Wednesday, January 11, 2006

Happy New Year and everyday fucking raining

I think its be for the best for Karen. Here no job one. Fucking cheebye newspaper everyday front page say all the good news. House price fucking go up, economy fucking go up, job fucking go up, share price fucking go up. Ya, you got money, sure can make money from share. No money no job buy what lan cheow share?

I think it is best for her to go. Valentime Day no need buy flower for her! Hahahahaha! Then I can valentime with more girl hahahahaha!

Yesterday the newspaper front page big big say the stock market will be good and is bull. Inside small small got one part say the Singapore election estate is going to change. Always like that, very easy to settle those estate toolan the gahmen one. Today you is Cheng San, tomorrow you is Ang Mo Kio. Cheebye.

It is for her own good lah. Anyway she like ang moh country more. Singapore got no place for her and her life science degree. Singapore only got time for the phd and the scholar and the gifted in exam one. At least she never go Korea that fucked up country. All their clowning result is all bluff one! Cannot say cannot lah! Fake the result make the whole world laugh at your country the science!

She at first tell me on that day I pick up her at the airport after I talk to Ah Heng. I thought she joking. She was not.

So last few week, I help her pack and drive her to buy her thing. Woman got many things one! Fucking so many shoe and dress! I think have to use a ship to send there!

We went to the New Year party. Quite fun but so many cheebye people. And the Bangra worker also there to disco and touch touch our woman. Got one or two young Ah Beng boy try to run and spray their white christmas snow at Karen so they can eat her bean curd but she give one of them a kick in the lampa before he got chance to spray. And Raymond and me chase after the other two guy and punch them until their face and lan cheow also become blue black. I think don't say spray white christmas snow, after Raymond and me take care them, they also cannot spray their own white thing for a few weeks liao.

Some things cannot depend on Singapore gahmen or police to settle one. Better to settle yourself. Anyway this kind of big party sure got all kind of cheebye fuckers come and try to molest girl. Break a few arm and leg and they will learn to next time touch themself body and not other people girl.

The other day I saw the tv got this advetisment for some new osim thing. The cowboy girl is sit on something and making all kind of sex sound. I think it is call iHorse or something. Suppose to be for exercise one!

Nabei like this all the girl who ride my horse also can get a lot of exercise too! Hahahahahahaha!!! No need what osim machine! Dunno if they got sell different plastic lancheow to attach to the seat for more exercise! Small, Medium, Large, Extra large and Rockson! Hahahhaha!!

Maybe can make one model for two person sit one, then Karen and me and Karen cheebye ear-ring really can do a lot of stunt! Call it osim iFuck! Hahahhaha!!!!

This few day, it is been raining. Rain and rain and rain. KNNBCCB want to go out with Karen also hard. So we just stay at her house and pack, sleep and fuck a lot.

Australia weather is better. Ya, I think its be best for Karen lah.


  1. holy fuckin hell, i'm first? lol. nice blog but needs to be updated on a moe regular basis but other then that, you are one fuckin funny fella. and again me 1st!

  2. hehe number one... jack....

  3. Woo hoo... i'm 3rd. Eh Rockson keeping your post more frequent leh.

  4. You have a fan in me! Well Done!

  5. Its been a long time since this post

  6. fucking hell...rain like hell...cheers to ur blog...5Th

  7. Wah she go, i feel sad oso

  8. wahahaha, u finally fucking come back already, the whole world thought u disappear already!!

    Wa.. u dun like TV drama like tat la,, say what she go aslo good. Love your face so much issit?

    Go find another ren ba! wahaaha

  9. NICE ONE LAAAAA <3 dont disappear again u bastard

  10. nice 1. Rockson rock. any comment on the excerise north star 5 alias super wayang excerise

  11. Thank goodness you're back.

  12. woot top 20 cool.. hey really missed ur posts!

  13. This posting looks like anyhow write one. Too busy with Karen, I think.

  14. Yah! Top 30.... Love your posts but needs more fire. Must be the rain!

    Anyway good luck, if u want to earn more money, check my details.

  15. 越来越没有意思了 变成色情了都。。。

  16. Rockson.. sound kinda sad .. and tyring to cover up your feelings for Karen.. hope you guys keep in touch..

  17. geez..rockson, u sound sad abt karen's leaving..cheer up lah..there's still many chicks outta there.. =)

  18. happy new year... hahhaa.. so you had a lot of fxxx fun with the weather har? or raining your heart? hahaha.. so long no write we tot u dio liak liao.. hahaha...

    after reading your blog.. we all wake up liao.. weather cold... wanna fall asleep in opid.. now you have a few fans in our opid.. lol..

    ya.. the shares thingy.. it's bullshit not bullish.. lol !! everything so ex.. every other day draw atm 50 bucks then gone liao.. jialat... maybe karen makes the right choice to move to aussy lo...

    you dun be so sad.. still got the whole forest out there... hahaha... actually hor.. we all belly happy to hear karen going off le.. hahaha.. then the chicks here all got chance... hahaha.. eeee...

  19. Love your blog man... can tell you really like Karen hor...

  20. fark, i tot i'm early...damn

  21. blah blah blah...nice blog, brudder...

  22. fuck man.. why this crazy fella post 3 time?

    and why all like to number number? got prize meh?

    its been a long time since the last entry.. where u MIA to? must be busy cheehong-ing right? one day ur horse nvr get ride cannot tahan??
    ur entry is getting lousier.. wat's wrong? heartbroken or wat? dun tink so much la.. there are always other fish in the ocean!

  23. ay rockson. karen real one or bluff one?

  24. #36 bmanz been waiting very long for this blog

  25. tink Karen is a fake one

  26. Aiya.. u ppl got heart or not? Can see that rockson very sad bout Karen leaving right?!

    Bout how you hoot those fukers at the party, nice job! This kind of molester jail or fine no use one! Must give them something hard!

    Aiya Rockson bro, dun be sad. If destined one you two sure be together one.

  27. Yah yah! We celebrate liao, Cheebyee Karen not here liao. Open champage everybody for our blog reader. Rockson can blog more often now....

  28. iFuck? iLike! Good one there. :D

  29. sorta sense u r quite sad, u just zi wo an wei. haha.

  30. think u have really fallen for Karen... Anyway Cheer up! :)

  31. this proven from rockson, life science no propect in spore.

  32. rockson u suck big time man! u made us wait so long !!!

  33. no. 47th, wait so long man!

  34. seems like u reli liked her :)

  35. wah lau eh! rockson you sound like you're missing her already... steady siah... love is in the air! not just your horse happy, your heart also..

  36. oei rockson, u got chiong mu boh? music underground at somerset one.. next to hotel phoneix... write more of your chiong moments leh.. and show us karen pic kin!!!

  37. oei rockson, u got chiong mu boh? music underground at somerset one.. next to hotel phoneix... write more of your chiong moments leh.. and show us karen pic kin!!! write more frequent leh ~ wait so long for one bloody post for u buey paiseh ah u lol

  38. oei rockson, u got chiong mu boh? music underground at somerset one.. next to hotel phoneix... write more of your chiong moments leh.. and show us karen pic kin!!! mai tu liao lah~ kin leh show us ur sexy karen pic!!! best show u and her xxx together!!! like the china mei mei video! HAHAHAHAHA
    Why are we waiting~ Why are we waiting~

  39. oei rockson, u got chiong mu boh? music underground at somerset one.. next to hotel phoneix... write more of your chiong moments leh.. no more go frequent lup sup bar issit?? post more xxx pics lawrence dat cb boy send u lah... LOL blog more often hor i everyday wait ur new post come out ~ wait kao sibeh sian leh lol


  41. You rock lah rockson!!! Welcome back!!!

  42. woi ppl.. rockson like karen le.. not only her cheebye but most probably her as well.. dun sad la.. what to do.. fate she ma come back to you lor.. top 60! rockson luvs karen

  43. dont be too sad rock. can sense that you're. take care dude.

  44. can u guys stop that number thingy? It's not cool ok...
    Rockson pls update more frequently. Dun disappoint us!

  45. Sometimes it's best to let people go.. Cheer up.. ;)

  46. like her so much quit ur job follow her there lor....

  47. wa u ppl damn idiot, likedat also go and count which number u at.
    i love rain. HAHAH when i saw that advertistment i KNEW that ROCKSON would said that. hahaha.

  48. stumbled into your blog and i love your blog man! btw, cheer up... pretty sure there are plenty more horny sluts out there willing to ride your horse in singapore. and to karen, a warmest welcome to the land of oz, the land of cheap booze, bikni babes, sufer dudes and swingers. much better than being stuck in a hypocriptical hell-hole like singapore.

  49. fucking nimwits, stop posting "yea im number 3, yeah im top 20" , fucking juveniles, its goddam irritating., just fucking read, if not go fist yourself

  50. Hey Rockson, don't worry man, you can always go visit her, Oz not that far what. Don't tell me you cannot let her go.

  51. Hey ... so long then update! Love reading your blog. Started just recently but I spent whole night reading every single post fr your archives! Hahaa.. Siao liao me.

    Good entry! But I dont believe u beat up those ppl leh. Hmmm...

    Osim seems to be copying Apple. Everything is iSomething. iFuck, iHorse, iNBCB, iDamn, iKNN

  52. if reli lup lup Karen just pack n go wit her to oz lar.

    hot n smart cha bo hard to come by wor. don let tis one slip away. later regret like hell...

    just don forgetz to blog from oz okay...must plomise!

    tis is soooo lomantic...

  53. Oh My Fucking God!
    You're back! And i thought u got arrested.. Fuck.. update more often can or not?

  54. Yo ROCK-eh-son! blog more ler. Singapore already sibei sianz liao and u r the only entertainment we have!!! so dont keep your horse only for Karen ler.. share your story ler.

  55. Mr Tan, Don't cover your feelings like that. I'm sure she'd have some feelings for u too. If u fark it just like that, then give her a few weeks or a month she'd forget u liow. Then u knn regret. Tell her how u feel lah cb...the hardest things to live with..are regrets. Cb don't waste time lah, go!

  56. You sound like you are already missing her! It's better for her, but will it better for you? ;)

  57. Wow rockson you Karen so power can kill bangra lampa???

  58. fukin damn asses...this blog is retarded
    i think u shld just close this dumb blog and go home and sleep...
    damn asses who continue to read down shld eat shit man!!!

  59. It is true that Singapore economy is doing well. But who actually benefited from it? The profits all go to the big corporations and their top management staff, and the govt tax. In fact the ordinary people and workers are getting lesser and lesser. For example, once your job is outsouced by your company, you will be paid a much smaller salary though you may be doing the same job at the same place, and the amount of salary saved will go to the company.

  60. It is true that Singapore economy is doing well. But who actually benefited from it? The profits all go to the big corporations and their top management staff. In fact the ordinary people and workers are getting less in salaries. For example, once your job is outsouced by your company, you will be paid a much smaller salary though you may be doing the same job at the same place, and the amount of salary saved will go to your company.

  61. Tot you are dead ....w/o karen, you got nothing else to write meh? where is the old rockson we use to have?

  62. fuck ur mother cheebye lar nabei so long blog 1 time u knnbccb fuck u

  63. before she leaves, at least tell her how you feel dude ... it's only fair for both parties ... keep the faith ... even if it doesn't work out ... be happy that it started in the first place and you found someone to be with ... even if its for awhile ... we are always richer from it ... take care dude.

  64. rockson..y u let her go?later she dun come back how?girlfren go le more fun her pic lehz

  65. LOL!!!! God damn it, u are fucking funny!

  66. dude... karen's gone?? i though tyou have such a good rocking time with her??... owh well, the sea is big so don't stop chiong'ing... =)

  67. TOp 100 . WOOOOO HOOO!

    All your base are belongs to us!

  68. heartbroken..

    how can you be funny and sad at the same time?

  69. dun so sad lah.. haha.. can really see that u like karen alot alr man.. haha.. its best its best.. ur heart doesnt say so lor hor..

  70. can see u are going to miss her..

  71. Haha...think we'll all miss karen lah:)
    saw that osim thingy too...yuck..dunno got any1 wanna buy that...

  72. top 100! HAHA.i think you really fallen for karen

  73. dun call korea a fucked up country. you're more fucked up than anyone else in this world.

  74. Rockson! How come disappear so long nv write one, the news alot mah so blog blog blog! Now cannot rely on u for up to date news. Call me when the old rockson comes bck hor.

  75. 100!!! u r the best rockson!!!!


  76. Maybe karen like angmoh horse more too. HAHAHA!

  77. sigh, u will definately be missing her.. get to c another side of u, e sentimental side. tink karen will oso be upset n missing u somehow. *sigh*

  78. heys!! u are damn funny!! LOL!!

  79. too short rite?
    anyway,keep it on!!

  80. australia got cyclone clare ler.

  81. Everybody! check out the latest blog news:

    The great exposé

  82. you are back! loveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

  83. omg!! "eat her bean curd" also can directly translate

  84. hahha..really cheebye leh the osim thing..lim bei see liao oso couldn't stop laughing..the wad so fucked up la..lyk having sex like dat..the way they shake it..walao so sleazy..siao one the osim..come up with stupid idea. hahahaha..should ask the fiona xie endorse the igallop instead of uzap..thn can see her bosoms vibrating..hahaha

  85. should call it iFuckFiona

  86. Nice to see you back. Glad that you are having fun bonking Karen.

  87. seriously your blog sucks.
    your followers are all idiots.
    and rockson? what kinda name is that?

  88. hey rockson, karen is coming to australia? im in australia man! which part of auss she went? maybe she wanna ride my horse also? hahahaha

  89. Hey... visit my blog @

  90. doodoodoo
    came upon ur blog.
    thought it might be intellectual but was so damn wrong.
    u should just change ur name to muthafucker instead.
    rockson?u are just a nobody. and to those pple who worship rockson,dumb asses. horse? u call ur dick a horse?thats funny.

    almost all your entries talk abt your horse like who cares. and i like reading ur blog cos it shows just how stupid u are n if u think u are that good,ur readers r just as horny as u are.

    n oh,beware of AIDS!=)

  91. LOL!!!

    Nabe! I agree! Who the Fuk will invent iHorse?! And u call your dick a horse? dude, which part of it looks like a horse?

  92. i dun think it's fair to say all readers of rockson's blog are horny~ Everyone has something they are enthuastic over.. some people are crazy over stamps, some peoeple are nuts about chocolate~ Rockson just happen to adore his own horse.. Just because of that, all readers are horny? you shoud get a life...

  93. I WOULD LIKE TO PLACE ADVERTISEMENT AT YOUR SITE... pls contact me at with ROCKSON AS the subject!!!!!! this is not a scam.! pls do it

  94. Shag her more la Rockson, she's going liao. Sob Sob...


  96. what happen to you lately? so little entry?

  97. your perfect match.

  98. fuck u la naibeh.. u kuku bird face.. like any bird girls wan u.. u CHEEBYE KIA... post cheebye stuffs... u cheebye face...

  99. U NIENIE POK.. fat ass... u pervent kok.. saggy dick... ur horse no legs 1 la.. stand oso cannot stand.. naibeh.. chao nienie.. girls see u run la... _l_ _l_

  100. You and your blog suck.

  101. oei, go aussie with karen lah... find ano job there lor. after that can blog from aussie to tell us about it.

  102. Rockson!!! I think I have fall in love with Xiaxue...
    She is beautiful and sexy.... All man's favourite.... Do you like her?

  103. Dude.. u are right most 90% of the time i tell u man... if the bloody gahmen want their cheebye feedback they should read ur blog. Bloody election coming.. also what the hell for?
    Opposition all in jail. Like that vote for fuck? Economic growth my ass man.. i dont see shit..all my friends everyday sit at kopitiam drink kopi with me flip classified for fuck. Call the fucking job place,they hear u singaporean they also sian. Part time also dun want full time also dun that i eat grass in no time. Fucking degree from australia to wipe ass only good! Rockson! satand for election lah..
    i vote u.

  104. Fuck that stingy workfare bonus !

    Part time worker can get why odd job worker can't? the total working hours the odd job worker work at 2005 may be more than that part timer who worked few days at a week and few hrs at a day for continues 6 months.

    If Odd job can continues for 6 months then can call it contract worker, don't call odd job.

    If the pay of the odd job higher than other jobs, then why should choose other job?

    If the warefare bonus is not encougrage the worker choose those can earn more money job, and ask them goto choose lower pay but can work at least for 6 months, then it should change name to Stupid Bonus !

    They are some people retrench so do not have 6 months long working period at 2005, they would very need this money because may be still can't get job, but they are not qualify for this stupid workfare bonus because that 'continues for 6 months'!

    Some did not work longer than 6 months at last year because of illness, can this stupid bonus consider for them ? Or should create another one bonus call it MC Bonus for these innocent poor and sick worker!

    And the housewife, who work 24 hrs for more than 6 months continues at a year, their working pleace was at home.

    That form are not suitable for those who work more than one job at 2005 to fill in,for eg the odd job worker, but woould suitable for the house wife, they can fill in the working period 1/1/05 to 31/12/05, address is their own house, the pay is $?, ask their husband.


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