Monday, March 27, 2006

Gahmen new MP beauty contest

Nabei the way PAP announce their new candidate is like beauty contest liddat except they don't wear the bikini but is wear white shirt and pant. Lucky they never wear bikini. Or else sure got many people tor.

The newspaper also use so many page to show them, even the New Paper take leave from their sex and cheebye stories to interview them.

Why? Scared people dunno issit? Scared people see them new bird so won't voting them issit? KNN scared for what? First, how many Singaporean got chance to vote? Sure many walkover one. Just use the old style and put the new bird with the old bird, and tompang them in lor!

Wah, the gahmen really scared to lose, even have to send Lau Goh go to Hougang and Potong Pasir to support the forever loser there. And plus must use upgrading to bribe the people there. Some more say if the PAP MP in this two town win, they can be like the PAP Opposition Party. Where got such thing?!!! Even opposition also must be PAP approve one ah?

Actually the opposition MP also damn poor thing, their town always not enough money do the upgrading. The normal PAP MP and PAP town council can use special gahmen million and million of dollar (is actually Singaporean million and million) to upgrade their town. But the opposition MP only got enough paint here paint there.

The money is also fucking Singaporean one. How come suddenly become only PAP MP can use?

The newspaper and TV all also reporting all the good news. Good news ka sai ah!

Where got economy good? I go and ask the hawker and the shop uncle and auntie, they all say economy is fucked up until cannot fuck any more. All of them only survive only. I ask them, Uncle! What business is good to do if your one is no good?

All the uncle and auntie all say the best business to do is "BE GAHMEN LOR!"

Hahahahahaha!!! The only never lose money business in Singapore!

And every election hear the same lan cheow song! Upgrading and upgrading! Got no new idea ah?

You go the Geylang and fuck also the prostitute there will try a few pattern for you. If everytime is the same pattern, you fuck also fuck until sian, right?

So how come Singaporean all is gian by the same gahmen pattern? We underneath and gahmen on top every KNN election year. And some more the gahmen only show you their goodie five year one time. The other years we ownself rub ownself. And must pay extra to pak chew cheng also.

You just see lah. After the election over your goodie become higher GST and all kind of new fuck tax.

If real prostitute only let you fuck her five year one time, then only choot one pattern, and sing same song, and then after she let you touch her neneh, she raise her price, you say she will got business or not? Sure no business one!

But dunno why, we every five year get this one free fuck then happy until forget after the free fuck we will kena fuck backside.

Not say the opposition got that many goodie to show us. Most of them is got heart no sexy body. Is like the ugly girl who want to be your girlfriend. All the sexy girl is take by the gahmen gang, and the good heart ugly girl left behind. And Singaporean is not think with their heart, but think with their lan cheow. Who can give me goodie, I will give my business.

But last few year, life very hard. Even now is still hard. Maybe goodie also not enough. People still remember the no job days, the NKF, the casino that many people don't agree. Dunno whether this time the backside kena fucked feeling is stronger or the cock kena rub five year one time feeling is stronger.

I think and think also angry. But never mind, I next week going to Australia find Karen. I work so hard now then got chance to go holiday. It will be good to see Karen again. She got more sex pattern than PAP, hahahahahahahahaha!!!!!!


darren said...

1st! darren!

Anonymous said...


stine said...


Anonymous said...


the pattern sama same throughout the years... but still must choik the pattern. like tat then can qualify 2 b demo-cratic mah

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

omfg 5th... DX rox

Anonymous said...

I must say you really got it on the point. Kudos to you. We need more of your kind.

Anonymous said...

Yeah Rockson good to see u back again~!

mrblogger said...

haha omg im top 10! c.y.a

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

gahmen give $$$(progress package) liao... I Vote PAP liao!!

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

i lost count, but welcome back Rockson!

Anonymous said...

The PAP isn't too shabby.
But all a bunch of old-timers.
Need new blood. With Brains.
Like me.
I be PM whack Opposition til the shit their pants.
Opposition would never win PAP one.

Anonymous said...

hahah, orite 16th on the dot, well, i'm overseas so wad the heck

Anonymous said...

omg .. i'm 16th sing blink xian

Anonymous said...

18th lor!

Anonymous said...


your posts has totally no reasoning.. and is of opinion..

a good read tho.. i had a good laugh

Anonymous said...

Finally you are back.

Anonymous said...

Before election, You see PAP at ur area almost everyday. After election, they just gone with the wind. They promise you everything but its just a lie.

Anonymous said...


Shanice said...

no 23 ... my fav....
great blog again!!

Anonymous said...

you can really speak for us rockson... eh u go australia remember to blog also leh.. don wait one fucking month...

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...


.::: .: :.:. :.: ... ::: :. .::. .: :. ::. said...

Later the gahmen use their WHIP on Rockson's horse, then Rockson no horse run! hahaha...

actually all singaporean are closet gay, loved to be a$$-f*cked.

lau goh and the lightning party (PAP) this time around know cannot win big big so they want to win all. So lau goh throw his weight around.

Anonymous said...

rockson rocks..!! wahahahha

f man..why the hell must type word for verification to leave comments? stupid ppl need to go round and round to do something. n i even more stupid to do this

me said...

haha.. bo bian la.. gahman got give $$ then take lor..

go find karen and upload your videos!! exclusive to your readers only la!!! must share your rocking sexperience.. =P


Anonymous said...

shiok lor...can go see karen and give ur kuku bird a good time

Anonymous said...

good one.

finally never talk about some lan jiao shit

Anonymous said...

eh u go australia take wat airline?

if SQ, pls dun forget to include wat ever u can make fun of in ur next fuckpost coz we all know SQ all kena control by the gahmen so mite as well include all the gahmen's little elves.

and find karen tell her we all here said hi.

Anonymous said...

If potong pasir and hougang kena strike by the lightning... maybe we won't even have elections anymore hahaha. The man in white will say, wat's the point dude? Jux let us f*** ur backside year after year since u all enjoy it so much hahahahaha

Anonymous said...

but i still think vote PAP wu hua leh

u vote opposition party bo hua eh
everything no money to do

Anonymous said...

kaoz...can blog more...very sian without your kick man...

minimana said...


Anonymous said...

*uck u lahz..evryday only noe how to scold ppl..u not sianz ppl
oso sianz lahz u mother F8cker

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work!

Anonymous said...

haha PAP leh.. add one more A become PAPA lolx.. They big shot leh.. OF Cos pro at wad they do lor.. Opposition can carry on opposing and no one gifs a fark actually.. Free gift who no want?

Anonymous said...

wat is pak chew cheng???

hownowbrowncow said...

haha...tiz iz called LL....wat to do opposition no power no money do wat fark!!!gahmen iz confirm win 1 no need to sy ^_^

anyway keep on rocking rockson!!!

Anonymous said...

PAP is a gangster political party. That's why we not gracious society. Got chance better migrate lah!

Anonymous said...

sure walk over like any other elections lar! voters every time hear the lighting and thunder, suddenly alot of shelter will sprout out every 5 years, but the rain dont even bother to drop! cos will waste their effort mah. aiya, i think lets just resign to fate and stay in the matrix lar, else u wake up need to go underground eat shit like the show matrix how?? doesnt matter we vote or not, we not rich people in singapore. dont vote also good lar.. i can go jalan jalan on that day.

Anonymous said...

10yrs down the road of s'pore, very soon... our state will be no different then a communist country with only One Leader and One party. Democratic is just the nickname of our country. Real name is Communist.

Anonymous said...

True Indeed... Should we really vote for someone that provide a free fuck once over five years... hm... good point... Taxes these days are killing too...

Anonymous said...

ahaha thats funny.gehmen really cock and in singapore u can only suck that cock.

Anonymous said...

it really make sense... kudos to u too...

Anonymous said...

"All the sexy girl is take by the gahmen gang, and the good heart ugly girl left behind."
No really true what, you still got Karen. Unless, oh no, she's seduced by the $13,000 MP allowance!!!

Anonymous said...

Nabei, still Gahmen got all the best people, izzit? Think again:

"Only 5% are unemployed. We still have 95% who are employed."- Yeo Cheow Tong.

"Singaporean workers have become more expensive than those in the USA and Australia."- Tony Tan.

"Retrenchment is good for singapore. If there is no retrenchments, then I worry."- Goh Chok Tong.

“People support CPF cuts because there are no protest outside parliament."- Lee Hsien Loong.

"We started off with (the name) and after looking at everything, the name that really tugged at the heartstrings was in front of us. The name itself is not new, but what has been used informally so far has endeared itself to all parties."- Mah Bow Tan on the $400,000 exercise to rename Marina Bay as Marina Bay.

"Save on one hairdo and use the money for breast screening."- Lim Hng Kiang

"We are not considering a casino but an IR- an integrated resort. IRs are quite different."- George Yeo.

"Contrary to public perception, the White Horse classification is not to ensure that sons of influential men gets preferential treatment. Instead it is to ensure that they do not get preferential treatment."- Cedric Foo.

"If we want to be a world-class city, if we want to be a nation that has got very good standards of public hygiene and cleanliness, the best place to start with is the public toilet."- Amy Khor.

"If you don't include your women graduates in your breeding pool and leave them on the shelf, you would end up a more stupid society...So what happens? There will be less bright people to support dumb people in the next generation. That's a problem."- Lee Kuan Yew in 1983.

Anonymous said...

One people, One Nation, One Singapore = PAP Communist Party

Anonymous said...

ask the Indian puppet president to step down la... waste taxpayer money man... then the lao lee can muz well self declare tat he is the emperor of S'pore....

Anonymous said...

best business to do is "BE GAHMEN LOR!"
Couldn't agree more. Recession or no recession, guaranteed $13,000 (MP) or $1,000,000 (Minister). Some more work only once in 5 years, jalan jalan wet market and HDB estates. Better than the once a year Bak Kwa business anytime.

The Bimbo said...

Karen's back... hmm

Anonymous said...

pple wants to give $, i would take, but ask me to vote them i would not, because i don't want to be corrupt, last time so many adults were corrupt, especially the old folks, so i can say sg is a most corrupt country now. i will wait until it became opposition party then consider to vote it, because give the govt too much power only yourself suffer. i m not so old yet, i will b able to wait until it became opp.

Anonymous said...

and THAT'S why i'm leaving this useless country and moving to Australia. 'cos at least when they wanna fuck you up the ass, they'll tell it to your face before they do it. less bullshit covering their dicks. yah?

Anonymous said...

Migrate everyone. Let PAP screw those who are left behind.

Think George Orwell's Animal Farm:

The PAP has replaced the British.

Since you are going to get fcuked anyway by Brits or PAP, might as well go Australia and get fcuked. Brits, Aussie, PAP all fcuked the peasants. At least Australia got unemployment and medical benefits. So welfare! You and Karen just stay in Australia lah. Don't come back and join the peasants lah. Those who remained must be kenah psychoed by Straits Times and media propaganda liao.

Anonymous said...

Those who remain in Sillypore and cannot get out one also LPPL. What to do? Apply KY Jelly lor!

"The key lesson is that the organization's bosses often manipulate the organization for their own benefit, and end up being as bad, if not worse, than the real or imaginary evils from which they are protecting their followers."

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

If the bloody PAP is so great and all fearless heros, abolish the GRC and challenge the opposition 1 to 1!!!! Why they dare not????!!! Coz the Lao Goh and Lao Lee gang got no balls!!! Build up the F**king GRC with F**k reasons for multi-nationality, fair for all races, minority races etc...

All are RUBBISH!!! My foot!!! PAP are a bunch of losers!!! Real balless cowards!!!!

Anonymous said...

the 800 dollars is YOUR money lor. TAKE LA ITS YOUR OWN MONEY NOT GAHMEN NICE TO YOU SO NO NEED TO THANK HIM. SM scared already cos he going to die soon then his son like abit no use la. SO right, use money to seduce you lor. think abit k?

Anonymous said...

Calling Singapore a democratic society??

Think…By calling ourselves ‘democratic’…Does voters for Oppositions in one way or another ‘punished’ by PAP for not having their estates upgrade? On the other hand, PAP voters shall get all the goodies!!!

What a heck is this kind of ‘Democracy’ are we talking about in Singapore??? I think its really time for PAP to change the lighting logo after this the GE.

They should adopt a hammer crossed with a sickle and a red star in the upper hoist. The hammer symbolized the nation's industrial workers, while the sickle symbolized the nation's agricultural workers. The red star represented the rule of the COMMUNIST PARTY.

Our country shall then be addressed as 'Union of Singapore Socialist Republics'.

Joseph Stalin(SG)

Anonymous said...

All right!!!... You finally got back your power (like Samson hair grow back long long already)!... Your last few postings were kinda weak...

Anonymous said...

lan jiao, simi democratic? ask singaporeans if can build casino anot, alot ppl disagree, still build? bo democratic la. ASK ONLY.

Anonymous said...

i dunno ... last 2 yrs i pay govt taxes n CPF 5k plus, then now pay me 400. where have woo hua vote them. i think liow also angry... i think i vote opp coz ppl need to feel threaten abit then will fairer i think...
our present govt is gd but with more opp say will be better. agree not? if i govt, got ppl want to steal my seat i also will work harder next term wat. is like that work one human being...
opp also not v strong i think but give ppl chance lor, i see jaya so old liow still sell bks i feel so sorry for him... like sporean never give him face, listen to wat he has to say.

Anonymous said...

sai la election..sure walkover.

Anonymous said...

later u tio sue by gahmen suay man~. Then they expell u to malaysia or sentosa. LOL.

Anonymous said...

Those neber read George Orwell's "Animal Farm" b4 hurry up go read lah.

Animal Farm = Singapore

PAP can say whatever they want, they control our media, TV, Straits Times. All become their propaganda tools.

Also go see this fellow Singaporean's blogspot. He got keep a journal of his escape from paradise, very inspiring leh.

Anonymous said...

I hate this fcuking country man, if i haf money to migrate i confirm will go.... i dun mind being a deserters or what lao Goh say "Quitter". Waste my 2yrs 4 mth serving NS. while pple in other country at my age already earning five digits income, i only earn 420 monthly, and i'm doin a job that suppose to be a regular job. Although US tax is heavy but at least George bush know how to take care his citizen. Unlike ours, Gahmen only know how to take care whether s'porean got pay tax on time anot.... No human rights, not even a chance for us to voice out...

Anonymous said...

wat peace n harmony? u never read papers izzit? so many murder cases and robbery recently....

Anonymous said...

First, need to address the comment above about Lao Goh pigeonholing overseas Singaporeans as "Quitters". His choice of words is intended to bring shame. Thats not cool. If memory serves, many ministers' children, including Lao Goh's, are staying overseas too. That's right, go fool the peasants!

Second, need to address the taxation issue here. Tax rates have been distorted by politicians in general. It is your after-tax purchasing power that counts.

For example:

(1) You can even have 0% tax rate but a house (we talking one with front/backyard, not those 99yrs or 999yrs lease) might cost you $1M or $2M. Cars might cost you $100K.


(2) You can have 35% tax rate but a house cost $500k and similar cars cost $25k.

You should also consider monthly unemployment income benefits and free medicare that is non-existent in Singapore. The government must listen to the people because the people put the government in power. We have a case of political-monopoly in Singapore. Animal Farm boy is right: "Power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely".

Anonymous said...

no.76 woohoo.
sad leh. knn. 1 mth nv post. some more previous posts about LC not CBs. anyway, nice post abt current affairs though.

Anonymous said...

KNNCCB! Why dun u run for MP in hougang? Horse shit!

Anonymous said...

Very good commentary. Kudos!

Anonymous said...

everyday i open the paper i see the PAP new candidate's faces. see liao i abit sianz..i will page to those pages without them introducing themselves all those crap and carry on reading my paper abt world news. i just hope that quickly plan the dates for the election so that i can plan my holiday.....hahahahaahah

Anonymous said...

To add to post#75:

The starting salary for fresh graduates in US, UK, Canada and Australia are in the range of $40,000 to $60,000 depending on which field you are in.

Moreover, after forex conversion, the salary is even higher in Singapore dollars.

Most friends I know prefer working for AngMoh bosses than Singaporean bosses who is more interested in squeezing the juices out of you while paying you peanuts. "Quitters" and "2nd-Class Citizen" are just terms used by Gahmen to psycho peasants to remain in Singapore. More people leaving means less contribution to Singapore's GDP mah - ECON 101.

So even with higher tax rates, you still come out ahead of the pack.

SG newspapers are merely a mouthpiece for the Gahmen, catered to frogs-in-the-well or brainwashed types.

Not all peasants are naive. Rockson, just stay in Australia with Karen. Don't come back. ^_^

Anonymous said...

KNN, that Ellen looks like a sumo wrestler !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Rockson u go be opposition la! I sure vote 4 u one. I suggest u use your horse as your logo, n give all who vote 4 u an i-fuck each... :P

Anonymous said...

next post about ur beloved karen. wahaha

Anonymous said...

That's cos most Singaporean have short term memory and it's hard to vote for opposition when they don't do very much except criticize the PAP.

Anonymous said...

we are all mice on track mill generating $ to support the growing rich and powerful. In return they give you peanut and encourage you to upgrade to bigger house (just to make sure you keep running for the next 30yrs) F**king taxing to pay instalment for new flat. Then P package is paying more to those in smaller flat but driving big big car??

Anonymous said...

PAP must lose a GRC to blunt their arrogance. A one party rule will only kill Singapore in the long run.

Anonymous said...

90th .... Well Said !!!

Anonymous said...

yah...sometimes i wonder wat the opposition is opposing... they will have a better fight if they trim down their anger n focus on the areas the gahmen could do better. they need to speak w/o getting agitated, thats wat the lightning party wants precisely!!

Anonymous said...

oh dont be silly...u think they going catch u if u vote for oppostion ah? wat can they do?? at least 100,000 may vote for oppostion...then how? throw all of them in prison meh? the most dont give up top jobs lor...then wat makes u think they will ever give u top jobs??

scuderia.kevingoh said...

very good post.

Anonymous said...

please, take your money and then go and vote for opposition. I've never seen a country with 0 opposition before. If you let one government rule with only one party, there will be 0 transparency. And no one will be able to fight for what you want.

Freedom! Forever!

"the government should be afraid of their people"

Anonymous said...

if you were allowed to run the government, will you be able to develop singapore as it is now? if you are all say and no talk, then please think about it. if you are able to walk the talk, then kindly show yourself in the coming elections and prove to the PAP that how fucking great you can be.

Anonymous said...

aiya, don't care so much lar. we are just tools for the gahmen, so let's just pray that walk over and we have the holiday and then get back to make money for them and brace for the coming tax hike, GST hike, COE hike, ABC hike, this hike, that hike and more hikes to come. there is one saying, if u r rich, u can tok loud and big, if u are poor, shut up, sit down and do your work lor.

Anonymous said...

Write more rocky for so long..KNN

Anonymous said...

Thursday March 30, 03:36 PM

Australian average workers were enjoying higher take-home pays than their American counterparts due to reforms of the tax system, Treasurer Peter Costello said.

Mr Costello seized on a new Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development report which showed Australian net tax rates were among the best in the world.

He said an Australian single average worker had a net wage of $US28,000 ($A39,436), while their American counterpart had a net wage of $US24,206 ($A34,104).

An Australian single income couple with two children had an average net income of $US32,816 ($A46,207), while the same couple in the US had a net wage of $US30,081 ($A42,351).

Mr Costello said Australia produced one of the best outcomes of the OECD's 30 members.

"Australia is up the top of the ladder for low taxes, but particularly, up the top of the ladder when it comes to wage earners who are on average earnings or single income wage earners," he said.

Mr Costello said the government had made great improvements to the tax system since coming to office.

"That record as measured by the OECD is one of the strongest in the OECD," he said.

"Does that mean that everything in Australia is perfect, of course not.

"We should aim to be higher than eighth best in the OECD."

Anonymous said...

regarding the progress ang pow, i think it is just enough to cover my income tax this year...

Anonymous said...

Sammyboy coffeeshop forum set up an on-line petition regarding "Upgrading should be a separate issue from the General Election".

Anonymous said...

Holiday? What holiday? Past few elections had been on Saturdays. So, dun expect 2 get any holiday out of this. Fat Hope!

Anonymous said...

bonus bonus my lan jiao

Anonymous said...

for those vote for pap because estate upgrading :

r u sure u would not kena retrench in the future or have some other reasons n then can't afford ur currently house anymore ?

when u can't afford it then u will have to sell it away n move to a smaller flat, so, what for keen for the estate upgrading ?

somemore the upgrading is not free of charge.

Anonymous said...

Juz let PAP lose out 1 GRC this time round....then they will stop their arrogance!

Anonymous said...

Agreed. no $ better keep quiet. got $$ better be 'yes man' otherwise see u in Cou*t. wait for Law** Letter and there goes your $$$$. DON'T BE HERO AND DIE POOR. enjoy the day off. hopefully they can do election once a month and we can add 12 days to our annual off.

Anonymous said...

They capable to take all the GRC. but they wouldn't and LL cannot. because we need to tell the world we are dam-mo-car-tic. Ang mo also giving pressure. need to put up a good show. Then can be no-mi-na-ted for Grammy, golden horse award.

Anonymous said...

Wah! Last count, 562 signatures collected for the on-line petition regarding "Upgrading should be a separate issue from the General Election".

Anonymous said...

come come all chiong this pettition

Anonymous said...

Rocks..U FOS oso lah..U n pap same same...can reallyyy c karen? Gd loh..jus curios..ur karen mus b 85DD rite?Since u so tu lan here...move to other FREE country lor! U can blog abt their GAHMEN ...we sent u as spies..K? hahahahha...

Anonymous said...


Do a self assess to see if you have enough "points" to be granted PR in Australia. You and Karen can live in Australia happily ever after.

** note: html link above has been broken into 3 parts, so you have to cut&paste 3 times onto your browser or you can do a google search on Skilled – Independent (subclass 136) visa.

For example:

(1) If you are between the age of 30 to 34 years, you will be granted 25 points. If you are between the age of 18 to 29 years, you will be granted 30 points.

(2) Your occupation category should give you at least 50 to 60 points.

You will need 120 points to be a PR of Australia.

Meanwhile, you can check out the job market in Melbourne or Sydney:

Nice Australian bosses, high salary, reasonably priced housing and cars, pleasant weather, cool fresh air and of course Karen ^_^ Good luck!

Anonymous said...

wtf this country belongs to everyone. y is it if someone disagrees that person must migrate? we are citizens not bcos of the govt but bcos our ancestors came here & worked hard here. those who r so audacious as to call us to migrate must really like overseas so much as to recommend it to us. if that is the case, hello. why dun these hypocrites go & migrate overseas themselves. let us simpletons, lazy and academically challenged ppl find our own ways to make what sg can be

Anonymous said...

"our ancestors came here & worked hard here."

your ancestors migrated too you know. is it so hard to figure this one out? ^_^

"let us simpletons, lazy and academically challenged ppl find our own ways"

speak for yourself ^_^

Kelong said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Kelong said...

So far I don't think the women Pappies introduced recently are pretty. Most of them are Auntie sort of people. Jessica Tan look like a Vietnem girl leh. The most pretty female condidate actually is MS Sylvia Lim of Workers' Party by the way.

Anonymous said...

abit off topic, but i want to ask the author about this thing that has so far been bugging me. why do you have to have a takumi in your name? rockson i can understand as a christian name. but why be so vain to use a japanese name and takumi somemore. you really think you can drive like him? if you can drive like him, i would like to see you in competitive drifting contests and see you bring glory to this small red dot here or whichever country you wish to be a citizen of.but if you drive like the 60 yr old neighbour of mine who always have a top speed of 60km/h with plenty of motorists horning at him, then please stop being so vain as to compare yourself to an anime character.

Anonymous said...

unless you are the one who imported that 86' into singapore completely painted as the one in the anime or movie. oh, that means you also comparing yourself to jay chou? i wonder what will the fans of jay say about this...

Anonymous said...

"your ancestors migrated too you know. is it so hard to figure this one out? ^_^"

not all 'migrated'. some had no choice as they were sold off as slaves. now you have a choice whether you want to migrate or not. you are not being sold off. you do not know the pain they have. to leave their family in china and come to work bloody hard to save a few bucks to be sent back home. did you think all of them came here willingly? some were cheated into coming here by the rumours of easy money. at that point of time, only the courageous were willing to brave it out to here to try to strike it rich so they can get a better life for them and their families back home. they have given up so much and now as a descendant, you come and argue they migrated. will you migrate somewhere else better and earn money to give back to your family who still stuck here? or will you just care for your own? most likely you won't even send money back here because you know it will be taxed. but did our forefathers care? now that they have passed away, you will be leaving them buried here after all they have done for you. tsk tsk tsk...

sÞ¡ηηєє said...

I must say,



Anonymous said...

"to give back to your family who still stuck here?"

Nobody is being left behind. Securing dual or multiple residencies does not mean forsaking your motherland. Singaporeans are highly mobile these days. The government acknowledges this as well:

After being granted a PR, you can apply (sponsor) PR for your:

1) parent

2) spouse (married: wife, husband)

3) partner (not married: girlfriend, boyfriend and same sex partner)

4) children

5) other relative

If you are working or have worked in a corporate environment, you will know that it makes things easier for both you and your company when you have dual/multiple residencies.

A Singaporean commuting between Sydney and Singapore (7 hours) is not much different from an American commuting between New York and San Francisco (8 hours). Of course there's the 1 hour Changi to Tuas option. Anyway, the point here is to clarify that nobody needs to be left behind. Your family should be happy for you and it also gives them more options for their retirement.

Anonymous said...

our ancestors not birds... they never migrate...they emigrated fr china to come spore. they r immigrants. migrate the word is use for animals one... how to be world class like that!?!?!

Anonymous said...

They should be fine in a casual conversation. This is not the Senate or Parliament. Have a good weekend everyone!

Migrate: 2 [v] (of a lot of people) to move from one town, country, etc. to go and live and/or work in another

Emigrate: verb [v] ~ (from ... ) (to ... ) to leave your own country to go and live permanently in another country

Immigrate: verb [v] ~ (to ... ) (from ... ) (especially NAmE) to come and live permanently in a country after leaving your own country

Anonymous said...

I agree..if you dislike Singapore so much, why don't you haul your ass elsewhere?

Anonymous said...

rockson, u are a funny mofo xiao gao man.

Anonymous said...

rocksin, u dun have to listen to those kiasu pricks about emmigrating. aussie got those big white chi bi, might not suit your taste mate.

mate, singapore got enuff hot chiobu for eveyrone. even got PRC one, also from thailand come and go as they please. got tight asian pussies waiting for u. lol.

Anonymous said...

I don't want upgrading for my house because no money to pay, i consider to vote PAP but the housing upgrading and GE are together, if i vote PAP means i have to accept upgrading, u ask me how to decide ?

Anonymous said...

Too much talking...let us just see back with beers and snacks and enjoy this 5yrs once GREAT MOVIE. They also put lots of effort to stage this show.

Anonymous said...

watch World Cup better. not need wait so long...still can win some $$$

Anonymous said...

this is a spoof video i made last yr..was studying in melbourne then..wahah

Anonymous said...

Seems like so many ppl disagree with the PAP....i wonder how many of them will vote for the opposition? I guess ppl wan to see Opposition in the parliment but not in their own ward.

Anonymous said...

migrate |ˈmīˌgrāt| verb [ intrans. ] (of an animal, typically a bird or fish) move from one region or habitat to another, esp. regularly according to the seasons : as autumn arrives, the birds migrate south.

Sexual Innuendo said...

Agree with your post. Have fun in australia with Karen and do blog about it.

Anonymous said...

Ah Fuck! Why my Hong Kah got no opposition one! Now the Gahmen also can't be bothered to give us upgrade ah!

F¡яєвџяN said...


Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

nienie rockson

Anonymous said...

Anyone of you seen the news yesterday made by the Minister for Health (Khaw something...) on disputing the opposition talk on the exposure of the Old NKF and himself even unshamely claiming credit (on behalf of the PAP) on it?

PLEASEEEE! Dear Mr Khaw, please do your homework and check on your history...which GOVT MINISTRY even awarded the old NKF with some license when its other licences was revoked? WHICH MINISTER was resisting investigation into the OLD NKF when there were claims of irregularity there? WHO WAS THE MINISTER who admitted he was 'naive' of the practices made by the OLD NKF? In short, HOW did the OLD NKF behaved the way it did? Because the SOME Ministry did not do their work! If SOME SENIOR GOVT OFFICIALS had do their homework, the wrong doings by OLD NKF would not have been allowed to carry on so many years! So, please stop claiming credit for 'exposing' the OLD NKF when the truth was that YOUR MINISTRY COVERED UP FOR THE NKF OVER THE YEARS! SHAME ON YOU!!!

Anonymous said...

Well said!!!!!! high 5!!!! Shameless dwarf!

Anonymous said...

Can we ppl here really at least do something to stop PAP arragonce???? Let them lose out at least 1 GRC. Show them we are not puppets for them to manipulate. WE NOT STUPID!!!!

Anonymous said...

To Anonymous who post at Saturday, April 01, 2006 4:55:06 PM

"Ah Fuck! Why my Hong Kah got no opposition one! Now the Gahmen also can't be bothered to give us upgrade ah! "

Opposition party don't have enough manpower, so they can only choose those areas that gave them more votes at the past GE, who ask your Hong Kah residences don't want to give more votes for opposition ? now your area not look like goto opp, what for govt give u priority to upgrade your flat ? U should not forgot $ and chance for upgrade also have limit, govt feel which area may b win by opp they would promise to give them first.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to preset my two cents' worth on this political issue.

Firstly I would like to say that all those people who don't like Singapore should first get a overseas stay in some other country besides those nearby in Asia. Or maybe even a trip to Malaysia might do you some good.

I am not talking about a day trip, or for that matter, even a week's holiday. I am talking about staying in the country for some time, like maybe half a year or something like that.

Currently I am doing student exchange in Finland, and I can feel some strange feelings which I never felt when I was in Singapore.

Firstly, I must say that I am not a great fan of PAP, and moreover I do not like the way they are putting all their own people at the top of the GLCs (government-linked companies), after reading this website. (

I also do not like the way they construct their GRCs in such a way that it's a foregone conclusion, even in an election, as to who is the winner. I also dislike (or rather, I should say hate) the way they always dangle upgrading as a form of "carrot" for Singaporeans to vote them. So shameless! Come on, win on your own credentials and abilities, not on the power to be able to spend the nation's money!

But then again, think about this. After I have been to Europe, and I seen and talked with Europeans, they all think that not having a welfare system to rely on, and instead having a CPF system is really the way to go. Now I can understand why the government tries to find jobs (at least that's what they say) for the unemployed rather than feed them with unemployment benefits. It's too much of a drain to support "useless" people with such benefits cos laziness is inherent in human nature, and that if you can get free money, why work?

Of course I would like to go on and on about my other thoughts (and indeed I have things to share). But I rather just say, everyone should get an experience outta Singapore first before forming any vitriolic anti-government sentiments.

An experience is way better than what others can tell you in words. After all, now I truly understand what is the meaning of soaking in another culture.

Anonymous said...

goodies r only for elections....if all win this time then no need goodies next election wan goodies must have opposition....n where got pple sae other party de manifesto got prob n change it de....change it le still got their own stand meh?....if gahmen got full power liaoz still will listen to u meh...wat ever they do u also cannot check....too bad now all scared to speak up liaoz....if speak up get sue til u go bankrupt...if every1 play lidat who still dare 2 sae....i tink no singaporean care bout politics they also happy.....onli blindly vote 4 them can liaoz.....

Anonymous said...

eh pple...pls dun in ani case tink singapore is realli clean or wat lehz...even if they do sumtink bad u also dunno....summore u tink these tinks like missin pple, army got pple die is only happen this few yrs? our gahmen last time smart know how 2 we smarter liaoz know how 2 trace...

Anonymous said...

Have you sign the petition against using Upgrading as a threat. So far, there's about 1220 signtaures.

SIGN UP NOW, please!

Anonymous said...

sign liao also like dat, nothing will happen lar. if u all dare go strike like in the angmoh's country lar.. freedom mah!! knn switch on computer and sign in and write some crap though is true will not do anything to the situation. stand out and cast your vote using heart and not giving in to your fear. opp should give us more confident too lar. dont like bo standard come out tok tok and got air only! at least make some effort to pull a fast one like the lighting mah.

Anonymous said...

haha.. Nice post..PAP rulez siz-ga-por liao....

hey i found another blog farnie like your one..

he's your twin eh? LOL

Anonymous said...

i feel u're obviously not an ah beng wif broken english. i dont understand why u've 2 write like this... whatever.

Anonymous said...

you chee bye giah. think you chao beng can anyhow scold the garment? i tell you, you piece of lan jiao sai. i am the fukking garment.

i leech all ur tax and i pay myself big fukking dollars so i can go health centre massage using ur fukking hard earn money.

think you better than most people? then fuk u ok. i dun fuk the duck care what you think. your lan jiao tao grow on your head issit? all the sperm rush your brain until you fukking cannot think.

F-U-C-K Y-O-U L-A.

Anonymous said...

to the guy who thinks that nobody in his family will be left out: i got this to say to u.. fuck u...

i got a fren who wanted to emigrate to aust but his parents say old liao dunwan to leave...
in such case, how??
unless u forsake ur parents and leave for a 'better' country, if not u lan lan have to stay here like my fren.

yes, theres the option of getting them PR or wadeva shit u can get but the qns here is not whether they CAN get but whether they WANT to anot.

so please think about this.

Anonymous said...

you are damn right rockson... and worse of all, all the singlanders never use brain to think. only know how to enjoy the present gifts and not the assf@*%#d endured in the past few years.

Anonymous said...

One hundred over people have been making noise, the cow come back loh ! what has happened ? Nothing right!
The old forks told me no matter what is going on the garment still give you money before election, if garment just keep quiet and put the monies aside,the PAP also will win the election. Don't forget that bagger has no choice.You give the whip to the them and now you tell them not to use it Hahaha! funny. If the PAP change its name to LPPL still they will win the election...want a bet ?

Anonymous said...

dont fuck me

Anonymous said...

who wants to fuck you???
anyone but me...

Anonymous said...

that's sg... ha

Anonymous said...

Give every singaporean a new place to stay la, give them one car la. Like this all free of charge the whole singapore sure vote for you lor. the shares how? Singaporean money okay not your temasek holdings eh money. Then some big supermarket i think is got union one go China fail business venture, go KL fail business venture, the money go where? Singaporean money okay. Why we all so quiet. Haiyah.

Anonymous said...

You have to stop thinking like a "suah-koo" peasant and get some overseas exposure.

Being granted permanent residency in another country does not mean forsaking or abandoning your country. It simply gives you more flexibility when commuting between 2 or more countries.

Have your company sent you overseas to USA, UK or Australia before? How long did your HR or legal department take to arrange your travel documents and visa?

Or are you some kid still in school? Go take some psychology or political science class if that helps at all lol. Hopefully that repairs the damage done to you after all these years of brainwashing - "Hao Gong Ming", singing national songs...etc. Please grow up (not talking about age here) quickly so you can make a positive contribution to the global economy and to this forum as well.

Anonymous said...

eh hello...
that guy who has been talking about emigrating sounded like he want to abandon singapore forever...
if u dun mind pls scroll up and read all the shit b4 u start commenting on my comments...

Anonymous said...

given a chance, i would have wanted to go to stay in china instead of going to geylang to find all those PRC girls...

Aaron Tan said...

oppss...sillypore gahmen issued a statement said bloggers cannot make fun of politician during election..

what do out Talk Cock Rockson says?

Anonymous said...

1,308 signatures collected liao! Its an on-line petition regarding "Upgrading should be a separate issue from the General Election".

Support it by sending it to your friends.

Anonymous said...

Oi rockson!why u always post so little der?Post more often leh...or i so sians nth to do

Anonymous said...

We should apprise on what we have done well and earned. Work on the area that is apparently weak, such as certain Justice and Equality to our people and for our people. A country is difficult to build but easy to destroy, once the piller is removed everything destroy. Renovation is the solution to make a better tomorrow.

Anonymous said...

"The morning after, the editorial in the Straits Times was headlined "A surprise in Bangkok". That says more about Singapore than Bangkok."

"we are just like frogs inside a well... born here, bred here, and die here..."

sputnik said...

can't wait for ur nxt entry

Anonymous said...

Hey,i love ur blog entries,yea we are the few who pity those oppostion.

For infor,by a report dated fews years back,Prime minister of singapore earned US 1,100,000 annually.

Wow,sia,our money le!!!

Ppl there eat white bread to survive the day,they got so much money.

Anonymous said...

Story of Animal Farm - Led by the pigs, the animals on the farm kicked out their human masters (ie. colonial master).

They decided to run the farm themselves on egalitarian principles and the cooperation soon prospered.

The pigs became corrupted by power and wealth. There is no opposition, no balance and checks. A new social order was established. 'All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.' - (ie. elite v. non-elite, HDB v. private condos, landed properties).

The final betrayal is made when the pigs engineer a rapproachement with the humans (ie. highly paid foreign talent and also cheap foreign labour).

Moral of the Story: The system is good, but the individuals are corruptible.

Anonymous said...

"the broad masses of a nation ... in the primitive simplicity of their minds ... more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters" - Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf (1925).

Triumph des Willens <= This is how National Day Parade should be conducted, brainwashing the masses and instilling patriotism.

Anonymous said...

ANIMAL FARM Anonymous Man, you so smarts! i didnt know that the book was about politics! i tot it was about animal conservation...dont work horse too hard, if not he will die.

Anonymous said...

he not smart, he is like the rest of u, born into the system, brainwashed by the system and destined to remain and die in the system.

until one day he met this guy, si bei tua kee bighorseman who let him choose a red or blue pill.

the red pill answer the question "what is the Matrix?" and the blue pill condems him to a brainwashed frog-inthewell. he picked the red pill and the rest is history.

Anonymous said...

your blog stylr is getting stale. quit while you're at your peak.

Anonymous said...

"the broad masses of a nation ... in the primitive simplicity of their minds ... more readily fall victims to the big lie than the small lie, since they themselves often tell small lies in little matters" - Adolf Hitler's Mein Kampf (1925).

hey.... you supported nazism???

Anonymous said...

Don't you think our garment is smart to pay themselves better than to be corrupted, a job well done, but what is the limit, the limit is the more taxes collected the more they get paid. The tax payer has to make more so to be taxed. But howcome our incometax is very low as compare to other countries ? Our garment again is very smart, with the small increament to so many type taxes, be it overlap or multiple, it is acceptable by man in the street. Such clever and leadership garment where to find, just look at others in big problem because of different style.

Anonymous said...

tell us more abt karen le... i think reader here will be more interested with what happen between both of you then our sunkapore gahmen

Anonymous said...

Hey Rockson! Mind if your relink the video again?

Anonymous said...

power la bro!!!!

Anonymous said...

power la bro!!!!

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