Monday, April 10, 2006

Renew my lan cheow, ok?

The other day, I got see the Strait Time say the PAP and the gahmen (they are the same thing) is like to do something call Retire, Refresh and Renew.

This is I think a fucking hao lian way to say Look! We always got change our MP one, let the old one retire to enjoy their million dollar salary, and let the new young punk come out to show they can also be gahmen.

Fuck your mother backside lah. Renew my lan cheow, ok? If they really believe in the new blood, how come still got Lau Lee and Lau Goh still there? Where is the Retire part?

Even go and find one Refresh President also cannot, have to keep a 80 plus old man who want to long long want to Retire as president. Where is the Renew?

My friend father 55 year old also kena retrench, but we have Minister, Head of the Judge, and President all is old enough to be my friend grandfather.

Then every few day, gahmen show a few new MP, three by three. KNN. It is like arm got plaster, want to pull hurry up pull, don't nabei pull slowly.

Singaporean all know what is the ending liao. Just tell us when is the election day, tomorrow vote also can. Why still want to slowly slowy take own sweet time and show us your confirm winners? In the end, who will remember their name or fuck face? Just remember our town got 5 people from the gahmen party continue to be our leader, get our million billion dollar of the upgrading, and five year time see them again.

Lawrence told me but they are not MP yet what, just kah kia or is call candiedates. But I told him just tompang the old Minister or lau cheow MP, enter by back door, then become MP by autogear lor! So call them MP now also can what!

I see the new MP the PAP introduce, is all look like cheebye made of gold. All is elite special forces one. Doctor, lawyer, boss, lawyer, CEO, lawyer... every mother son got dunno how many degree, make how much money a year, and all want to change the world become better place type.

Want to change the world, go and be opposition lah! They need your help. Gahmen party don't need your help, they already confirm win liao. Some more never join the opposition party never mind. Still go and join the gahmen party and say to the reporter, Opposition standard not good, they not enough talented people.

Fuck you understand? You got so much talent and want make the change of the world, why not you go and help make the fucked up Opposition better standard?

At least say the honest thing. We join the gahmen party because they are the winner. They got the money. They got the power. Join them no risk. No need scared kena sue. No need scared lose. No need scared kena all your shameful family story all come out in the newspaper for Singaporean to read. Want to build lift for my estate those flat can use special Singaporean tax money to build, not like opposition MP cannot use it.

(Cheebye, people who live in opposition estate is not Singaporean ah? They never pay tax one ah? Then how come their opposition MP cannot use this special money? Cheebye!)

Don't come and tell me you young punk want to make the change of the world. You young elite talent join the gahmen party is got nothing to do with simi lan cheow change. Change what change? Nothing is will change. The party you join still the same. Everything is still the same.

If all the best talent in the world is join the elite school, of course the neighbourhood school will kena only condemn students left. And they will forever be the condemn school, cannot be Number One. The rich become richer. The Number One keep be Number One. Because the elite school get all the best of the best.

And how is this kind of super elite people going to make we common man lan cheow happy? If all your customer is those one fuck $300 type, how you suck the cock of the poor man of the street who can only pay $30?

Singapore cannot find a few normal infantry man or NCO to be in gahmen is it? How come all the men they find is only General?

At least last time in 1960 that time, the gahmen party those old horse have to fight communist, have to rub shoulder with the poor people and feel their pain and feel their happy. Nowaday those new MP, come from rich family or good school or good powerful job, how many of them got this kind of experience? Most of them don't even need to fight in election because always so many walkover.

Too bad I not super elite lawyer or doctor or CEO, and my life story got many dirty thing cannot print in newspaper one. If not I also don't mind join the confirm-champion party of Singapore and help change the world. But then if I become MP, then I want to be MP of Gelyang! Every day free fuck by the golden cheebye of the elite prostitute there! My horse can become Golden Horse! Hahahahahahahahaha!!!!


  1. Cool! 1st!

    Rock on Rockson!

  2. Heh i totally agree. Voting is a tuned down affair here.

  3. top 10...


  4. Well said.. all the way rocky~~!!

  5. Well said.. all the way rocky~~!!

  6. hiyah....what can we do about it?...singaporeans only know how to complain complain complain...

  7. it's about time Rockson is "invited" to ISD for a cuppa tea.

  8. WOOT! PAP quick give the day. ALL HAVE HOLIDAY AH!!


  10. Rockson,

    u dont need a 'elite' background to become politician.

    i can see your passion for airing 'complains', y dun u translate your passsion into action and join the opposition?

    im confident sgporeans want a different kind of canadidate to air their greviences.

  11. Cheebye. Can you heed the gahman's directive not to blog about politics?

    If you really must, just say the good things.

    The more I read about what you wrote, the more pak chek I get.

  12. rocks..u still sound like bueh song..maybe karen din do a gd BJ 4u? :O

  13. But... how much do you really want them to renew? I also sick of having the same people or the same species leading... but what kind of people do we really want?

    The kind heading some 'welfare' nations where people dun wanna work cos no need to work can get money liao?

    Or the kind who side the terrorists and do business with them at the expense of the country?

    Or the kind who knows that the country is in chaos but still want to go and disturb neighbouring countries over stupid matters?

    Although I dun like.. but I think they're doing a good job. Can't please everyone.

  14. Solid ah !!! Better than my streamed lan jiao !!!

  15. PAP will always win the elections.. Opposition is kanasai.. should we all jus vote for opposition and see how PAP cry? haha..

  16. i think vote opposition, at the end we are the one who cry !!! i am not stupid ! oppostion for fuck !

  17. if rockson kanna voted as the MP in geylang, then people like benn phua will not worry to have no job coz he can become a male prostitute selling his backside to rockson. lol !!!

  18. woo hoo...i like election = holiday !!!

  19. vote opposition??? rockson??? yes...coz rockson create more jobs in geylang meh...

  20. Those of you that support the government, pls show some respect to the opposition. Suppose the PAP did not gain power and the position is swap vice- versa. Would u guys support the PAP. Get this straight, No govenrment can last forever. look at Rome or Venice, how strong also will fall de. Time shall determine the outcome.

  21. agreed! if rockson elected as a MP in geylang, benn phua doesn't even need to study liao, can become a young male prostitute!

  22. wah lau, Rome or Venice? literature or history?? i don't know leh. but one thing for sure if vote opposition, now will definate fall.

  23. actually vote rockson olso good. confirm got lan cheow renew. change small horse to big horse!

  24. hmm 37th

    yo rockson i totally agree wif u on number one 4eva number 1 thing...if those new mp talk like they so good ask them to go to the oppsition n help them win la THEN they r really good

  25. Yoyoyo..Rocky, simply donate ya govt money to charity to voice ya displeasure!!
    hohoho..anyway ya past blogs bout ya horse more funny leh..think politics a bit off lo..still, ya e best talk cock blogger i seen..cheers!MP of Geylang..~~keigo

  26. Wow. U guys still reading his blog ya. I "fu le" you pple.


  27. this site is getting boring and boring. only got hatred pple than keep talking abt politics. seem like rock is supporting opposition.

  28. vote opposition, i lost everything. vote pap, at least i still gain some renew. vote rock, i gain a lan cheow renew. you decide who to vote lor...

  29. for female to vote rock, they may not have a lan cheow renew but will definately got job lah. (only in geylang)

  30. Did you read that Ah Goh say if people in Realty Park at Hougang vote PAP more than 60%, they will get upgrading too? So he telling the world he knows who vote for what; so why waste time "introducing" the cock sucker and ass licker types candidates? Wayang also cost money you know, why not cut the bullshit and say out loud, "We dictator, you slaves", like the matchmaker Philip Yeo tell the scholars.

  31. harry, are you a slave?

  32. Well said......unfortunately this is Singapore. All this election thingy is simply just BULLSHIT. Your vote is secret to everyone else except to the government

  33. Eh rockson, somebody say you actually not ah beng wan, actually hor, lockson tan is law student! Semi you not lawyer, pass bar first then lawyer and then you can go join oppo party and no one knows that that new face is actually rockson tan. hahaha! oh, ur standard of English is somewhat getting better? Too close to exam period is is? Too many law cases to read and hence can put in only an occasional "usual lockson" term? hahaha!

  34. if election is simply a bullshit thingy then where else is better than here. should i say all this election bulshit thingy applied across all other places. if that is the case then why pple still strike for election.

  35. So political. But it holds some truth.

  36. I like to eat kuay chap

  37. I don't see anything exciting as to being the 1st, or 2nd, or 2974614th person to comment on rockson's blog. At least, write something substantial.
    Anyway if rockson joins the opposition, he'll be arrested the next day, for some fuck reason fabricated by the government. He would be better off in the PAP.
    Words, words, words.... the government verify (or attempt to cover up) their actions with words, written or spoken, and the anti-government? Also words. You can't make stones move by ordering them to. What we really need, I feel, is some action, and not just one or two people standing like idiots outside the Istana shouting their lungs off (or giving out flyers), but a substantial number of people standing up for themselves and the people they represent...but maybe that's only wishful thinking.

  38. your comments are not entirely without reason but the use of crude language leaves much to be desired. -your legal writing teacher.

  39. hai ya wat to do... even the stupid media oso so poh LP, everytime on the news, u c PAP, where got opposition party clips one? ok la unless u wan to say the one where jus nice the PAP oso there one la wif lau goh... f**k la, election... give us $$ now, in the end raise this raise tat, oso return to zero mah... (comments made by aunties at the local wet market)

  40. relac la..

    gan so much also no use one mah.. take it easy la rock. go find ur karen and let her renew your horse ok?


  41. Whenever Chee Soon Juan or JBJ or even Steve Chia sell their books in the streets, sure got ISD people take photo of buyers from distance. Don't believe? Observe when you next see them peddling their books.

    Almost nobody wants to speak up against PAP govt or join opposition party. Why? Because they don't want ISD to follow their backsides everyday.

    Here, newspaper everyday got job ads, only thing is whether you want to work or not. Got job, got money, who will fight govt? Nobody will say bad things about govt, unless they like ISD ppl watching their kar-cherng.

    We cannot compare with indon or filipine becos there, ppl are struggling to survive. That's why they dare to go strike, protest, demonstration. If filipino/indon all got jobs, u think they will bother to waste time to demonstrate instead of making money?

  42. "Your vote is secret". But why are ballot papers marked/serialised? I also dunno. Or pretend not to know. Haha...

  43. don't know go and find out lah. complain so much for what!

  44. you pple only got seed to complain abt pap,but when other country said pple here are stupid, you pple only know how to keep quiet. this show that pple here seed grow behing backside. lol!!!
    i believe benn phua definately agreed!

  45. i vote for emiriyoshikawa! yeah...

  46. Support the on-line petition regarding "Upgrading should be a separate issue from the General Election". Todate, 1,768 signatures collated.

    Send it to ALL your friends.

  47. Li Ao is right, sporeans especially those blur fuck type who support pap are stuuuuupid. Million dollar ministers all also dun dare to sue Li Ao so all u pap supporters shaddup lor..

  48. Rockson, a good post that rocks and rolls some facts out. We are just like man in the net. If you try to be funny you may end up, for you to choose, bankrauptcy; section 55; or charge for sodomy, or maybe "buang ding swun" (like the old days), or just kick you out of the inland and go to nomanland.
    We don't want opposition like others, have domonstration' riots, strikes and so on. We don't need these things here but what we want is a credible opposition to help the underpriviledge, the old people, or some minority, ensure they mustn't be neglected of their views, and well-being.
    Also to check for no siphoning of country,s wealth. See what had happen in NKF, is an exemple that the correction came very late. Opposition in our country can never represent the majority as the rich has outnumber the poor and most of the rules and regulations benifis the rich. Obviously, when you have more poor people around it would be much simpler for the oppisition to do their jobs. Life will be dull without opposition voices. Maybe oneday the opposition could represent the rich, Oh ! then is trouble loh. I think our garment is okay still show a little care for the old and the poor people, at a verge of death let you be happy a little bit before the end.

  49. rockson, u better vote with your lampa man. even if the election result skewered and predicted. u can still make a difference, tell the gahmen to blow u.


  50. this election is a big a show and tell. the election result is already scripted. we all know the result, can go home and shake leg lar and watch some chiobu on Channel News Asia presenting... lol.

    even the singaporeans that live in opposition stronghold pay tax, vote and work hard. the government of RoS should upgrade flats regardless of party politics. this is the worst case of kiasuness and selfishness in this country.

    no other western country in this world that will divide the population into opposition zone and government zone and refuse to upgrade housing projects based on that. that is so fucken insane.

    if u want to win back the seat in opposition stronghold, just upgrade and work harder in the electorate. no need to bullshit that this is opposition area, cannot upgrade, tu lan. this asian value democracy is a big joke.

  51. power la...well get richer...poor get poorer...knn!!!

  52. 68!!!!!!!!!!!!post more lehz





  55. vote for PAP = vote for upgrading,

    vote for PAP also = vote for everthing price go up,

    so, those vote for PAP and have upgrading = those make everthing price go up.

    And so, only those vote for PAP and have upgrading need to pay for the increasing price of everything ! Because they make the things price go up, for eg GST, transport fee, SP bill and etc.

    Fare or not ?

  56. "... people who live in opposition estate is not Singaporean ah? They never pay tax one ah? Then how come their opposition MP cannot use this special money?..."

    exactly! And the local media does not give fair coverage on the oppositions too. ST had to put another report regarding CSJ's contempt of court(even though it was well over & he was subsequently released from his 7days imprisonment) together with the introduction of the opposition's 3 candidates. Coincidence?

    a level playing field my arse!!

  57. I bloody hate s'pore govenment, schools and working env! All f**ked up!

  58. eeeh chao ah beng dun talk abt politics for god sake.. its so fucking boring!!! shit!!

  59. Good want man .... GE is just show the world we have GE too just now ours is kelong want.... During this time , you will see those PAP people everywhere in your estate. From flat visit to market but once they hit toto. Wonder where are they? So GE no GE the same lah.. hopefully xtra holiday for us can liao ... haha

  60. I think you are a loser. You so good, why not stand up and join the opposition party. Write crap here just to whine like some loser dog...or togain attention from people. But u win. U gained my attention and i read what u have written. If dun have those old man behind the party, u think other countries will give a damn shit abt spore. If u say how come normal infantrymen or nco cant be mps...then why in the first place they arent generals. They just dont have the abilities to lead. Thats why they are men. Everyone plays a not saying being a men in the army means you are shit. It just means you dont have the ability to be a leader. So if you cant lead, then be a follower.

    If you are really a law student, then i think something is very wrong with your school system. Talk with facts...dont just say things that u have interpreted the meanings vaguely.

    Otherwise i would just think you are a loser who hides behind some ahbeng identity and try to talk crap


  61. fucking funny! this is the first i read your blog. nice man...

    i agreed with you, those elites know they will never make it if they join opposition.

    more should join opposition.

  62. wah, you think want to join politics so easy one issit?

    at least rockson is doing his part by raising awareness can. why support opposition must join opposition? food critic must go and be chef meh? singapore idol judge must go and sing song meh? nabeh stupid argument leh.

    the point is not whether the leaders can lead or not, is that the system is undemocratic. it is not that a "non-elite" should be voted in, but that we should be able to vote him in if we fucking want to.

    read what you apathetic fucks comment about also know singapore got no hope liao.

  63. Nabei.. Lidat better dun vote. PAP can't form a gahmen without 2/3 majority.Look at Thailand for example.

    Vote for Rockson in Gelyang better leh.. At least got "FREE Fcuk".


  64. Ask your spouse, father, mother, sisters, brothers, uncles, aunties & your friends to support the on-line petition regarding "Upgrading should be a separate issue from the General Election".



    Aye interesting article. Can you blog about this 3 fools and the whole issue of singaporeans visiting JB? =)

  66. Yes I totally agree with "Bobo the Bimbo"

    At least we're living in a safe environment. The Gahmen is quick to react on anything that happens, always seek for peace and harmony and most importantly they manage our society well. We have lawyers, doctors and CEO of big companies to be our leader rather than have some people who only cares for the benefits of themselves and causes the people here to suffer right?

  67. if vote for opposition = country gone !!! so, you will not have chance to complain abt pap. here will not longer your country.

  68. most of this pple who support opposition are full of hatred that claim didn't benefit a lot from the gvt. most of this pple are usually lazy, not hardworking but live in a peace life but still want more from the gvt. this applied to the opposition parties, they are fight for their own benefit and not for pple, so why shld i vote them?

  69. on-line petition? my foot! you think i stupid help you to gain your vote and power. hey, here is not suppose to talk abt politics...

  70. opposition = full of self hatred! how are they going to help the residents if they are elected. they simply doing good for their own party and themselves. basically, here opposition are selfish one. how to vote them?

  71. rockson is paid well and live in a comfortable life, so don't need any upgrade but he only need to upgrade his lan cheow coz frequently used meh, so sure will have wear and tear. suggest rockson migrate to stay with karan, so you don't have so much compliant here. your lan cheow also safe coz only concentrate on the same hole.

  72. "Singapore cannot find a few normal infantry man or NCO to be in gahmen is it? How come all the men they find is only General?"

    Rockson, I totally agreed all ur said. The only thing s'pore can't be compare with other country is we are still a communist country. Democatic is jus only a word that smoke those ang moh country.

  73. To ALL those who blasted Rockson, remember he is the HORSE of the animal farm ok! If your horse is just a little pony then go join the pigs please. Here is what one pig has to say:

    "after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.

    There is one difference. In a democracy the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives...voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country."

    - Herman Goering, Nuremberg Trial 1946.

  74. when's the voting day? haha

  75. if u ppl hate rockson so much why u all still come here and read his entry? i dun understand.. dun like then fuck off la.. read liao then give fucked up comments for wat? wat he like to write is his own freedom, if u dun like it then fuck off, dun read! go to xiaxue blog and read her stupid blog!

  76. knn la, i think the voting day is on a saturday ler. still thought can have a long weekend or wat. nabeiz!!! confirm walk over area can have longer break or not ah?? knnbccb!

  77. i m with rockson all the way man. i m very disappointed by all the bullying and all the bullshit that the government is putting up. all they are concerned about is want to stay in power and generate more benefits to themselves.

    we don't have a strong opposition cos the pap is buying pple out. i m sure there are many pple who wants to join the oppostition to help be the watch dog for the govt but the pap, will do whatever it takes to take away very eligible candidates or deter these pple by digging into their personal lives.

    so i have given up hope on this govt. deep down, i know many will do their best to get out of this place and migrate somewhere.

    i agree that overall is a good country but the not necessary we have to incur so much money for many things which is a waste of money...really lppl.

    the campaigns' fund came from our taxes fyi....

  78. KNN dont use "tok with facts" to tok cock here la. We down here tok with real facts and if there is nothing wrong with the systems, why will blogple here write it out ler. Somemore can say Rockson is loser, i think he is the 1st loser cos he think he is reading a loser blog that makes him the FIRST LOSER in this blog!!! u urself also hide your freaking id wat.. still say rockson, nnb! go back to your GRC and play good shitizen lar.. knnb!!!

  79. i also want to migrate if i have the $, but all my $ is tied to the CPF la, HDB la etc etc. then when i thought can finally own the HDB liao hor, upgrading loan comes to migrate

  80. u dun really own "your" HDB. its a lease really (u can also consider it a leash by the gahmen to chain u to this island)

    those boliao ppl who come to attack rockson, pls go away. this is rockson's blog. he can write what he wants.

    i'm sure we r all loyal to our country. how can we not miss singapore? born and bred here mah. will surely miss the food man! lol.

    loyalty to country does NOT mean loyalty to PAP ok? if LKY is the old man who build the MATRIX, then our rockson is THE ONE. so stfu pls.

  81. If you want to be in politics and you are a patriot, you should join AP (Alternative Parties). Simply as that.

  82. haha I agree. Why is it that most of the people here are anonymous?

    COuld they all the same person?

  83. You are in the papers. And your Gahmen could possibly haul you up for questioning and force you to close your blog

  84. Almost all of us are being ruled with fear, there are already so many exemples in the past. Many of us like to be in anonymous so to ease some frustration without getting into trouble.
    Garment always say that Singaporeans are very relying on garment. With all the able and elites people taken away by the garment, so call lead the country, and with all the taxes collected to well support the the leaders and run the country, however, we now heard that Singaporeans are very relying..... Come to think of it and ask ourselves a question. Our leaders ask us not to rely on them too much so who we should we rely on ? Ourselves ? Then why are we paying our leaders so much and yet they won't allow us to rely much on them. Ridiculous isn't it ? In fact, Singaporeans are not very reliant people because of too many red tapes and rules, we are all scare of doing something wrong so might as well ask our leaders to do it, they know the rules better. Anyway it is a fine country so don't get yourself paying fine.

  85. so this blog has become a battleground: PAP lackeys versus Matrix freedom fighters? LOL.

    Morpheus: (holding out two pills): Take the blue pill, the story ends. You wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes.... Remember, all I'm offering is the truth, nothing more....

    .... The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us, even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes.

  86. u do not need to have cancer to be a good cancer doctor.

    u do not need to be a good chef to be able to differentiate between nice food and lousy food.

    Lee Ang do not need to be gay to direct Brokeback Mountain.

    u do not need to be poor or have been poor to be able to understand and represent the poor as a MP.

  87. rockson, u are a legend siz. dun let those gahmen scare u.

    otherwise end up like them, all robots, all kow tow to the big lampa men for favours and got no dignity left.

    save ur own iron rice bowl!!!!!!!!!!

  88. yeah, rockson, must be very buey song eh. i think u need to go and do some chonging with ur buddy lawrence. need to relax man, otherwise ur horse is going to run of steam... lol

  89. karen! karen! karen! we want karen!

  90. watch wad u say.. pap now catching ppl hu sae them on blogs.

    VOTE FOR PAP!!!!!

  91. very funny state you have down there...very funny

  92. hey rock, show some photo on your horse fucking karen lah. politics not interesting lah.

  93. yah lor, talk so much of renew lan cheow,must show your current lan cheow first meh. or you pass to emiriyoshikawa otherwise he got nothing to show then keep talking we bery stupid.

  94. wat cancer, good chef?? don't know wat the hell you talking lah...fuck you lah. want to talk, talk properly like tat how to represent opposition party.

  95. wow, rockson blog open for politics. will i have a chance to see you in the tv.

  96. quote: if u ppl hate rockson so much why u all still come here and read his entry? i dun understand.. dun like then fuck off la.. read liao then give fucked up comments for wat? wat he like to write is his own freedom, if u dun like it then fuck off, dun read! go to xiaxue blog and read her stupid blog!

    i like to come in read and fuck him ur problem ar? as u said wad he like to write is his own freedo, so wad i like to do (read and fuck him) is oso my own freedom. u got wad power to stop me? har?? fuck u understand. i say this u oso LPPL.

    and xiaxue got problem wif u ar?
    y bring her in?
    talk nvr use brain to think.
    brain grow on ur backside ar?

  97. GST gonna increase after elections...=/

  98. This is the lao pei of singapore speaking. Thou shalt not ridicule the gahmen anymore, or thy lan cheow shall never be renewed.
    the people's association party is a good gahmen. So stop gammening the citizens of our beautiful country, or your blog shall be shut down.
    please stop your insults to the gahmen and we shall renew ur lan cheow, plate it with gold or whatever shit u want. We can increase the value of your peanuts to S$60000. Want? tempting right? Ok den stop throwing us shit.

    Thank yew for being a good citizen.

    CYAh Goldmember!

  99. ahh, fuck singapore lah, all go overseas. u stay here also no use,u can only survive but can never have life

  100. Rockson, u still bluffing people with yr affair with karen ar. hahah

    Change some stories...karen myth is over.


    When we go la kopi together u geeky?

  101. err...other countries got life??? you sure or not. go there be a begger, right? you fucker, don't bullshit, you think we really stupid, we just pretend only. haha...

  102. is DA BEST!!!
    Rockson eehh, balek kampong la..
    getin boring everyday... never update regularly also, sigh..

  103. Oh please Rockson... dont make noise because you want to get some attention.

    Make noise if you really have something to say and have done ur proper research and analysis

  104. waaaah so many PAP dogs come out and bite our rockson liao.

  105. well, be our own country dog better than be the other country dog...heard that most of the opposition here are supported by oversea country to destroy our country. then this opposition will migrate to their country to be their second class slave dog.

  106. seem like some the opposition here are making use of rockson ignorant entry to promote their party. rockson ignorant can be understandable coz his brain grow at his lan cheow but how can the opposition take advantage on this. sigh...

  107. VOTE!!! Go vote the cheebye PAP if u wish!! Its your liberty to do so!! Then after ther election u see everything increase again!!! Fuck the mother Lao Lee and Lao Goh!!! Dogs of PAP, go lick their balls and call them sugar daddy!!! Let ppl wack liao still think they are good to u. Stupid, shameless creatures!!! These are Singaporeans!!!

  108. Ya. Get the $ on 1st May liao go NTUC get a few cans of Pedigree and picnic outside the Parliment House. HAHAHAHAHAHA!!!!!

  109. sad thing is u might not be even 2nd class dog in your own country singapore.

    u go overseas, u become their foreign talent. u r expat. u remain in sg, u kenna gan by xpat, elites and even PRCs will gan u too.

    singapore is a place for non-singaporeans. but what do u know? lame dogs like u will just remain and die in sunkapore.

  110. is like that one. typical sunkaporeans. very little overseas experience. no social skills on global level. this kinda loser go overseas cannot make it one. go angmoh country only know how to kbkb. cannot socialise with foreigners. and then read and watch everything from gahmen controlled newspaper and tv channels. si bei bodoh. maybe cannot blame gahmen, the kumlan bodoh one remain in sunkapore tats y we need xpat and PRCs to keep us competitive. these dogs got one use for gahmen, as stoopid as they r, they can at least vote to keep pap in power.

  111. "seem like some the opposition here are making use of rockson ignorant entry to promote their party."

    u r the ignorant one. forget to take your red pill today izit? go watch matrix lah and take your red pill today ^_^ ignorance is bliss.

    p/s how much did they pay u to post this kinda entry? kids like u should remain in school and go sing patriotic national songs.

  112. "the broad masses of a nation ... in the primitive simplicity of their minds ... more readily fall victims to the big lie..." - Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf (1925).

    Heil PAP! Heil PAP! Heil PAP!

    "The Nazi Propaganda Ministry, directed by Dr. Joseph Goebbels, took control of all forms of communication in Germany: newspapers, magazines, books, public meetings, and rallies, art, music, movies, and radio. Viewpoints in any way threatening to Nazi beliefs or to the regime were censored or eliminated from all media."

    Waaaahh..... I thought I was reading about Singapore for a while LOL.

    "Propaganda is the art of persuasion - persuading others that your 'side of the story' is correct."

    "Schools also played an important role in spreading Nazi ideas. While some books were removed from classrooms by censors, other textbooks, newly written, were brought in to teach students blind obedience to the party, love for Hitler"

    Heil PAP! Heil PAP! Heil PAP!

  113. if they dun be MP, who be?
    A MP who always kao beh kap bu, say lan cheow, chee bye, fuck here fuck there?

    MP needs degree or work experience because it is precisely this that gives us knowledge.
    No doubt all are lawyers.
    But will people be satisfied with a taxi driver MP?

    For the many grads out there, I tell you, no one will be satisfied for such an arrangment.

    So do you have better suggestion as to who to be MP?

    Don't be a typical Singaporean only know how to complain and don't give valuable alternative.

    Empty vessels make the most noise.

    And boy, you can go be your golden horse all you want.
    Just don't kenna STD ya.

  114. PAP supporter i c.. haha.. to solve the prob.. jus make them lose for once. everybody jus have to vote for the opposition party mah..




  115. Not a singaporean but I guess that it happens throughout the world... whoever with money to spare will have the loder voice... we all in general, revolve around money.
    one more thing that i dun understand, why is it cool to be first to leave comments and cool to be top 10?
    COOL TOP 200!!!

  116. seem like a lot of anti-spore or opposition in spore. just don't understand if this pple don't like spore why do they so concern. just leave spore and migrate! isn't that solve the problem.

  117. will i vote opposition whose intention is to make spore collapse?

  118. pap lose once, spore gone, do you still have a second chance when spore has gone?

  119. Let's open our small eyes and look at Singapore. It's one of the BEST city in the world!!! Are you all still ASLEEP???

  120. Sieg Heil!! Sieg Heil!!! Sieg Heil!!! This shall be our National Socialist Movement. The world shall follow us in the future! Heil hitler!!!

  121. Yes without our great leader Hitler, Germany will be gone. Look at how great our country are! Anyone who criticizes the party is a traitor! Throw them into jail!

    Heil PAP!

  122. Yay, everyvote for gahmen

    bcos, can give lan chow gold plated one and peanuts worth $60 k. woo hooo

    if u vote non gahmen, u are voting for chiak sia mee. also gahmen say if u vote non gahmen, they can't change the
    way things are. no strong singapore.

    otherwise for all of u, kaisu mofo, go overseas, be a quitter.

    save ur breath on whinging and whinging

  123. Without law and order our nation cannot survive.

    Our silence has allowed this Govt to flourish.
    By the way, we don't open jail but we do open a concentration camp when we do mass killing over there.

    Thanks to our beloved Fuhrer Adolf Hitler. Sieg Heil!

  124. err...why you said Hitler a great leader???

  125. too much politics. lets hear more about karen.

  126. fuck voting lar, lets concentrate on how to use the $$ gahmen give us! me thinking of going to thailand to rub rub and sqz sqz a bit. help to improve their economy and the standard of the tits there.

  127. if the gahmen is unchallenged, whatever we said or do would prove futile.

    to vote or not is the same unless you can get the younger generation who do not care about politics to think otherwise.

  128. u all dunno how to recite the gahmen pledge meh...
    " build a 'democratic' society ..."
    haven democratic yet ma...

    anyway i see those opposition kena arrowed by the PAP i see liao also kek xim. gahmen target them until liddat who wan be opposition already.. all wan to migrate liao.

  129. Totally agree wif wat u say...Rock ur golden horse...

  130. If so many ppl here hate PAP how com no one voting for opposition? Face it guys, Spore is a good place.

  131. good places ? for u n elite only !

  132. ya i agree with u mr Chee !!!

  133. u have to look in further wat the PAP had done for us the past years...
    look at our status in the world..
    they didnt fail us.. they had bring singapore into a 1st world country, which every other countries knows abt us.. so dun just F n F... i doubt the Opp party..can handle all these..
    they basically only knows how to shout n shout during the 9 days of campaign rally every 5 years.. and aftertat missing again...
    give the PAP a break pls... they really do their job well...

  134. politics is always the same in singapore. same gahmen, same opposition, whats difference after the election.

    people still complaining, elitest still in power, people got no where to go and have space to relax.

  135. Most people will not debate the fact that the PAP has done well in the past to get us where we are today.
    However, in that period of time, our problems were lack of jobs, poor housing and food.
    Singapore's problem is no longer at the bottom of the pyramid. There will always be some people with those problems but in general we have moved on. PAP claim that we are a first world country and they have a first world govt.
    If thats the case they should start looking at satisfying our needs further up the the pyramid. What do we want now?
    A free press? freedom from our shackles? respectable minimum wages for those in the lower pay categories?
    Basic necessities are still needed but aren't we a first world country after all? Are we only still focused on providing these basic necessities?
    How does creating new jobs with a pay of $800/month help us achieve a higher state of consciousness?
    We thank the PAP for giving us our bread and butter, but now we'd like some ham and cheese.
    Every day we hear of our great economic performance. I would like to compare perhaps, minimum wages 10 years ago to minimum wages now.. Someone tell me the figures so i can be discredited. Our cost of living has increased but i am not sure that the minimum wages have increased to match.
    Its not a lie that we wouldn't be where we are today without the PAP. The country is beautiful. But it would be more beautiful if we could have the freedom to really "live" in this oasis rather than to be slaves in it.

  136. Rockson, why use so many vulgar word? that prove nothing. speak like gentle man and we vote for you.

  137. Hear!Hear! very cool way of commentary!!

  138. Rockson, I enjoyed most of your writtings, especially those on NKF and recent elections. Not so much on your adventure in Geylang or your relationship with your GF.
    Are you running out of topic that Singaporean public may be interested in? If so, I would like to find out more about these two related websites :
    Thanks ! Ta C

  139. Rockson will one day rock no more. you must be some educated man who does this to vent your pertually renewing frustrations. True enough, you can write what you want. But so can I, since you made such an option available. Talking in crafted Ah-Bengish language doesn't make you one. Your writings are too deliberate. You can say all you want abt e govt but only with a hidden identity so quit the crap. If your nuts are any good, put your face to this blog. Otherwise, stop blabbering like a cursing maniac. Go look @yourself in e mirror if you have one. You must be writing so much abt screws and pancakes that they are coming out from your ears and mouth. I think real Ah Bengs have more charisma than you.... you're so bad at it, you tarnish their image. Distasteful. Your commentaries can only guarantee you one thing. a ticket to eternal damnation. have a taste of your own poison.
