111. its a sight to behold only like twice every decade. get your arses out & go to the rallies lah.

  112. I'm starting to have a little bit of hope. Opposition ftw!

    Rockson Takumi Tan: Your horse biggest and best okay! =DDDD

  113. I'm going for the WP AMK rally tonight!

  114. KNN this morning's PAP blog say there are thousands of people who brave the midday heat listening to PAP rally at UOB Plaza, and show pic of a few hundred people. KNN, there were more photographers, security ppl, PAP supporters and also tourists than the lunch time Kiasu insurance clerks. I was there but even the blind can feel there were at most 3000 people all very sian listening to same old stories (sos). the ppl were in the shade inside UOB Plaza with the glass door open so the aircon can blow into the crowd. Sinkaporeans not so stupid to stand in sun to listen to sos by small Lee, young Hen, Darman, Hng Kng, Kunt sing ,cheehian ,vivascious Bala and some newbies. The only ppl in the sun are the silly ministers on stage talking to the spoilt sinkaporeans in the shade. many talk about Goner, only Darman talk some series thing like education for EM3 and say these chillen got many talent and can one day join PAP but most join oppos. Half way talk about schooling, Darman terperanjat, PAP supporters make lot of noise clap loudly ,think got more package ah? Darman got shock think they clap for him, actually they clap for small Lee who was late for the rally. Darman speech on series matter was interupted and of course he very the toolan. blady hell last time i was late for fuction and small lee make speech they close the door dowan let me in. Now i make speech on impotant thing he gatecrash and makke me look small and see me no up. Anyway when small lee make sos speech i feel aircon wind from UOB so nice, i also fall asleep, many ppl also walk away for shopping and drink copi. PAP blog print alot of good stuff about own rally, many things not true one. Sinkaporean must not belief things they read and things they hear on CNNPAP. Must hear the opps side so get balanced opinion . Read rockson and get summary of true picture. Carry on Rock.pb

  115. truth story aboyt spore: read this

    do not poison by opposition.

  116. frankly speaking, till now i still do not know what the opposition can do for the resident beside shouting loudly their voice. if i voted them, will i be better or worst. anyway, everyone have their right to vote what they think is the right choice. so pls do not attempt to influence anyone to follow you unless you are the actual candidate for election

  117. Looking at the way this GE is developing, I am hopeful there will be more than two Opposition MPs in the next parliament. Barring any "serious" incidents such as charging the Opposition candidates under ISA or other nonsense, I have this gut feeling that the Lees will suffer their worst setback yet at this GE since Independence.

  118. Be a happy citizen.
    I am a 'happy citizen' because i read:

    Minister Mentel Lee is a good man, stop talking bad about him ya?


  119. Rockson Takumi Tan = Royston Tan?

    Hmm, whatever.


  120. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  121. we all are stressed out with this LAN CHEOW election, go here to relieve some stress...better than jerking off...

  122. hi rockson,

    its dulan and not toolan....

  123. Seriously, if wat gomes did was malicious and threatens to break and destroy the integrity of the s'pore gov, why isn't the gov or the elections department taking any legal action to arrest or sue gomes ? They have all the evidence they needed, video recordings, witnesses, Mr Singh and his "wayang conspiracy theories".

    Instead, all they did is to use the newspaper, TV and radio media to brand him a liar and a liability to WP....
    This kind of politics is too dumb for Singaporeans......

    However an accusation can become the truth when it is whispered to you over and over again. But, in this case, it was bombarded to us thru the ST, news and radio. It is a shame cuz some of my friends actually believed in what was reported.Recently I bumped into a old frd of mine in Raffles place and we chat for a while. We were toking about who to vote for this coming elections. My frd (a DHL delivery guy) belives that the WP is really corrupted and are TERRORIST trying to destroy singapore. If they are voted, Singapore will crumble and fall.. worse. he urged me to Vote for PAP. I asked him why ? What made u think this way, his response was because this is wat he heard or sort of heard. I know him well.. he dun read much abt the news, lest care about politics. All he does is to listen to hearsay and make a conculsion.
    I am truly sad. Because this is the only time I see the opposition (WP) field such a impressive line of candidates. Lawyers, businessmans, consultants. These ppl are well educated, willing to risk all the achieved in their lives to stand against the government and wat they believe should be the direction of politics in singapore. They are brave ppl who truly deserves our respect. This may be the only chance that the opposition really stand a CHANCE !!!! If we deny them a chance to speak for us in the parliment, i wonder who would dare to speak up for the rights of a small, insignificant Singaporens like me. I work long hours and earn peanuts (Not the peanuts Mrs Goh was refering to) but the cost of living keep shooting up. These are the ppl who keep rising up matters that matters me. Not some stupid issues submission blunders. Worse of all, keep second guessing on what really transpired. Pls stop it.

    The world is facing globalization and powerful MNCs can and are able to force the governments (example only) to implement policies to their favour. By having gov influence in the labour union, unions have diffcultly to truly fight for the rights of the workers. I hope the WP will work togthers building a truly WORKER PARTY that has the interest of workers as their top priority agenda.

    So far, the only opposition party that pose a threat to PAP is the WP. The way WP handled the gomes issue had impressed me deeply. Their response to Gomes blunder is top class, worthy and most importantly is the kind of approach expected from TOP politicians. They are united (unlike SDP), disciplined and calm despite all the heat and accusations the PAP had generated over such a matter. Amidst such accusations, they are still focus on issues that really matters to singaporeans, job,wages,health care, cost of living. Their reasoning and logic sounds more sensible and wat they says make real sense.
    Who the HELL CARES ABOUT GOMES AND HIS SILLY FORM. Can u stop this ? It is irking the hell out of me...

    Thumbs up to the WP, they are really SERIOUS about the future of Singapore and its people and about this election. After attending to their rallies, I am very convinced that they are truly and sincere in to help Singapore shape a better future for its people.
    In reference to a ruling party member making a personal attack on the English standard of an opposition member. Frankly, I dun mind if my MP cant speak proper english. To me, it is a geater shame that a chinese speaks mandarin in broken pieces.

  124. low thia kiang is right when he said the papayas were making a mountain out of a molehill. that Gomez is the fucking mole in the WP!!

    and to the media if u're reading this, i is very disappointed with your coverage. absolutely disgusted with the reportings.

  125. hey u back! so ur horse v sore now? hahah..anyway..becos of all dis election tingy going on..all the papers ready to snap up nay little bitz of dirt made by any of the FOS dem all.But last time study teacher always say mus "drink water n remeber where it cum from" politics r nvr an ez game to play. ogd blast us all.

  126. ask my PENG U go out have fun, knn now all same excuse "sorry got work".
    everybody now so farking busy with work thats why fall sick.
    build such a high class singapore got what use ? all u do is work wORK AND WORK and u don even have time to relax and go see movie.
    if only singapore are like ang mo country... before lunch go tea break relax, call friend come out talk cock then later at night go chiong. PAP say what fark promise sia, the lifestyle of ang moh country by year 2003.. ccb all i see that is having fun right now are those farking tourist and we are working for them..

  127. time to come back aye rocksen?

    should extend holiday.

    come back, si beh xian man.

  128. I have already let my vote do the talking. Have you ?

  129. you are fucking funny man nevermind the wannabe ah beng accent. yes the local media should be called PAPPY Times. Hee the description of the chio bu PAP candidate with pic included was hilarious. I dont really agree with your description of CHee though. i think he is a bit insane but he is probably very idealistic and naive. i feel the media has tried its best to make him a fool in everyway possible. look at the pics taken of him and his party or even of gomes. they always seem the most unflattering shots. well five more hours before results and another five years of KNN-ing..

  130. the PAP has no credible opposition. gomez can't even hand in a FORM?! and you want him to lead your country?! even primary school children can hand in a form. and the opposition spends its time harping on about how it spent $2million dollars less on upgrading in its various wards than the PAP. well, the opposition didn't even build a new lift shaft, they just took out the old lift and put in a new one. and it doesn't even stop on every floor! at least the PAP did a proper job. besides you should all bear in mind that all of us, even the opposition are beneficiaries of the PAP's subsidised housing and education and so and so forth. no wonder the opposition have nothing to do but go on about their lifts. and everyone i know went to a rally just for the fun of it. because the opposition is bloody hilarious, rubbish they spout! amazing. and its equally amusing to note the old balding men jumping up in their seats and waving their fists about. what a spectacle.

    and theres a joke circulating around on the internet: how does the opposition get its votes? the people think you put a cross next to party you DON'T want. haha.

  131. hey good commentary, but just to let u noe, gomez did that so that he could trick the pap govt. this is to allow the pap to put their best in the ward that james gomez is competing in. hahahah quite a good trick u noe.den he did not submit his form but the person already saw where he was goin to. so pap put there then when they found out, no time to withdraw....hahahha tt why lau lee so furious. lol!!!

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